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Insights about god, bodies and other dimensions

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Bodies.. Extend not to just your current experience, but to others too. Souls, spirits, dimensions and other lives are experiences that happen on DMT or other psychedelics. Becoming the universe or one with god, or god itself can also happen. And yet there is also a formless empty state. My theory about this is all bodies and embodiment is ultimately the deception or the masks that god puts on itself as the way to spread or trick itself. I had the experience of being my soul and choosing realities from a tunnel and becoming one with the chosen reality. I would automatically get a body in the chosen reality. I would also travel to distant places etc. And yet I had the weirdest experiences, where i was formless and didn't understand the connection. Until I had a dream that I was my soul flying through the same tunnel, then I saw myself from a distance as awareness, formless self. Then I understood things like souls etc are just other bodies. Maybe eternal bodies, but bodies none the less. Maybe even the universal self is just a body, the body of creation, respectfully and with love, but ultimately not the first body, the invisible formless ultimate reality that came into being from the void unto it's own and imagined/dreamt up the infinite universe. Just wanted to share these insights, tell me if you have experienced something similar.

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