The Redeemer

How to get to the hook point

16 posts in this topic

I must not be attractive or something. I approached like 8 girls at the mall today and I am not getting the Bambi eyes.

I think I need to start lifting weights more, get a tan, or maybe get a haircut (which I don't want).

I want the girls to get attracted to me off the initial approach, because I think that is what I deserve.

Sadly I don't think it matters how much of a positive mood you are in. If you aren't aestheticly appeasing the girl simply won't look at you as a sexual prospect.

Edited by The Redeemer

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I’m not sure. But, hookpoint happens in the first 30 seconds to 5 minutes. I’ve experienced it a few times lately. 

Thought these videos were good.

Edited by Thought Art

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8 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

Sadly I don't think it matters how much of a positive mood you are in. If you aren't aestheticly appeasing the girl simply won't look at you as a sexual prospect.

Being aesthetically pleasing helps. Being neutral looking is fine, you can make that work. Looking unkempt or unhygienic is a problem. Most guys can make it to that neutral category with good grooming and style.

Acting creepy or coming across as unstable is a far bigger issue and will fuck you up no matter how you look.

The energy you give off on this forum is erratic and chaotic and these are not helpful traits for making a woman feel safe around you.

You are experiencing a strong desire for a woman which is natural but it is likely several steps away for you. That is also natural. It is meant to take some work to be attractive, you are not entitled to a woman just by existing.

Work on your mental stability, social skills, friendships, style, grooming etc. and then you can start approaching girls in the mall. Or even better somewhere more naturally sociable like a bar or a club.

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@The Redeemer Precisely why you came to the conclusion that is your looks, is why there is no "hook point" because you are not a catch, your level of thought is displayed that you are same vanilla guy that she gets to experience every day ,what seperates you on a mental level thats the queastion what makes you stand out to be appealing when you open your mouth and move something in her mind!...

You could get that hook point thing(i dont like those phrases ?its like doing surgical manuvers on innocent women ) by looks alone but then what she will realize soon enough(she already did) that looking at the nice body is nothing if there is nothing underneath it!

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There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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What if he just had bad luck? He approached only 8 girls.

Also, cold/warm approach and the initial stages of dating these days has become rigged against men more than ever before.

Edited by Hardkill

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Also I am super direct because based off all my past experiences, I kept getting trapped in these long conversations to nowhere so now I'm just being honest and straightforward with my desires.

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The first thing you have to do is you have to figure out the right emotional-dynamic that you want in relationships. In simple terms, what emotional-need do you want women to meet for you and what emotional-need you want to meet for them. Figure out a win-win there. The way you do this is by doing trauma-work/inner-child work and you find your strengths in relationships. This will tell you who the compatible women are. 

Next, you go to those compatible women and you offer what you have to offer, to them. Then you'll get hook-point! 

Everyone wants attention these days. All guys want female attention (which is what hook-point is). So, to get it, you have to do something that they aren't doing. And you have to offer something unique that they aren't offering. Because what you're wanting is attention, this is a marketing-problem and it has a marketing-solution. 

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7 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

I must not be attractive or something.

be more attractive

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@The Redeemer no attracting women has little to do with your look, if you only approached 8 girls it's not enough, you must suck at game. or maybe they were interested but you didn't know how to notice their signs because you're inexperienced. what you need is experience, not look. 

approach thousands of women, and you'll have amazing results. 

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You have to just keep going, reflecting and refining. The rejection is just feedback. Use the feedback to adjust and move forward.

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10 hours ago, Majed said:

approach thousands of women, and you'll have amazing results. 


thousands of women? Lmfao! Get me the fuck into a bigger city or It’s over for me.


9 hours ago, Thought Art said:

You have to just keep going, reflecting and refining. The rejection is just feedback. Use the feedback to adjust and move forward.

This is a laughable understatement of just how seriously detrimental to progress rejections are. Good luck learning anything or growing when you’re filled to the brim with humiliation, insecurity, hurt and unimaginably pissed off because of it. The more rejections pile up, the more the damage multiplies.  People say it doesn’t matter because the girl moves on and forgets about you; this could not be further from the truth because in reality she’s most likely going to be telling all the other girls to avoid you because you’re some crazy guy going around harassing women or she’ll put up a fuss to the authorities or management of whatever area or venue you’re in to further ruin your chances. (Keep in mind the more of your true personality you share the more likely they are to freak out like this) How can you practice if the punishment for making mistakes is to be prevented from practicing by not being allowed where the women are? Imagine if they made a video game where after making just a few minor mistakes it boots you back to the main menu and locks you out of the game, or it makes the game significantly more challenging with each error. How many people would play such a game? This learning game business is less like a game as it is navigating a minefield while everyone tells you to just lighten up and be yourself and I am past my breaking point.

18 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

This will tell you who the compatible women are. 


But it will not tell you where they are or how to get them.

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Even if you do get the Bambi eyes it doesn’t mean shit. For all you know she could be faking it. I’ve come to discover that women fake their emotions all the time whatever the reason may be.

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4 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Even if you do get the Bambi eyes it doesn’t mean shit. For all you know she could be faking it. I’ve come to discover that women fake their emotions all the time whatever the reason may be.

Women cannot fake Bambi eyes, unless she uses some sort of eye drops for it. If she’s faking those aren’t Bambi eyes.

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