Jayson G

Leo, Your Apology

91 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, SOUL said:

To be fair, as we grow in awareness we can become aware of the effects of our behaviors and words have on others, we can actually experience a first hand like experience of it and have an intimate knowledge of those effects in ways that we previously didn't have.

So we don't necessarily need to project any emotion onto this, it can be something that is recognized as a sort of performative act to signal to others our intent to reconcile many different types of things as well as this simple act can make an impact on others and allow healing to happen.

You declaring why he 'solely' did it may or may not be as you suggest, only Leo can answer that.

Also, I'm not sure where you get the notion that you have any authority to determine what is or is not being awakened and who is or is not awakened. This isn't the first time you've said this to me and I suspect I'm not the only one you have said it to.

It may have your desired effect on others who you say it to but I see through this ploy and has little to no effect other than for me to chuckle at your own arrogant hubris.

I hope we don't have to go through this rhetorical dance again.

I'm glad I got a chuckle then :)

I was just playing with you because I like you.   So I will only apologize if you think it's the mature thing to do. :)

I actualy don't know if you are enlightened or not.  You could be.  We've grown together through the years.  You weren't back then...but time has passed.  I'm glad we are on this journey together brother.  



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Leo Gura Your even more recent post about your health got me pretty worried man. I'm not trying to intrude on your personal issues, but is everything okay? Isn't there always room to improve health? maybe if you took a very deep break from actualized.org, the forum, etc. and tried new avenues (maybe going surfing for a few months somewhere, idk) you'll gain new perspective?

Even if you don't post anything ever again, you've by far done a great service to humanity, for the centuries to come. I hope you'll prioritize your health far more than actualized now.

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1 hour ago, Jayson G said:

@Leo Gura maybe if you took a very deep break from actualized.org, the forum, etc. and tried new avenues (maybe going surfing for a few months somewhere, idk) you'll gain new perspective?

I wholeheartedly agree. Just take a break from all the BS. Leave the forum and your grand Mr. Actualized persona behind and reset yourself, somewhere far away from all the noise.

You can do it.

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17 minutes ago, Adam M said:

Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is to be a regular guy…




10. Return to Society
Barefooted and naked of breast,
I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden,
and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees
become alive.


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On 8/2/2023 at 4:37 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

About time he got off his fucking high horse

I'm happy about it too. He finally found a low horse :D

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I see Leo’s direct approach a bit like Steve Jobs. He did that a lot calling people idiots and stupid around him (of course who even decides what makes somebody stupid or not? We have a bias towards intellectualism over creativity and emotional intelligence) He was great in the sense he had this undivided conviction but he hurt a lot of people. Some people are okay with that and others aren’t. I’m personally not though I’m more blunt with people now. For me it’s a tool to be more decisive and clear and mostly because I’m very opinionated and emotional! 

I do respect Leo’s apology even though I didn’t need to hear it personally. Leo you’ve given us so much and you are perhaps the one person’s opinion I value more than anyone. You’ve made me question things and see new perspectives and learn great lessons

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The purpose of the apology was to correct in peoples' minds the notion that your feelings do not matter. I didn't want that to be a point about which people were misled.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The purpose of the apology was to correct in peoples' minds the notion that your feelings do not matter. I didn't want that to be a point about which people were misled.

So are you quitting the channel? Your update sounds like it 

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I have been doing the same thing in my life. Trying so hard to be extraordinary I forgot that I am fragile just like everyone else. Lost everything. Now I start back again at square one

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16 minutes ago, Raze said:

So are you quitting the channel? Your update sounds like it 


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I hope this realization brings Leo one step closer to the intimacy needed to heal the deep roots of distress he has experienced <3

Total forgiveness :)


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On 8/4/2023 at 5:45 PM, Leo Gura said:

The purpose of the apology was to correct in peoples' minds the notion that your feelings do not matter. I didn't want that to be a point about which people were misled.

That is a show of compassion.   I knew you had it in you.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Leo Gura Sure I didn’t want to imply that you don’t care about people’s feelings just that your approach reminds me of the way Steve Jobs would handle people/situations. Very direct and blunt. Effective in many ways but comes with a cost 

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5 minutes ago, Chadders said:

your approach reminds me of the way Steve Jobs would handle people/situations. Very direct and blunt. Effective in many ways but comes with a cost

That has been my style.

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On 2023-08-05 at 0:45 AM, Leo Gura said:

The purpose of the apology was to correct in peoples' minds the notion that your feelings do not matter. I didn't want that to be a point about which people were misled.

So sorry not sorry? 

I think even you can see how convoluted your message sound at this point.

But you do you.

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On 8/4/2023 at 1:41 AM, Inliytened1 said:

I'm glad I got a chuckle then :)

I was just playing with you because I like you.   So I will only apologize if you think it's the mature thing to do. :)

I actualy don't know if you are enlightened or not.  You could be.  We've grown together through the years.  You weren't back then...but time has passed.  I'm glad we are on this journey together brother.  


I chuckle quite a bit at the stuff I read on this forum because I don't take the back and forth chattering all that seriously and I don't take it personally. It's just people doing people things, the ego is a sneaky facet of our psychology and it exerts influence on our perceptions and behaviors in ways that are often difficult to suss out.

I began my journey decades ago, before there was even an internet so I spent alot of time face to face with people on a spiritual journey in quite an array of communities. I learned that people could adopt a 'glowy' disposition and have all the spiritual jargon and rhetoric on their lips but still not have an authentic experience of what they are portraying.

Online now someone doesn't even have to have that 'glowy' disposition, they can just line up the words in text that fits the discourse and seem like they are something but behind the keyboard in their own inner life they aren't. So when you say you know someone is or isn't, insert your favorite bull crap spiritual term, you are just imagining you do.

You really don't know it. It's helpful to realize that our perceptions of others may not be accurate, we don't know what's going on with their inner life and to believe we do is only in our mind. We can get some insight through the words they use but again, online people can write words that may not reflect what really is.

Speaking of words, especially spiritual ones like 'enlightened', are abused to the point they may not be useful anymore. I know from direct experience that there are a few different facets of inner work and that don't necessarily correlate with each other. How these different words apply to those different facets is a vague and subjective thing.

So, saying that someone is or isn't something using one of these spiritual terms, especially online, is more about projection of one's own contextual understanding and through the veil of subjective perception. You just don't know, making claims about others with regard to the state of their inner work is a fruitless endeavor other than food for ego.

You don't need to apologize for anything and after further contemplation it actually seems like it can be helpful going through this rhetorical dance as I called it. There can be benefit to others reading our exchanges in learning that saying others are or aren't one of these spiritual terms is useless except to ego. That exercise may have value.

It's great to see Leo chimed in to clarify his intent for the apology...of course, words said on the internet don't necessarily portray reality accurately. Haha

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8 hours ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

So sorry not sorry? 

No, I clearly said what I was apologizing for. There may be other apologies in the future for other things. But I need to be clear about when I apologize because disgruntled people may project into that all sorts of things which I may not mean.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 8/4/2023 at 6:45 PM, Leo Gura said:

The purpose of the apology was to correct in peoples' minds the notion that your feelings do not matter. I didn't want that to be a point about which people were misled.

Yup, all feelings are valid! Including yours. I hope you’re feeling alright.

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