
I Asked Peter Ralston About Psychedelics, Here Is His Response...

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14 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Leo Gura Why is understanding consciousness your ultimate pursuit? shouldn't it be more of becoming consciousness?

Because my highest goal in life is to understand reality. Nothing else is worth doing in the end. God's only purpose is to understand itself.

11 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

I don't understand how noting and labeling things could benefit one spiritually, I prefer to just bathe in love and allow it to penetrate my body.

It tames the monkey mind and builds focus. It can produce some powerful shifts in consciousness but it has to be done for many hours on end, for days. And it's tedious as hell.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River In your long post your explained some very elaborate techniques for taming thought. That's sorta your whole method.

My question to you is: Why make it so complicated? Why not just use something like the noting/labeling method for monitoring your thoughts? Seems to me like this would achieve the same thing with one simple method. I'm talking about something like Shinzen Young's method.

How is your method superior to the Shinzen Young method?

For that, please check the book. Really, it would be worth it.

Noting and labeling is waaay to slow, among other things. If you hit a baseball, and would have to note/label what you are doing, that would take way too long, multiple tenths-of-a-second up to seconds. The ball would be long gone. To get good, one has to hit the ball without any thinking.

And to learn to do that really well, one gets coached for every miniature-movement of pitching, and how that grows and develops. Zen and noting/labeling is like: Just hit the ball. And even if you hit the ball, how to hit it really far? Or how to hit all balls (even subtle separate-self thoughts/feelings). Like, how to induce really Awakened/Nondual States? Because that happens only with a high speed cutoff of all (even the subtle separate-self-arisings/thoughts/feelings) That needs a good coaching system.

Noting and labeling is still thinking, and thinking is way too slow. Like, really way to slow. A very important aspect in my description-post was: High-Speed Search into the nature and emergence of concepts (or rather, into the unfindability of anything solid in their nature, or finding consciousness/empty Awareness/Reality/Suchness in each and every thought arising, and into the temporal phenomenology of their appearnce). To first realize what that nature of thoughts/concepts is, the book needs quite some time. And only realizing that nature correctly, fast enough and how it emerges temporally, is what actually dissolves the thought fast enough, without causing any other fast/subtle thoughts/feelings in its wake. The mindstream is really tricky here, really fast and subtle hard to spot separate-self thoughts, feelings and sensations.

So how is this High Speed Search/Cut Off task done, for example at a certain stage: see the quote below. The time-aspect of emergence, staying, disappearing of thoughts is examined. NOT the content, but the temporal structure. That is totally different than noting & labeling. Noting & Labeling is thought-based, content-based, not structure based how it all emerges in the mindstream from a temporal perspective.

And that temporal thought-emerging process then changes with practice dramatically.

Also, I just scratched the surface of the stages and methods.

What most meditation-methods do is like: Here is New York, there is LA, drive west. What Mahamudra does is give you a map for each interstate-crossing. Literally. And just driving west normally ends in a cul-de-sac, meditation gets impossible boring or needs endless will, because one sees zero progress and no changes.

I had to read that book (the important passages 10-20 times) to get it, and had to align it with my ongoing practice-experience. It needs some meditation-experiences to understand what the different stages are talking about. Meditation experience generates new meditation-experience-referents, with which gets worked then in the next stages.

I can not cut down a 600 page book into short posts, just give some little previews and differences of what is innovative in this system and not found somewhere else in other systems.

Selling Water by the River


"PS: To give you just a small taste of the level of technical precission of the stage description of what happens. And what the meditators of most other systems only learn coincidentally and as unconsciousness competence (they wouldn't be able to tell WHAT precicly they do, or changed doing). And that is just one change of many on the path of that system:

The Mind-Moments mentioned in the quote below can be for example thougt-arising-events.

Brown, Pointing out the Great Way, chapter Skill of Reckognition:

"At this stage of meditation the practitioner is likely to experience a series of shifts in the way events seem to arise and pass away in the mental continuum, as if the temporal organization of events itself were changing. Four such rearrangements occur in stages:

(1) Awareness of the initial phase of arising only. Mind-moments arise so rapidly that one appears to arise just as the previous one ceases. The practitioner is aware of only the moment events arise and is not aware of their duration or cessation. This awareness of the immediate arising is expressed in Pema Karpds phrase "at the moment it is born," as well as in Tashi Namgyel's phrase "happens to arise."

(2) The tripartite unit of arising, staying, and ceasing (byung, gnas, song). During the next stage the practitioner notices not only the initial moment of arising (byung) but also some discernible duration (gnas; literally, "staying") of the event, followed by its cessation (song). The entire unit—arising, staying, ceasing—constitutes a single discrete mental event, irrespective of the category of mental content.

(3 )At the next stage, the practitioner experiences another shift in temporal experience, characterized by awareness of only moment-by-moment arising and passing away (skye 'gag). Mind-moments are experienced to be very short-lived without much discernible duration. They arise and pass very quickly. Tashi Namgyel calls this stage "momentary arising" (thol ba).

[Comment from me: and here at (3) the magic can start: Thought arising get faster and faster when one looks at the temporal structure of their emergence and into their essence/nature, but they are cut off immediately (without much descernible duration). It takes a long time to get there.

When at that stage, thoughts that normally elaborate over several seconds show up at once, one "knows" their full content before they even elaborate in the mindstream over several seconds, and can cut them off immedeately.

That gives a complete new understanding how the mind works at that high-speed-level, and is the beginning of Awakening if cut-off in sufficient speed so that the NO thoughts elaborate but just emerge as capsules. Then, they start to stop emerging for some time. And if they emerge, they are different. It also starts to show Infinite Consciousness as timeless always here reality, Existence itself. Not as idea, but as experience]. And that skill then gets developed over several more stages.]

(4) During the final stage the practitioner comes to realize that the idea that discrete events arise and pass over time is itself a mere construct of the ordinary mind. All distinctions concerning the seeming temporal unfolding of mental events are found to be empty, and the practitioner develops a new realization of the mind's real nature as always here (skye med). The first three experienced rearrangements in the temporal unfolding of the mental events pertain to the skill exercises, while the fourth pertains to the subsequent yoga of unelaboration. [Outcome is that each and any thought-arising can be cut, or alternatively watched in a lucid manner] Although the three parts of the skill meditation are said to be experienced in stages (rim pa), this distinction is not always explicit since the actual root-text instructions are typically given in a combined form."

And the insight described here is the High-Speed-Cut-Off Searchtask into the Unfindability of the essence of thoughts, which then evaporate. And also looking closely HOW thought emerge, stay, cease, and what is always right here. That boosts Awakened/nondual States if done correctly. And also gives the first intuition of the always here, or eternal/immortal nature of consciousness/reality, not as idea, but as direct understanding.

Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the River Sounds super-technical. But it's interesting. Thanks for explaining. I will play around with it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River ok, then full enlightenment is the complete dissolution of individuality and identification with absolute reality without limit. and according to you that eliminates suffering. let's see, you give great importance to thought, and you focus the process of enlightenment on mastering and understanding the source of thought. Maybe it's necessary without psychedelics. the source of thought is obvious: reality, like everything else. it is not necessary to stop the thought but to see through it, understanding what the thought is, and paying no attention to it. dissolve individuality completely and identify with infinity, ok, let's call it enlightenment. It is not the end of the matter, it is the beginning.

Allow me some further musings on the topic.

In stage 3 Yoga of One Taste (One Taste = Nondual), Nonduality starts showing up. But Nonduality is not Impersonal Infinite Consciousness, because one can be in nondual Unity and still think that one is an "enlightened person", or any other crappy concept or self-identity for that matter.

The ripening of Nonduality goes from stage 3 Yoga of One Taste to stage 4, Yoga of Nonmeditation. Nonmeditation, because the meditation has become so automized that the need for any separate-self agency feeling doing anything is no longer necessary and is discarded and also cut off.

And then one is accident-prone to the possible accident of Enlightenment, Impersonal Infinite Consciousness realizing itself. At that stage, doing anything is just creating another cloud hiding the sun of ones true being, because doing anything would be another thougt/feeling-movement in Infinite Consciousness/Mind/Reality.

And psychedelics are very nice for helping the whole process, and for exploring the Multiverse and other interesting stuff. But for transcending the last subtle separate-self-identity-arisings (subtle separate-self thoughts and feelings), and cutting off the sometimes arisings-non-bliss-feeling-bad-arisings (in other words: suffering)  that are a part of the separate-self-package, I have yet to see one case (just a single one would be very interesting) where that has been done mainly on a stable basis/outcome in daily life with only psychedelics.


1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Before to this point you are insane and your life is a nightmare. after this point, freedom begins, you flow and understand. but the reality of what you are is unlimited, as you will perceive if you have really transcended the limits, then you will see the need to explore, to go deeper. Do you understand the pattern of existence that it means to be a human? the layers of code that make up this experience, what are they? everything opens, unfolds, and psychedelics are the key. psychedelics are a key into the code that this experience is. They are nothing foreign to you, they are you. and you don't use them? impossible. Limited.

That can be very well had with meditation practice.


Actually, from all I have seen, getting rid of all the clouds of the separate-self takes a long time in certain states (boundless, timeless infinite consciousness, nondual and the separate-self already nothing but a feeling of "individuality", some "nothing" watching the nondual totality), 100s of hours. Maybe 1000s. For most practitioners at least, including yours truly. On the stage 3 and 4 of the stages of Yoga of One Taste and Yoga of Nonmeditation alone (and these are not boring or annoying sitting meditation hours by then, but blissful and wonderful hours in daily life in something called Post-Samadhi-Meditation (or off the pillow meditation) in the book).

And in that 100s or 1000s of hours subtle separtate-self identities/arisings get spotted, seen (subject->object), transcended and cut off. And I can assure you, oh boy, these are sometimes really sneaky and subtle. When all of that is transcended, the sudden Deep Identity Shift/Understanding can happen. "Yes, there is nothing else than THAT, and "my" essence is that, and what "I" thought I was was just a movement/arising of thoughts/feelings/centers within THAT. My True Being is all of Reality. But nothing specific. No separate-anything. The whole enchilada without center and core". But its not a elaborated thinking. It is Infinite Consciousness UNDERSTANDING/REALIZING itself, and there is nothing else than THAT, never possibly could be. The understanding in thought-form gets elaborated LATER, after Infinite Consciousness/Reality has understood itself, the nature of the world and its own nature (nondual).


bring a lot and strong forms of the Awakened States (nondual, infinite, mere appearance, and a lot more). States that one would only get by meditation if already very empty, or the separate-self-arising (thought/feeling)flow already cut a lot. So the states are very awake/nondual/infinite, but the separate-self-arisings is still colouring the experience. Although they can also be very subtle/empty at that state.

And that is my little theory that explains all phenomena and examples I have seen so far: There is just not enough time and deeply cut-off/transcended separate-self-arisings in psychedelic states to cause that deep Identity-Level Shift of Full Enlightenment. And often, and maybe even much more problematic than the point just mentioned, there is a lot of nonduality/Unity in psychedelic states but a lot of separate-self-feelings/identites/... still left. Not a pure and impersonal Nonduality/Unity, but rather a Unity loaded with not-so-impersonal-stuff. And that doesn't fully count as these 100s or 1000s hours mentioned above, because they may be not so flashy consciousness/awakened, but are already quite nondual/Unity and very very impersonal/empty/nearly-no-separate-self still left. Only last fragments, being dissolved as time goes on.

Short form:

Meditation: Unity/Nonduality/Awakened States only when very large parts of separate-self-arisings (thoughts/feelings) are already gone/transcended
Psychedelics: Lots of Unity/Nondual/Awakened States EVEN with separate-self-arisings (thoughts/feelings) in large parts not seen trough, even with the help of the psychedelic.

Full Enlightenment: And for the sudden Deep Identity Level Shift of Full Enlightenment the separate-self-arisings/thoughts/feelings need to be ALL seen through/Transcended/cut off (which at the same time is also a huge boost of Nonduality/Awakenings, making the whole field an infinite nondual groundless mere appearance field hovering within ones timeless true always here Being, and Infinite Awareness Space with separate-self-center/Individuality fully gone. Just THIS).

In Full Enlightenment, there is no agent left that is still believed, no center. So one IS Reality itself. And literally everything that could ever appear is a manifested/imagined arising/appearance, imagined by "the" Infinite Mind/Consciousness. And that "Mind", or Reality, dreams and is deluded until "It" realized there is only itself, watching itself, fooling and believing itself in endless appearances.
If there is "someone", or arisings of a "you" that thinks "it" is enlightened: Welcome, that is another illusion-layer (as Leo correctly points out). It is maybe an Enlightenment (Nondual Unity with the Infinite Void), but not Full Enlightenment.

And for the impersonal aspect: Sounds horrible, in practice its wonderful: One is this life "oneself", next life maybe life something else completely: Different personality, different body, Human, Alien, whatever. Impersonal Consciousness open up exactly that. Like dreaming being someone/something else at night.

But the price of transcending this specific bodymind has to be paid. And since its only an illusion, only has some fear-defense-mechanism BEFORE the Gateless Gate of waking up to ones True Identity, Infinite Impersonal Consciousness, or Reality itself.

Water by the River


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32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River

Sounds super-technical. But it's interesting. Thanks for explaining.

It is super-technical. Like the Eskimo have hundreds of words for snow, the Tibetans have hundreds of different technical terms for meditation-exerpiences, stages and views.

Zen is very anti-intellectual (and correct in so far that being too conceptual can also be a trap), but I always found that a bit... annoying. Until I got what they point to. Then that got nice again. Frog pond plop.

For me it made intuitive sense that a more complex and sophisticated meditation-system would be faster, but also more difficult to learn & explain. Like the axe and the forest-harvester-example.

The less complex methods are more robust (do it long enough and it will work, but are also boring & annoying "die on the pillow"), while the more complex methods get pleasant faster ("killing me softly on&off the pillow).

And we all know if the axes or forest-harvesters are used nowadays. So I see the future more in systems like Mahamudra & Dzogchen. 

So lets see how it all develops...

Water by the River

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:
2 hours ago, Water by the River said:

"Alien Consciousness is completely beyond everything those Buddhists understand or have ever achieved."

I only say that because I've never encountered a human spiritual teacher who teaches it. It's unheard of. Which is why I am vocal about it. Why should I be vocal about Buddhism when everyone already knows about it? The point of talking, for me, is to say new things. Not to rehash old ground.


Yet, I consider Full Enlightenment becoming that Ultimate Reality as a Deep Identity level shift, with no more filters of the separate-self not seen through or covering that Realization/Deep Identity Level shift, no more filter on any of these Awakenings/Enlightenments. True Self, because every being is that already, with some illusion-clouds on top. Not projecting Absolute Reality on separate-self remains, but pure Impersonal Infinite Consciousness. And since that brings bliss and liberation in daily life. I consider it highly valueable.

I agree that's highly valuable.


Specifically: Placing the importance/value of Alien Consciousness on the same level as striving for Full Enlightenment, i feel fine with that. As long as the Alien Consciousness doesn't drag home some less-than-healthy consequences.

From the perspective of understanding Consciousness -- which is my highest concern -- unhealthy consequences are irrelevant.

However, I am not oblivious to unhealthy consequences and of course I would like to minimize those for my followers.


Placing anything higher as the striving for Full Enlightenment is in my perspective choosing suffering, which is not a permanently sustainable strategy.

I do place understanding of reality above the transcending of suffering. That's a core feature of my style of spirituality. Understanding above everything else.

Everyone is free to pursue their own spiritual priorities. I have chosen mine and for it I have paid serious costs which you guys don't even know about. I have permanent scars and damage across my body from my pursuit of the highest understanding. And maybe one day it will kill me. If you understood the levels of danger I have toyed with, you would be horrified. You guys only know half of what I've done to gain my understanding.

Yes, you are a pioneer, and that is your Karma. Or if one doesn't like the word Karma, your tendencies and motivations for this life. Which is absolutely wonderful.

I appreciate the wisdom in your post above. Not every being can strive in this life for climbing the peaks of the Multiverse of Realities. Just the same as not everyone will climb Mount Everest in this life.  Yet, even the hobby-mountaneers can get very blissful on their path, and will enjoy the tales and views the pioneers will bring along from the Mount Everests of this Reality.

And if the the Mount-Everest-Pioneers don't recommend the Mount-Everest as best & most valueable endevour in this life, not more than necessary hobby-mountaneers will suffer and possible fall trying to climb Mount Everest. The nature and inherent bliss of Absolute Reality can also be realized in the valley.

Water by the River

PS: Nisargadatta once said to Steven Wolinsky: You have won the grace of your True Nature. I assume you have done the same as pioneer, and you deserve the healing & love that Reality holds for all its beings. Get well soon. 

Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the River Your True Nature is God. Which is not the same thing as Emptiness, nor nonduality, nor Buddhism, nor egolessness.

The real question you should be asking is, What is God?


Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River Your True Nature is God. Which is not the same thing as Emptiness, nor nonduality, nor Buddhism.


2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The real question you should be asking is, What is God?

Well, let me think. 

Since it says in your signature its already you, it can not be me. xD


Water by the River

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@Water by the River You may know that you're God but that does not means you know what God is.

God is such a profound thing that no Buddhist comprehends it.

With that said, I like the techniques you shared. I can see their power and I will try them out to shore up my baseline state.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, OBEler said:

as a function in my ego-mind or as "real" people with their thoughts, experiences etc even if I as little ego cannot see them right now? 

At much higher states, ego, people, and even the concept of what is real and unreal won’t even matter.

That’s why DEATH is such a powerful word. It’s something an human can relate to, but unfortunately can also be a barrier since it’s beyond survival.

And that’s why what’s trying to be communicated here is beyond any possible human attainment.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River You may know that you're God but that does not means you know what God is.

God is such a profound thing that no Buddhist comprehends it.

Are all your past videos about what God is still apply. I know you've realized a lot more, but is there anything in them that you were mistaken, or misled about as far as you can recall. E.g "What is Consciousness", "What is Reality", 'What is God", "Guided Excercises For Realizing You Are God", etc?

Know thyself....

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4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Are all your past videos about what God is still apply. I know you've realized a lot more, but is there anything in them that you were mistaken, or misled about as far as you can recall. E.g "What is Consciousness", "What is Reality", 'What is God", "Guided Excercises For Realizing You Are God", etc?

Those are correct but comprehension of God goes so much deeper. It's a matter of depth.

Buddhists are not wrong. There's just more that's missing.

There exists a whole dimension of transhuman consciousness. Buddhism is all still within the domain of the human.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Those are correct but comprehension of God goes so much deeper. It's a matter of depth.

Buddhists are not wrong. There's just more that's missing.


Know thyself....

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Those are correct but comprehension of God goes so much deeper. It's a matter of depth.

Buddhists are not wrong. There's just more that's missing.

There exists a whole dimension of transhuman consciousness. Buddhism is all still within the domain of the human.

I agree with that.

And all of these "other dimensions of transhuman consciousness" also exist and appear WITHIN Infinite Absolute Reality, with is "essence" "made out of" that besides which nothing else exists: Infinite Absolute Reality. Ex-ist = stand out from. Or Appearance. Or imagined. 

And I assume it is not just a whole dimension of transhuman consciousness, but an Infinity of them, n+1.

So it probably won't get boring anytime soon.

And why not visit and explore some of them.

Water by the River

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

Full Enlightenment, there is no agent left that is still believed, no center. So one IS Reality

Yes, but as I said above, this is not the end, is just the beggining. Well, now you have dissolved the separated self and you don't live in the nightmare of the ego, you really identify with reality. No center, openess, you can be in total silence, bliss, etc. but this is still limited because you can't perceive what you really are. by doing 5meo you can reach a seemingly infinite state that is still limited. For the total opening to occur, you have to insist, the void is the last frontier. when the absolute total infinity manifests in you, it is the total openness. everything, infinity . the infinite source flowing, and you recognize yourself as existence, but also existence manifests itself in its divine character, the flow of love that flows for the fact that it's not bottom, with the force of a jet stream. And infinite explosion that happens infinitely and it's manifestation is this reality that we are experiencing. and this in my opinion is just scratching the surface, just a glimpse of what it is possible to realize, to be. 

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@Water by the River If you had Alien Consciousness you would forget all about Buddhism. The only problem is locking it in. It will kill you that you can't.

If I had permanent Alien Consciousness I would literally never talk to any human ever again. I would quit humanity forever and bask in my own Mind, and every human spiritual idea, practice, teaching, and attainment would mean nothing.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River In your long post you explained some very elaborate techniques for taming thought. That's sorta your whole method.

My question to you is: Why make it so complicated? Why not just use something like the noting/labeling method for monitoring your thoughts? Seems to me like this would achieve the same thing with one simple method. I'm talking about something like Shinzen Young's method.

How is your method superior to the Shinzen Young method?

2 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

I don't understand how noting and labeling things could benefit one spiritually, I prefer to just bathe in love and allow it to penetrate my body.

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It tames the monkey mind and builds focus. It can produce some powerful shifts in consciousness but it has to be done for many hours on end, for days. And it's tedious as hell.

That may work for neurotypical folks, but for those like me and @LSD-Rumi who have OCD, labeling practices or techniques can actually turn into a compulsion if we’re not careful.

Mentioned from 18:50 - 22:24:

Edited by Yimpa

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7 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

That may work for neurotypical folks, but for those like me and @LSD-Rumi who have OCD, labeling practices or techniques can actually turn into a compulsion if we’re not careful.

Apply mindfulness to your OCDs and let them go.

"But I can't let go."

Yes you can.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Apply mindfulness to your OCDs and let them go.

And then apply mindfulness to Leo Gura and let you go. ;)

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River If you had Alien Consciousness you would forget all about Buddhism. The only problem is locking it in.

Also on that I agree. Fully.

As long as it is a fully enlightened Alien Consciousness on a stable basis. Imagine a little very happy and blissful Alien Consciousness, fully aware pretty much all of the time of its True Natrue, basking in the bliss of its True Nature.


So lets go up the ladder of enlightened beings, and why the higher ones probably smile lovingly on the fully enlightened primitive human.

One can have a fully enlightened human, and then a fully enlighened angel (or whatever one wants to call that), and even probably an fully enlightened planetary consciousness. Then fully enlightened Galaxy-Consciousness.

Fully Enlightened= knows its True Nature, and that of all appearance, of all realms, all dimensions, of all that is possible. Short form: Knows Absolute Infinite Reality/Consciousness. The essence of all(!) possible realms/dimensions. And probably quite early above the Human level, full enlightenment is given or pre-requisite. See Christopher Baches "Diamond Light Lucidity Beings", LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven

Then an enlightened entity (also a, although huge, enlightened perspective in Indras Net, encompassing holarchically many other perspectives, but not as dominant monad perspective, but as group holon, yet with its own agency) creating, maintaining and managing a Universe. An enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. For sure extremely Alien already here.

Next: An enlightened entity containing, reflecting and managing an enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. Thinking about which kind of Dimension to create next.

Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above, defining the charateristics of appearing universes so alien to ours that they would be barely reckognizeable.

Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above,

Next n+1, and the mathematical move of n towards infinity.

That is a class of Infinity, and STILL not Infinite Absolute Reality. Still not all of Reality. Still not God.

And now comes to kicker: A holarchie of enlighened beings upwards to infinity. That is btw. Ken Wilbers perspective (although he holds back): Holons upwards to infnity, and downwards (or we will never find the final quark/string, whatever).

And what contains all of that? The INFINITE Absolute Reality/Consciousness. God. The Singularity that can very well be realized. Not on animal level, but starting here on human level on this lovely little planet of ours.

Sure, there is nothing else to do until all of eternity than exploring exactly all the realms/dimensions/consciousnesses and so on. Hopefully in a fully enlightened way, basking in the bliss of True Nature.

Maybe that helps getting an idea why yours truly is not too much grasping and suffering for certain insights/Awakenings going up that ladder towards Infinity and ever more Alien stuff (and giving up staying in True Nature/bliss while doing so).

Health in an eco-system (or Holarchie) is also defined as functional fit: Knowing ones role/being/limitations, and having healthy exchanges on all levels of being, up and down the Holarchie.

And there is plenty of juicy job-opportunities described in the ladder above, for all of eternity and every next life still yet to come. And on all levels, Empty Mirros are very welcome, see signature.

Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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