
Could I Walk Through Walls?

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I was reading about enlightenment today. I was wondering that if the reality is just perceptions and not actual solid objects or matter, the laws of nature must also be just an illusion, a thought. Is the law of gravity, for example, just a collective illusion? Is there such thing as collective?

And if everything is made "real" by thought, can I make anything I want real by thought? Could I, provided I was enlightened, put my hand through a wall?

Have I misunderstood something? Could somebody shed some light on this? I'm not particularly attached to walking through walls. It's just an example. :)

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Technically, yes. 

My opinion, just for the fun of going into a discussion with no beginning and no that at this point, humanity has too much of a kinda "backlog" of limited beliefs. So even enlightenment, at this point, will not get you to defy gravity, because still the blood in your veins has so much genetic information and beliefs and fears stored in it, it would just not be possible. Hence the analogy of the virgin birth :D 

My 2 cents anyway 



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Oh. Minor disappointment.

But is there really blood in my veins? Isn't genetics just another belief?

And even if there is, doesn't human body create new cells all the time so that I could technically be without that burden by the time my body regenerates? Where are the historical and genetic beliefs stored?

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They are ALL beliefs but.....can YOU disbelieve them ? :)



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I think the laws of nature are conceptualizations of the way reality operates. Don't think anyone could really walk through walls.

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Just now, Markus said:

I think the laws of nature are conceptualizations of the way reality operates. Don't think anyone could really walk through walls.

Not at this point in our evolution, no. 


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5 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Nothing is impossible for the absolute, but you don't get to dictate terms.

@Pinocchio, you're lying :P 


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6 hours ago, Pallero said:

And if everything is made "real" by thought, can I make anything I want real by thought? Could I, provided I was enlightened, put my hand through a wall?

Have I misunderstood something? Could somebody shed some light on this? I'm not particularly attached to walking through walls. It's just an example. :)

THERE IS NO YOU TO DO ANYTHING! You are a fantasy.

You cannot even be enlightened.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Pallero said:

... if the reality is just perceptions and not actual solid objects or matter, the laws of nature must also be just an illusion ...

Let's assume that you are a character in a computer game and by laws of that game you are not allowed go through walls. Walls in that game are not made of solid matter, but nevertheless you cannot go through them.

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On 14.2.2016 at 7:18 AM, Time Traveler said:

Let's assume that you are a character in a computer game and by laws of that game you are not allowed go through walls. Walls in that game are not made of solid matter, but nevertheless you cannot go through them.

But what if the game charachter realized that he or she was in a game? Couldn't the rules be broken or rewritten?

On 14.2.2016 at 2:13 AM, Leo Gura said:

THERE IS NO YOU TO DO ANYTHING! You are a fantasy.

You cannot even be enlightened.

When enlightenment happens, what are the perceptions of 'hand' and 'wall' like? How about the perception of 'solid'?

But if there is no 'me' or 'my body', on what level is there 'atoms' and 'matter'?

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Well,Historically,enlightened people and yogis have been described to have powers like that.Walking on water,turning water to wine are just to name a few.

Actually what enlightenment is is the realization that everything around is a construct of the ego and that includes your cocnception of yourself and the wall.

I feel when you reach high levels of enlightenment you are disillusioned about the constructs of the ego.

Like what you know about a wall is actually what your ego has recorded including the limiting belief that it cannot be walked through.

Once we dissolve the ego,there is no wall because definition of the wall has dissolved with the ego.

And you start bending the rules of the world like Neo in Matrix

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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2 hours ago, Pallero said:
2 hours ago, Pallero said:

But what if the game charachter realized that he or she was in a game? Couldn't the rules be broken or rewritten?


Only programmer can rewrite the rules. If you were the programmer of our universe, you could put exception in software that you can go through walls :)

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There is a Sanskrit word for this sort of thing, Siddhi, which modern people would compare to superpowers. That sort of supreme control of reality is very appealing to us modern people, but from an enlightenment perspective, grasping for control is completely missing the point. Some teachings actually warn that siddhi's are pitfalls on the path of enlightenment, and are best to be ignored if you do happen to develop them. Alan Watts explains the whole thing much more eloquently than I am capable of, if you're interested:


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On ‎14‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 9:48 AM, Time Traveler said:

Only programmer can rewrite the rules. If you were the programmer of our universe, you could put exception in software that you can go through walls :)

Lisa Cairn makes an interesting statement in one of her videos that everything that you can imagine will happen at some point because the infinite has no limitation.  Mind bending stuff.


Sometimes I worry that I will find myself in a very strange, trippy situation...

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I think you could do it from a physical standpoint. When you run against a wall and every partical does a quantum jump to the other side. The chance is very low though. One second to every second since the big bang is high compared to that. But you can try out and test it. Please report back if it worked.

"The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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9 minutes ago, ZenMonkey said:

I think you could do it from a physical standpoint. When you run against a wall and every partical does a quantum jump to the other side. The chance is very low though. One second to every second since the big bang is high compared to that. But you can try out and test it. Please report back if it worked.


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We are all bounded by the same reality (whatever this reality actually is); gravity and the rest of the physics of the universe are acting on us relentlessly. If you attempt to walk through a wall right now, there is a 99.99999...% chance you will not phase through the wall.

But here is the key:

You are a part of reality, and at any given moment, you have an astronomically large number of choices, if not infinite number of choices, in how you choose to manipulate it. If you go out and do activity X, you are manipulating reality. If you type in a random number right now (or simply even think of one), you are manipulating reality. If you exist in this reality, you are manipulating reality.

So if you asked me "Can I walk into a wall at this very moment in time, based on all the technology we have and current understanding of reality?" I would say your chances are converging toward 0%—it is practically impossible.

But, if you asked me "Are there a set of choices I can take from now until my conscious dissipates, that will enable me to phase through a wall?" I would say your chances are looking better now—you possibly can.

Edited by Clay Curl

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