
How can an Analyst type personality be more Emotional?

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Sometimes even basic stuff like reassuring a friend after a breakup or whatever is challenging.

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What is an Analyst type personality, and where did you get that from?

I AM Godzilla

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@Yimpa from the Myers brigg test. By analyst type I mean rational, thinking, logical people. ENTP, INTP, ENTJ, INTJ

but forget the personality thing. Just, how does one become more tuned in with the emotional world in general? How to break out of the logical mode on command ?

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What’s the purpose of being more emotional? So others don’t think you’re cold or what? Aka for your own benefit. 

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What you are looking for is emotional maturity and mastery, not just to be more emotional. That's a big difference.

First you need to get in touch with your feelings, as you are probably numbed out and do not allow yourself to feel what wants to arise. Do that using any tool or method that suits you. Maybe music, a movie, maybe go kick a punching bag or whatever. Just get in touch with your feelings.

Everyone has feelings. You cannot not feel. How aware you are of those feelings and how you are handling them comes down to how developed and conscious you are in general.

Some people try to distract themselves with work, entertainment or whatever else. Others overthink. Some end up being psychopaths. It's all just a coping mechanism. Usually an escape. A way to avoid feeling unpleasant feelings. But it is only through feeling them that you can come to understand them and become more centered and mature.

Emotional maturity does not mean you do not experience unpleasant emotions. It simply means you know how to handle them in a safe, mature way. Transform them, or maybe even channel them and create something meaningful.


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I dont think the strategy is to be more emotional, gurus are not emotionally unstable lol.

The path of empathy is to bear the burden of the world with out breaking, effortlessly.

In social situations think about it as "they want there feelings to be heard", reciprocate there needs and guide with wisdom if solicited. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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8 hours ago, Alfonsoo said:

Sometimes even basic stuff like reassuring a friend after a breakup or whatever is challenging.

Depends on which personality type you're talking about specifically and how sure you are that you are said personality type.

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