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We are only distracting ourselves, running from god, death

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And so we distract ourselves until we die..
Make money, get women, make a legacy, become rich, we are chasing things in a dream of our own making. But mere distractions they are these pleasures, trials and tribulations. As all faded away into nothing. We cling with all our might to our self, then it is demolished and destroyed. Was it ever real to begin with? Or a dream for fools to be reeled in distracted and ultimately perish? What does an existence of impermanence mean, with an afterlife uncertain? A humanity abandoned to become god or a spirit, only to incarnate again, forgetting the past, to play a new game, somewhere, sometime again.

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Life is the hard part . Death is freedom. It's when you finally let go of this human suit and  become free. And rest in peace hopefully forever

but God likes to keep dreaming .;)

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Nothing of that. We are here fulfilling a mission, solving an enigma. we are doing a work of liberation, of understanding, of increasing consciousness. each one does it in their own way, at their level. everything is evolution, existence evolves towards more complex patterns that work. we have to align all our energies, flow freely and perfectly. that is our mission here.

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