Aliens: confirmed

385 posts in this topic

25 minutes ago, thenondualtankie said:

Interesting that you said one shouldn't obsess too much with the topic, which is a reasonable statement since it can turn into mindless addiction, but then you went onto say some fear-mongering shit like "they are demons".

I expanded more on the post after. I'm frankly having a kind of a moment that I'm struggling to process it emotionally and I feel divided about it. I must say, whenever I start thinking too much about that phonomena I start to get scared and think of the worst. I think it's the same stuff that happens when people start to get obsessed about religious beliefs, it touches on the fear of the unknown.

But in a reasonable down-to-earth manner, it's so rare when something bad happens with people entering in contact with that phonomena, the worse about is the psychological effects on people like the mini break down I just had. ?

It's kinda like terrorism I'd say. It doesn't happen often, but when it does... Well, it terrorizes us.

Some say that the govt shouldn't disclose it officially, because it would put fear in everybody and destroy with our psychology and whatnot (James Fox on the Koncrete podcast mentioned someone telling that to him, I think it was Bigelow, the billionaire). But I don't know, it seems unreasonable, humans lived very long believing in demons and angels and things more powerful than us.

Edited by Lucasxp64
extra reference


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37 minutes ago, thenondualtankie said:

Interesting that you said one shouldn't obsess too much with the topic, which is a reasonable statement since it can turn into mindless addiction, but then you went onto say some fear-mongering shit like "they are demons".

But I mean... If we take the worst in consideration, "they" are at least as erratic in their behavior as human beings but more powerful than us. It's the same reason why also astronomers will talk about not intentionally broadcasting powerful ratio signals with the goal to contact aliens because of the Dark Forest theory. I'm just taking more literary approach to that if we consider that "they" are already here. Okay, calling them "demons" might be a stretch. If they wanted us all killed, they would have killed our ancestors millions of years ago. 


The Implication

As the hunter sneaks through the dark forest all alone he knows that there might be others like him.

He can’t know their intentions, if they are aggressive or not. The hunter knows he would kill to ensure his own survival, so he has to assume that they would too.

And it might be that if he stumbles upon another hunter, the one that shoots first survives. None of this means that conflict is unavoidable.

So far the progress of the modern world seems to have made us more peaceful, not more violent.

Maybe this is true for other civilizations too, that eventually progress means less conflict, not more.

Different alien civilizations also should vary from the mild and peaceful to the malevolent and militaristic.

The existential problem we are facing is that when we meet others between the stars, we have no way of telling who is peaceful or aggressive and what their true intentions are.

Similarly, they might not understand or trust our intentions even if we tell them that we are peaceful.


Edited by Lucasxp64
weird phrasing of my text, add quote from video


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@Leo Gura I was born in Brazil and in 1998 I used to live in Campinas (that is where the USA planes landed) which is near Varginha where the UFOs crashed: it was very big deal at the time. I watched the documentary Moment of Contact and as a local native Portuguese speaker I can guarantee people on the documentary are telling the truth. Also the facts are quite solid.

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3 minutes ago, Jeff21 said:

@Leo Gura I was born in Brazil and in 1998 I used to live in Campinas (that is where the USA planes landed) which is near Varginha where the UFOs crashed: it was very big deal at the time. I watched the documentary Moment of Contact and as a local native Portuguese speaker I can guarantee people on the documentary are telling the truth. Also the facts are quite solid.

You'd have to be insane to make up a story like that.

It sounds legit to me.

Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I think god placed intelligent life so far from each other so that once they are able to reach each other they are so far devoloped that they won't just kill or abuse any other intelligent lifeforms they come across

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So predictable, reminds me of someone who escaped scientology. See what happens then


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The longer this is going on the more my BS-spider-senses go off.

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3D aliens are certainly limited beings and their craft can be shot down or crash. Someone mentioned capital A Aliens encountered on psychedelics , and yes it does appear that many of you are conflating the two.

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I am convinved aliens visit earth to study and understand. they probably use technology to travel through wormholes and weild superhuman psychic abilities, but they are not magical elves as leo stated. Jedi, maybe.

Edited by Oppositionless

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I just watched "Moment of contact" on Amazon prime which Leo recommend. 

It's really one of the best alien documentaries. Makes me believe in aliens, these interviews are genuine. If there are similar good quality alien dokus please share


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Wtf...... It's beyond me how this event took place, yet no one has ever heard about it, nor do I remember it being covered by any of the news. I accidentally found it a few days ago, after some heavy scrolling and typing on YT.

Thought it was something new related to the Congress hearing. But it turns out this happened 10 years ago, in 2013.

Below is the playlist of all the videos. It's 20 videos, each ranging from 1h, to 2h. So we are looking at about 30 hours of UFO-related hearings.

The full playlist:

And a carrot :


Edited by Yog

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@Yog oh no this Lady Linda.. She is not very accurate. Look at skinwalkers Ranch, which was a giant scam for getting money from government to do "paranormal investigation. To get the investigation money further they needed to be creative about inventing  paranormal thing , and she believed everything what happened there.. 


Edited by OBEler

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On 8/23/2023 at 11:14 PM, OBEler said:

@Yog oh no this Lady Linda.. She is not very accurate. Look at skinwalkers Ranch, which was a giant scam for getting money from government to do "paranormal investigation. To get the investigation money further they needed to be creative about inventing  paranormal thing , and she believed everything what happened there.. 


Didn't know who she was, but if that's the case it's not a good look on them.

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Anyway, couldn't help but notice this.

Steven Greers narrative in the past:
-Lue Elizondo = Disinformation agent
-The secret government is planning to unite Earth against an alien threat in the near future.

Lue Elizondo in 2022 TLDR:
-People and nations will have to unite.
-We are not no-top of the food/alpha chain.
-Greer and the other charlatans will have to change their names and dissapear.


Edited by Yog

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I see no reason why a highly advanced intelligent alien race has had to send one of their own physically to this planet. Why not remote controlled space craft?

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3 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

I see no reason why a highly advanced intelligent alien race has had to send one of their own physically to this planet. Why not remote controlled space craft?

Perhaps their thought-process was that it would be more a viable approach to send a member(s) of their race physically so that making contact would be easier. You can imagine what went through the heads of the natives upon seeing us horrible white europeans with our advanced tech. Unless they technologically transcended the relativity of time itself, maybe what they see from Earth is the past maybe even before the industrial revolution and thought this is a better approach (possibly based on past experience). Could also have been a mere clone.

Yes it does not make sense when it comes to resource management, but perhaps they prioritise benevolence and a pro-life paradigm over that. A remote-controlled airfact would also require a presence in the vicinity of the solar system, so they would have done a good job hiding around (unless they can cut through space-time itself to cross large distances quickly). I am just speculating, but perhaps it is within their framework once they have transcended the pettiness of survival.

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5 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

I see no reason why a highly advanced intelligent alien race has had to send one of their own physically to this planet. Why not remote controlled space craft?

   Maybe it has to do with their morphology and sense making apparatus. Maybe there are similarities to non-physical entities likes ghosts, angels, demons and other dimensional beings that find it difficult to penetrate the established GOD-logic of this universe trying to arrive at earth, that being in this realm you'll have to have some biological and physical forms, some chemicals and genetic compositions, some evolution, you know, as degreed by GOD LOGIC or the devil.

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Just now, Danioover9000 said:


   Maybe it has to do with their morphology and sense making apparatus. Maybe there are similarities to non-physical entities likes ghosts, angels, demons and other dimensional beings that find it difficult to penetrate the established GOD-logic of this universe trying to arrive at earth, that being in this realm you'll have to have some biological and physical forms, some chemicals and genetic compositions, some evolution, you know, as degreed by GOD LOGIC or the devil.

   I would even go as far as saying, taking into account non-duality and reincarnations, that something happened magically for those entities that are intangible finding it very difficult to permeate their existence here on earth.

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If Aliens are a thing, and in the future we make contact and commerce to some tiny degree, I'd like to ask those aliens about the mythological stories that mankind and native tribes told, and sightings of criptids like Yeti/big foot/sasquatch, dog/wolf men, Chubacabra/Enfield monster, and many other such hidden creatures. What if the Kraken actually existed, not a giant squid but a giant octopus? Surely these UFO aliens have been around the world with their alien technology observing this planet, surely they too have more sightings?

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15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

If Aliens are a thing, and in the future we make contact and commerce to some tiny degree, I'd like to ask those aliens about the mythological stories that mankind and native tribes told, and sightings of criptids like Yeti/big foot/sasquatch, dog/wolf men, Chubacabra/Enfield monster, and many other such hidden creatures. What if the Kraken actually existed, not a giant squid but a giant octopus? Surely these UFO aliens have been around the world with their alien technology observing this planet, surely they too have more sightings?

Doing commerce with aliens, that sounds fun. 

I would like rent their ship and turn it into a flying strip club.

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