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What happens to those who take the easy way out?

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TL;DR Does death automatically give you infinite power or do you get caught up in karmic bs?

I want to believe you get to design your own reality/realities and live them for as long as you wish while also keeping the ego you have now fully intact that way you can burn through your every worldly desire. For me, I want an exact rerun of the life I’ve lived thus far only next time I have infinite strength, infinite speed, flight and shapeshifting. After that gets boring I’ll do other stuff, the possibilities are the very definition of the word infinite. My reasoning for this being necessary is because a soul has to get what it wants before it can see the better things in life, even if it’s wants are grossly materialistic and self-centered. You can’t truly convince an underdeveloped soul that enlightenment is better than sex and power until they have their share of it. So this would be the perfect way for one to resolve his or her own selfishness and accumulated karma instead of having to come back to prison planet repeatedly. Since all this life ever does is rape us up the ass 24/7, a reward for having to put up with this despicable bullshit is only fair.

Unfortunately, Sadhguru sees it differently. He says if you self delete, you end up in a much more intensified version of the inner state you’re already  experiencing. Here’s the video where he explains it 


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I have had the experience and you are just in a void that emits emotion. Like out of the center of you is a burst of emotion that has no boundary so it goes out and out and out forever until it stops. Then it happens again and again and again forever. Until you stop bursting. I was bursting abandonment for infinite time until I became void.

Like a baby crying it dosent know what time is so it will cry and cry and cry for as long as it cries then goes to sleep and then wakes up and cries and cries for as long as it cries and no one there to help it. It does this for as long as it does it and then slowly will cry less and less and sleep more. And eventually stop crying and become void.

But the baby dosent even know it exists or what time is. So time dosent matter to it its always doing something as long as it can.

I became so void i could have respawned into anything and I wouldn't know but it feels like I respawned in my own body from before. But everything is god so I could respawn into anything and it would feel like me.

I instantly forgot what happened and only felt like I had died and was happy to be alive for a couple days. Only 8 years later I eat mushroom and they told me that I died and remind me what happened and it helped me understand conciousness.

Its easy in the sense that you don't have to do anything but you might have to respawn and keep going anyway so probably not worth.

Edited by Hojo

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On 7/27/2023 at 8:46 PM, Hojo said:

I became so void i could have respawned into anything and I wouldn't know but it feels like I respawned in my own body from before. But everything is god so I could respawn into anything and it would feel like me.

Sounds like how I’ve heard people describe the salvia divinorum experience. Did you use a substance to induce this state?

On 7/27/2023 at 8:46 PM, Hojo said:

Its easy in the sense that you don't have to do anything but you might have to respawn and keep going anyway so probably not worth.

That’s what I’m talking about. See if I’m god, shouldn’t I get to choose exactly what I experience? If not now then certainly after death?

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you have to understand what god is, if you dont  have the consciousness to maintain it you will lose it. that is how god starts dreaming in the first place it loses its consciousness and starts dreaming. God is nothing and you have to hold onto that nothing to remain god. how are you going to do that if you havent even figured out what the nothing is.

if you think i know im god and know it only through logic it was collapse in on itself and you will forget you gotta know it through experience and understand or its all talk and god cannot be spoken it has to be understould

Edited by Hojo

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On 28/7/2023 at 3:06 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Since all this life ever does is rape us up the ass 24/7, a reward for having to put up with this despicable bullshit is only fair.

it's because of that suffering that one really grows as fast they do in the 70-90 years you get. Realistically if you prioritized your growth you'd choose this type of life anytime. You choose an easy life because you prioritize your ego. While that leads to growth(like literally everything else) it's hella slow compared to what suffering gets you. Besides, life isn't fair. There's no guarantee that boundaries and forms in reality completely dissolve after your physical death. It's obvious that if you truly die in every sense of the word you'd become God, but you don't know if that is what will happen when you die physically. It could be that there is an entire astral world with its own rules and regulations, own laws, that you have to deal with after you die, that too without a physical body and a mental mind. Maybe you have an astral body and stuff. I'd say it's wise to listen to various traditions you trust and figure something out that way, and to not assume physical death is true death.


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