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Who You Think You Are Is Old And Dead

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4 hours ago, Vanish said:


This is awesome! I think this is exactly the advice I need to follow. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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"Stop looking for what you want… in this moment… not tomorrow when you have it… and you will find more than what you could ever want…"


So simple and beautiful.

Yet, so difficult...

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wonderful,that's exactly what I'm doing lately. 

Surrender to the higher self...the moment we stop looking for what we want we're leaving the task of bringing our desires to us to our higher self. 
It's a matter of huge trust in your higher self. Your higher self, you, you can attract anything you want in life.

The word 'attract' is very interesting, it doesn't imply grasping, reaching for something....
Things literally come to you. 
And it's a hard thing to understand because we lack the imagination to understand how every single one of our desires could come to us without us having to think or do a simple thing. That's where the trust in your higher self comes in, the belief in your own power. 

When you're not looking, you're letting the higher self go to work.That's why she talks about being ''directionless''.

To grasp or reach for something is to go in a direction, when you do that you're not attracting, when you're thinking about a desire and trying to find ways to get to it you're letting the desire overtake your state of being, you're literally being attracted to a desire. That's not the point, doesn't work.

It's important to realize when you do such a thing so that you can go back to being ''directionless''.
When you're like that you're attracting every single desire you want at the same, all of your desires are being attracted.
That's why she talks about 'directionless' direction, when you're not looking for anything, you're pulling everything you'll ever want in your direction. 

If one can realize and see the enormous..the absolutely gigantic inefficiency of trying to go by in your life reaching for one or two desires at one time, focusing on a few desires,trying to get there by yourself, if you could see that by doing that you are ignoring all the thousands of desires you do not even know about, you cannot even imagine yet, but you're also not using the powers of your higher self, you'd have to spend enormous amounts of energy and time just to achieve those few desires by yourself and that's not even'd simply stop. It's absurd.


It's not about conceding our desires. I guess it's about being patient and releasing the gratification of thinking about our desires.When one starts to practice this, you can feel how real imagination is, because letting go of the thinking about a certain desire can be very hard.Like getting rid of an addiction.

One could say that the message is to ''stop looking for what you want''.
I prefer to see the message as ''start looking for everything you'll ever want''. 
directionless direction - or - attraction , don't settle for a few desires, settle for everything you'll ever want, attract things inside and also far beyond this reality, work with your higher self


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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This reality is long journey... Of choice, free will. 


Its not difficult. Today my mother said i looked lost.. Retrospect yes i was. However the moment was pure bliss.

10-15 maybe 20 humingbirds spiraling around. 

For me it was epic. To my mother is was story conversation of nothing.

She doesnt see the pure love/vibration/life. Only mind. Chaotic mindset.

Ill stop ranting only leave with inner peace and yes i love you too. 

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I leave out the fact of drama my mother is roped into. She did not see the hummingbirds just that shit in your head. Get out!

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