
I Asked Peter Ralston About Psychedelics, Here Is His Response...

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42 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

That may work for neurotypical folks, but for those like me and @LSD-Rumi who have OCD, labeling practices or techniques can actually turn into a compulsion if we’re not careful

u might be able to apply the practice to the compulsive "practice" I think 


This has happened to me before, using a practice as a reactive compulsion. But the compulsive one not even a practice , i later realized,  i was doing it in like an ocd compulsive way 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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6 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Then an enlightened entity (also a, although huge, enlightened perspective in Indras Net, encompassing holarchically many other perspectives, but not as dominant monad perspective, but as group holon, yet with its own agency) creating, maintaining and managing a Universe. An enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. For sure extremely Alien already here.

Next: An enlightened entity containing, reflecting and managing an enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. Thinking about which kind of Dimension to create next.

Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above, defining the charateristics of appearing universes so alien to ours that they would be barely reckognizeable.

Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above,

Next n+1, and the mathematical move of n towards infinity.

That is a class of Infinity, and STILL not Infinite Absolute Reality. Still not all of Reality. Still not God.

And now comes to kicker: A holarchie of enlighened beings upwards to infinity. That is btw. Ken Wilbers perspective (although he holds back): Holons upwards to infnity, and downwards (or we will never find the final quark/string, whatever).

And what contains all of that? The INFINITE Absolute Reality/Consciousness. God

Sounds like a good adventure. Let's do the work here as deep as possible and let's see what's next. Anyway, there is no next, just illusion of happening. Infinite depth appearing as beautiful constructions. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There exists a whole dimension of transhuman consciousness. Buddhism is all still within the domain of the human.

You are human, so your alien consciousness is human. Maybe you could call it maximum psychedelic awakening, because there are no aliens here at the moment


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12 hours ago, Yimpa said:

And then apply mindfulness to Leo Gura and let you go. ;)

Of course. That's what I'm working on.

6 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

You are human, so your alien consciousness is human. Maybe you could call it maximum psychedelic awakening, because there are no aliens here at the moment

Are you a human? Or is that just a dream?

4 hours ago, nuwu said:

Is there no such thing as a comfortable, not 'utility monster', state of consciousness worth seeking?

Sure there is.


Is there nothing to do in the human realm beside observing shortcomings and inevitable decay?

There is enjoying life. I don't endorse any kind of negative view of life.


Should I fear my death, or others'?

Awaken to what death is.


Is the Buddhist idea of reincarnation legitimate, or non-sensical?

God is forever dreaming new things. God cannot stop dreaming.


In line of Buddhism, even if its survival depends on gaslighting dynamics and self-serving closed-mindedness, it does not necessarily invalidate the metaphysical content which must be understood outside the medium that evolved and adapted from its own time. If meditation allows one to increase their base-line level of awareness, even so slightly, would it imply it really is possible to permanently shift into higher states of consciousness by extrapolation?

Of course you can raise your baseline state of consciousness through methods like yoga and meditation. All I say is that that has its limits. Those methods do not max out consciousness.

I practice yoga and meditation to help raise my consciousness. I'm open to whatever methods help raise consciousness in a relatively efficient manner.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Bandman said:


@Leo Gura ‘God is forever dreaming new things. God cannot stop dreaming“

Haven’t you talked about Mahasamadhi, Infinite Love forever, where crossing that border would mean unifying with everything and the entire universe and you would be gone literally forever? I think you have alluded to it with the terms “being one with an infinite playpen of human heads” as well, i assume to emphasize how radical the state would be.

Even if that occurs, nothing prevents God from dreaming new dreams. That would just be a temporary pause from dreaming.


What is your final ontological stance on eternity?

The present moment is Eternity. Be careful not to limit Eternity to an empty state. Your toilet is Eternity too.


Does Eternity necessitate the continuous refeshing of states of consciousness or can it indeed lock into a certain state for eternity and never be refreshing itself again?

From what I understand Consciousness is always free to stop or start dreaming. In effect this results in "reincarnation". You can think of it like a TV screen that can always be on, or could be switched off or on in any sequence or duration. In this view Mahasamadhi would be like leaving your TV off while you go on vacation for the summer. But summer passes in the blink of an eye and soon you're back wielding the remote.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Are you a human? Or is that just a dream?

You are the infinite adopting a defined pattern of existence that we call human life in which there are a series of rules, such as the existence of psychedelics and the fact that if you are leo gura and take a lot you end up with something you call: alien consciousness, but all that is within the human pattern

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Need to read this thread several times. Lots of great information and perspectives.

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53 minutes ago, Adrian colby said:

Need to read this thread several times. Lots of great information and perspectives.

If only Peter Ralston could join the convo. Would love to get HIS perspective on the matter, directly.

Someone should tell him to make an Self-Improvement Forum account.


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6 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

If only Peter Ralston could join the convo. Would love to get HIS perspective on the matter, directly.

Someone should tell him to make an Self-Improvement Forum account.

You dont need him.  Stop thinking that way.   You don't require psychedelics to awake - necessarily.   Awakening is not in the brain - yet where he is wrong is that within the brain is a change that breaks you out of the illusion that the brain bad consciousness.  It is a masterful mind trick.  He does not grasp this because his awaken was sober.  So was mine - but one must use dream stuff to break out of the dream- because these are the only tools avaliable.   One must not dismiss tools that work 

Edited by Inliytened1


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18 minutes ago, nuwu said:


@Leo Gura, or anyone. Is this type of nightmare common or do they carry any meaning? I am not looking to understand existence after biological death. I need help to avoid insanity.

I was abused by narcissists and racists throughout my life. I live in a moldy house and I don't have enough funds to move out. I never had a psychedelic experience which was not a bad trip. I am not strong enough to survive. I'm dying. Please respond. I really don't feel well.

try 5 meo, it worked for me. I had unresolved trauma from a crazy narcissistic father, I tried everything, really dangerous things, I took the matter to the extreme. Helps but not really solved, the dissonance was always there, all the time underlying suffering, violent dreams at night, murder, massacres. In the end, 5meo allowed me to really open up. zero trauma now, it seemed impossible. I see everything that happened to me as a work of art necessary to get to this point. My openness to the present is great and every day it is more. it is almost complete. I am, reality is, I am reality happening, it's perfect. try it, maybe it will work for you. You have to do it many times, a hundred, as many as you need

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On 8/10/2023 at 11:38 AM, nuwu said:

Unresolved grief is absolutely ruining and crushing me. I'm in a worse state than @Holykael will ever dream to be. Please, do you have anything to share in this regard?

I am sorry if this is inappropriate for me to talk about this. I am utterly lost. My grand-mother died during COVID of endless, painful stages of cancer. I didn't see her, or call her, as much as I wanted to, because I am a coward. During this period, I was radiating important negative energies, as I was struggling to recover from difficult health conditions, traumatic psychedelic trips, and denial about reality.

There were no disagreement, but I did give her sketchy health advices (i.e. turmeric against cancer). We used to love each other a lot. I have no idea how anything felt like from her point of view, maybe everything was enjoyable and smooth, and I am projecting my insane expectations of empathy onto others. But I am extremely afraid she could have experienced feelings of abandonment. I had absolutely horrifying nightmares about it. I am still shaking a year later.

I am sorry for writing this. I am a pathetic and retarded.

This is how powerful you are. Your last sentence says it all. Now you are living the life of a perceived pathetic and retard. I AM THE WORD and MY WORD IS ME. Your choice: Go through life as a pathetic retard or go through life as ????????. Fill in the blank. Your call. Call it forth or go through hrs. of therapy, misery and hell. Consciousness can be whatever it chooses, you made your choice now you're asking for help. You will say it's not that easy because of trauma and unresolved grief. That is your story, your belief. You're comparing your story to @Holykael's and competing against his, saying your dream is worse than his dream. God left clues for itself to awaken and this is yours right there. DREAM.

There are breadcrumb trails everywhere. You just have to have the awareness to see them. I am blinded by my own too, that's why I pay attention. I pay attention to what's around me, how my mind deceives me and the stories I tell myself. I'm starting to see how all is me, how I'm creating my own misery, how I'm fantasizing and dreaming. I put myself to the test. I create a certain situation just to see how I can get myself out of it. I tell myself I will get out of it because I created it. Then in no time, I get out of it. Then I notice my mind starting to spin the "but" stories...but if it wasn't for this and if it wasn't for that etc, and how it doesn't count because I felt this way instead of that way and blah blah blah, meanwhile the end result of what I wanted happened. It was the how I had a problem with. 

Then it dawned on me that those were just perceptions. How I perceived what was happening. If I had just felt the gratitude of the result and left the rest alone, the little teeny weeny bit of suffering that I put myself through because I wasn't happy with the way I received the outcome, I could have spared myself that teeny weeny bit of bitching and complaining. It was very minor, but if I keep practicing to get out of my own way and let the Universe do it's thing, I can be more at peace with myself and the world and be the same way with major things. It's called letting go and just be. I find when I do that, things run much smoother. It's not easy and I do slip up from time to time, but I have all the time in the world because I am Infinity and Infinity never ends. The question is, which part of Infinity do I want to experience now, being a pathetic retard or one that is at peace, fearless and loving. Plant the seed and reap the benefits. It's not that complicated. Challenging, but not complicated. 

I could choose to compare myself too and play the pity and victim game, because boy do I have stories. I could lead myself into a nightmare of hell too, I could sit here and cry myself into depression or anxiety too, don't think I don't have nightmare stories, because I do, I just choose to not put my focus there, I choose to shine my light of awareness on what makes me feel good, so I can experience more circumstances that makes me feel good. I could have allowed myself to spiral down into the darkness. The darkness where the light is blocked like a cloudy day. Instead, when I find myself doing that, I quickly snap out of it and bring myself back home. This has been happening now for a while, and one thing I've noticed is I'm still here, still living life and experiencing it's beauty. It's not easy but the more I train the mind the easier it gets. Nothing is happening to me, it is happening through me and if I get in it's way like a rock in the rivers path, the more blockages I experience. 

Let go of yourself. Stop beating yourself up. Stop living in the past because it's all stories. Life is now and every moment is a new moment. Learn to see that, and you can heal yourself. You have the power to do so. Only you, as God, can do it. No one can do it for you. I welcome all the "but's" and "if's" because you are programmed with them, but understand those will be all stories too, not what's happening right now, and I will keep on dreaming, my own personal dream, my own lucid dream, until the day I awaken fully to myself.

Peace out.



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Anon212 You could do nothing and feel the wind blow. You could do nothing and have a psychedelic experience. There is no causal relationship between things in this life, however, there may be a connection.

Edited by jdc7733

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@Yimpa great idea, can you send Peter Ralston per Email a link to this thread? 

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@Water by the River without reading most of this thread I know a lot of what you said is on point.  My challenge to you is to take all this super technical stuff and actually put it to the test for yourself.  You have gotten a lot of great stuff from books and assembled it into what I have deemed is a very accurate theory.  But a theory nonetheless.  That's great.  But now,  How many hours have you yet sat in meditation and what methods have you used?  Also, I might have been a bit harsh in the other thread.  You are beloved here, but I would really like to see you become a mystic.   That's the only reason I was being hard on you.  You do have it in you.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 8/26/2023 at 0:39 PM, OBEler said:

@Yimpa great idea, can you send Peter Ralston per Email a link to this thread? 

On second thought, he doesn’t seem to be interested..



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44 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

On second thought, he doesn’t seem to be interested..


Lol. That's brilliant. I should make the my new signature:

"Please don't try to share your opinions with me. These are not needed or wanted."

Ralston is such a sly devil.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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42 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

On second thought, he doesn’t seem to be interested..


He's not wrong you know.   You just had to cheat.  His students won't get anywhere because they lack the genetics.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

He's not wrong you know.   You just had to cheat.  His students won't get anywhere because they lack the genetics.   

1. Psychedelics isn't cheating that's like saying a calculator is cheating to solve math.

2. Your genes don't stop you from awakening, fear does. If you pursue it with enough fervor infinite intelligence will change your genes. This belief that genes stop you from realizing what you are is so flawed it doesn't make sense. If you knew how asleep my family is you wouldn't be saying anything.

I come from a family that would view spirituality as demonic. In fact my family thinks spirituality is crazy. Also none of my extended family are mystics either.


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

1. Psychedelics isn't cheating that's like saying a calculator is cheating to solve math.



A calculator IS cheating to solve math 

1 hour ago, Razard86 said:


2. Your genes don't stop you from awakening, fear does. If you pursue it with enough fervor infinite intelligence will change your genes. This belief that genes stop you from realizing what you are is so flawed it doesn't make sense. If you knew how asleep my family is you wouldn't be saying anything.

To want to even look into the pursuit is genetically based.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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