
what is the primal from of romantic relationship?

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I am questioning whether monogamy is the most natural form of romance for humans. What kind of relationship form is the most natural to humans (the most aligned with our primal roots)?

- longterm monogamy (lifelong)

- shorter monogamy (3-10 years) 

- sexual exclusivity only from female part. (Harem)

- polyamory

- open relationship

- casual Dating

It would be nice, if you give an explanation on why you think this is the most natural form of relationship for humans. 


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@Philipp Idk, seems culturally relative. Have you read the book “Sex at Dawn” I think it explores that

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@Thought Art no I have not read it, but I am not talking about culture, since this is more of a societal construction. What was the romantic relationship form in a tribe of 1000 human living in the wild.

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23 hours ago, Philipp said:

What was the romantic relationship form in a tribe of 1000 human living in the wild

If we're talking about tribal times I would say it would mostly be harems. "Might is right" seems to be the ethos of that time period.

A chief and his underlings would probably have access to most women and the rest would have to settle for what was left.

I don't know if I would call that "primal" though as if you were physically capable enough you could just take what you wanted. Im pretty sure if women would have a say back then they would prefer longterm monogamy as that would ensure the best chance of their offsprings survial.

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@Lila9 Nice, thorough answer. I would however be skeptical of claiming sex is not a big deal back then. And man not claiming females and getting jealous if they get fucked by someone else...Maybe if it were like orgies and multiple man would be fucking a woman at the same time. I do also believe rejecetion had to be a thing back then. A woman was surely not letting anyone fuck her.

FROM A SYSTEMIC POINT OF VIEW sexual selection is an incredibly important evolutionary process. It is like evolution on steroids. Sexual attraction is not just fun and games. It was key for selecting highly effective genes. 

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