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I enjoy talking shit with some friends, we are getting totally absurd, making fun of each other, of other beings af course of our selves.
in that state we take literally nothing serious, there are neither morals nor ethics. We are laughing so much.

With the years as I  became more conscious and do the "work", I feel bad sometimes about it.
I can feel how I am judging this state from time to time cause our humour can get
very dark.

But I am in between: Cause we are not really harming anyone, and I wish for everyone in this world nothing but pure love and beauty.

What's your opinion? Is it against the consciousness work? Do I have to let that go in order to be able to grow?
Honestly these moments I feel way more alive then any other moments, cause I am free from judgement and playful.
But like I said sometimes my spiritual Ego appears and judges me.

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God designed humans in such a way that the same place they enjoy sex from Is the same place they relieve their waste from .

God is a troll.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

God designed humans in such a way that the same place they enjoy sex from Is the same place they relieve their waste from .

God is a troll.

So I am good trolling around? ;p


no bad karma? No jesus not letting me in to the heaven? ;p

Edited by bensenbiz

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Shittalking is good in the appropriate environment, like at a nightclub.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, bensenbiz said:

So I am good trolling around? ;p


no bad karma? No jesus not letting me in to the heaven? ;p

Life is just God Trolling himself infinitely. :D

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Shittalking is good in the appropriate environment, like at a nightclub.

Yeah, I am pretty good with girls, simply by the fact that I can just talk non sense. And the perfect environment to learn shittalking was and is with my friends. 

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It is a tough question. I would stop doing it. Detach from it and possibly detach from your friends. You are forming a habit to view the world through a critical lens and a humorous lens. It is a distraction. It is an addiction. Is it time to grow up and move on? Something inside of you is telling you to stop.

Just food for thought here. I am on your side. But maybe your parents ridiculed you and your friends and now your inner child ridicules strangers. Are you all covering up insecurity and anxiety? Should the analysis and ridicule be turned inward?

Does like attract like? Are you on this vibe or frequency and will the universe reflect it back to you?

Are you nihilist or existential and feel there will be no repercussions?

Small minds discuss other people. Big minds discuss big ideas.

Your thoughts become your words become your actions become your world.

Get it out of your system.

Good luck. :)

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1 hour ago, Soul Flight said:

It is a tough question. I would stop doing it. Detach from it and possibly detach from your friends. You are forming a habit to view the world through a critical lens and a humorous lens. It is a distraction. It is an addiction. Is it time to grow up and move on? Something inside of you is telling you to stop.

Just food for thought here. I am on your side. But maybe your parents ridiculed you and your friends and now your inner child ridicules strangers. Are you all covering up insecurity and anxiety? Should the analysis and ridicule be turned inward?

Does like attract like? Are you on this vibe or frequency and will the universe reflect it back to you?

Are you nihilist or existential and feel there will be no repercussions?

Small minds discuss other people. Big minds discuss big ideas.

Your thoughts become your words become your actions become your world.

Get it out of your system.

Good luck. :)

Interesting take, you are definitely exactly sounding like a part of me.

Here are some facts to understand the situation more: Yes, I was ridiculed as a child, I had pretty big ears as a child so I got ridiculed big times, my whole family is never expressing some discomfort instead they are just finding a way to make fun of it. So I know how I created that "skill". It was out of anxiety and insecurity. Also good to know: I am not always in that state, it is like with certain friends for a few hours. The rest of the time I am developing myself and I run a few companies. I am interested in technology and how it can help raise consciousness.

If I would be shit talking all the time, it might be concerning, but that way: I don't know, having fun and getting rid of all morals, being totally in joy for that moment, feels almost like doing more consciousness work then being serious. Of course the people around me find me more interesting and like me in that mode also. Nobody really want's to hear the truth, especially a lot of women not ;D

Edited by bensenbiz

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It's definitely fun and it's practically useful to know how to shittalk well.

However, it's just a form of entertainment. For spiritual purposes it'd be a distraction.

There's nothing wrong with doing it on a regular basis with your friends just like there is nothing wrong with frequently watching movies, but be aware how it affects your thinking and life, just like with any form of entertainment.

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