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Is it a good idea to do approaches with unresolved emotions and trauma?

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I recently had a funny little experience with a strange good looking women in the train.  She took a seat i front of me, she struggled to get her online banking running to buy a digital ticket because she forgot her money. She started to look into her purse several times , switching her phone on and off and it seemed to be like a little act she was doing to compensate for the self created embaressment of not being able to pay, then the fgjldjglo came and explained the situation,  and moved on to give her some time, than she proceeded further. Now it obviously looked like she hoped for me to say something and borrow her some money. It all unfolded so strangely like a door opend to do more direct approaches. Also she had a the number 111 on her leg tattooed, which i is started seeing more often lately. Well im not person blindly believes in synchronicity and angle numbers, but it was a funny little gimmick, which made me chuckle.  So i decided to help her out regardless of my observation, it was a very cheap ticket cost anyway. I asked her if i should borrow her some money but she only reacted at the second time asking. She explained her situation and i ensured her it aint a problem and told her if the ticket inspector reappears i pay her ticket and drove one station further than normal. I complemented her on her  tattoos  and she showed me some of them. I asked her why she was having a 111 number as one of them, than she told me about angle numbers and that she is drawn to that one. It may sound stupid but it felt magical. I immedatly mentioned my reoccuring theme with that one and we talked about how strange things can happen when you are open to it. Also mentioning you immedeatly notice when the vibes are right and you meet a likeable person. So we really started to get a connection going, when i suddenly had upheal of emotion and felt some inner hurt, i was able to brush it off , put she had already noticed it. From that moment something changed and everything felt shallow. Luckily the train arrived, i did not have to pay as the ticket inspector did not came back, and she rushed away turining her head back to me with an uncertainty in her face  and thanked me.  

So my question is: Does it still make sense to practice approaches  when there is an unresolved emotional pattern, that comes up in those situations? Or should i put this idea aside for the duration of resolving this issue. The thing i noticed, the only thing thats make this hard is the bullshit inside of you and the problems and issues unresolved. Women seem to sense that in you?

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