Aliens: confirmed

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19 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

If someone decide to join the belief in aliens, is that person also allowed to add new information about the truth about aliens if they believe enough?

Belief based facts seems so much faster than evidence based fact for some odd reason.

(Asking for a friend btw)

   I'll offer to be your temporary friend, talking about whether we'll also be having tea with a Gray alien one day. How cool would that be, having a tea party with an alien? Can we even communicate with one?

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14 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

As I’ve mentioned before with AI tools, you can literally make anything up. Of course, there are consequences to doing that.

Name me one person, technology, group, species, company, religion, etc. that isn’t making anything up?

   Oppenheimer the scientist human, and the nuclear bomb.

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

That’s assuming that you aren’t taking beliefs seriously.

Of course not. Beliefs is just a piece of truth.

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4 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

I believe, I believe. It feels as I receive new information as we speak. 

   I partly agree that belief could be key, but I do feel like it depends on so many developmental factors, the context, and the duality and spectrum of fact based beliefs to feelings based beliefs. Maybe for example, in a healing visualization context, having a feelings based belief is practical in that the mind can somehow increase the healing rate of the damaged tissues, or eliminate cancer cells slightly faster. However, no amount of visualization could seal up an arm torn from your body by a shark, and a fact based belief, of first aid kit and basic medical practice that is tested over time, could help save your life instead of just wishing and imagining the arm stump close up or even regrow an arm.

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

However, no amount of visualization could seal up an arm torn from your body by a shark, and a fact based belief, of first aid kit and basic medical practice that is tested over time, could help save your life instead of just wishing and imagining the arm stump close up or even regrow an arm.

Maybe that’s because more consciousness is required to experience non-human abilities :D


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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I'll offer to be your temporary friend, talking about whether we'll also be having tea with a Gray alien one day. How cool would that be, having a tea party with an alien? Can we even communicate with one?

I think if we alienate ourselves from every fact that has been accumulated here on earth. We can space out and have some grounded communication with them. That is the most reliable way atleast. 

They like beer. But their beers are brewed in a way that makes them smarter the more they drink, I think. 

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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I partly agree that belief could be key, but I do feel like it depends on so many developmental factors, the context, and the duality and spectrum of fact based beliefs to feelings based beliefs. Maybe for example, in a healing visualization context, having a feelings based belief is practical in that the mind can somehow increase the healing rate of the damaged tissues, or eliminate cancer cells slightly faster. However, no amount of visualization could seal up an arm torn from your body by a shark, and a fact based belief, of first aid kit and basic medical practice that is tested over time, could help save your life instead of just wishing and imagining the arm stump close up or even regrow an arm.

I think we need to wait and see what the aliens have to say about it. They have probably solved it already. You can regrow arms and shit, just wait and see I promise you bro. 

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So we're considering aliens are real (which was pretty obvious for me, but I was still taking into consideration the opinion suggesting this was distraction or whatever), but in that case, it doesn't explain why higher ups that hid official informations about aliens for all these years are suddenly deciding to let this guy talk.

If so, what triggered this for them?

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Oh cmon this is Covid 2.0, they are after the human will.

This whole thing will turn into fear narrative sooner or later.

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   Another interesting video of behavioral and body language analysis. Sometimes, not just UFOs but events of supernatural, paranormal nature is witnessed is so odd and shocking sometimes each person's mind has ways to somehow cope with the literal alien experience it is receiving within it's sense making capacities:

   Sometimes people even embellish an event with addition story, sometimes some people tell and recount differently in order, some even have such a strong negative shocking response that, and this is the twisted bit of the mind, they even will add many lies and distortion to protect it's own reality bubble.

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1 hour ago, BojackHorseman said:

So we're considering aliens are real (which was pretty obvious for me, but I was still taking into consideration the opinion suggesting this was distraction or whatever), but in that case, it doesn't explain why higher ups that hid official informations about aliens for all these years are suddenly deciding to let this guy talk.

If so, what triggered this for them?

   My intuitive speculation, the higher ups want to desensitize the population with controlled flow of information about UFOs, in order to minimize mass hysteria. 

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@Jehovah increases

40 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

  Nuclear warheads are designed with numerous safety system interlocks. So causing a nuclear bomb to detonate requires a precise orchestration of events, without which the chain reaction does not initiate and the bomb doesn’t detonate. What this entails is for a hydrogen bomb you need the combination of fission and fusion together. This is the same process by which all Suns produce energy through fission and then fusion and of course, larger Sons burn their fuel much faster and do not last as long. So think about this there are 70 billion trillion hydrogen Bombs going off all the time in the observable universe, And some of these Suns are equivalent to about 10 billion hydrogen bombs going off each second. And this will give you an idea of how small our Sun and we really are in the universe.


And the biggest Hydrogen Bomb ever detonated comes from Leo's motherland. 

The bomb was built in 1961 by a group of Soviet physicists that notably included Andrey Sakharov. At the time the Cold War between the U.S.S.R. and the United States had grown increasingly tense. Meant to be a show of Soviet strength, the three-stage bomb was unparalleled in power. It had a 100-megaton capacity, though the resulting fallout from such a blast was considered too dangerous for a test situation. Thus, it was modified to yield 50 megatons, which was estimated to be about 3,800 times the strength of the U.S. bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. In addition, the fusion process of the Soviet device was altered, dramatically lessening the fallout. The resulting weapon weighed 27 tons, with a length of some 26 feet (8 meters) and a diameter of about 7 feet (2 meters). Although officially known as RDS-220, it acquired numerous nicknames, most notably Tsar Bomba in the West.

A Tu-95V bomber was modified to carry the weapon, which was equipped with a special parachute that would slow its fall, allowing the plane to fly a safe distance from the blast. The aircraft, piloted by Andrey Durnovtsev, took off from the Kola Peninsula on October 30, 1961. It was joined by an observer plane. At approximately 11:32 AM Moscow time, Tsar Bomba was dropped over the Mityushikha Bay test site on the deserted island of Novaya Zemlya. It exploded about 2.5 miles (4 km) above the ground, producing a mushroom cloud more than 37 miles (60 km) high; the flash of the detonation was seen some 620 miles (1,000 km) away. The resulting damage was equally massive. Severny, an uninhabited village 34 miles (55 km) from ground zero, was leveled, and buildings more than 100 miles (160 km) away were reportedly damaged. In addition, it was estimated that heat from the blast would have caused third-degree burns up to 62 miles (100 km) distant.


   If we ever encounter very intelligent alien life, with very advanced alien technology, if they were hostile I imagine this type of weapon would be easy for them to use, considering they have alien technology that has meta properties or metaphysics, and other psionic types of weaponry of similar scale:


Edited by Danioover9000

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   A slightly unrelated topic, but we can't even answer for the existence of why we have a moon, never mind if aliens are out there:

   Also @Leo Gura had a blogpost telling us of the growing earth theory too, which is one way to explain gigantism not just on water but on land for the dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures then, because if scientists were to revive the T-rex and other sauropods, a trip would be very fatal, and even some would get crushed in earth's current gravitational field.

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@Jehovah increases

1 minute ago, Jehovah increases said:

One would hope they are not hostile but you never know. With that said if they really wanted to they would have already done it by now. They could destroy us by moving our planet in a supermassive black hole and as much as I like spaghetti as food I would hate to be the actual food via Spaghettification. I would say we are safe and I would not worry about it, Because there is nothing we could do anyway.

   Here's my next intuitive speculation: We did have contact with another alien civilization, that created the earth's moon not not just observe us, but as a warning to other alien races spying and scouting our planet:

   It's all making sense now.

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@Jehovah increases

22 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

I have heard of this before it is known as the hollow Moon hypothesis is the suggestion that the Moon is hollow, usually as a product of an alien civilization it is often called the Spaceship Moon hypothesis and often corresponds with beliefs in UFOs or ancient astronauts. Multiple lines of evidence disprove that the Moon is hollow. You never know if there could be alien races watching over us or protecting us from the riff-raff of other aliens that have bad intentions toward us. I could imagine probably more so an asteroid that has been made into some sort of ship by aliens. What if I was to tell you this you are not human and never have been?

   I got the neti neti experience, please no more, that damn near put me in a repeat of the dark night of the souls.

   Also, apparently other businesses and billionaires are getting interested in some form of space mining, and are planning a lunar economy. That is interesting because the two main elements gound in the moon actually are really good industry minerals to make pretty powerful machines:


   Also, and finally, a legit reason and pressure to ACTUALLY SEND PEOPLE TO THE MOON FINALLY! I mean damn took many decades ago, forgot NASA and it's space program existed for a minute, them people be sleeping. Finally the astronauts waiting in virtual suspended animation somewhere in some pocket dimension will get reanimated to go back to the moon. Finally a lunar restaurant, maybe a lunar supermarket, and we'll be even closer to actually see if the moon is hollow, and is a forgotten space ship BOY!

   Imma be honest though, I think at this point maybe alien life isn't a big deal though? We've got media and mainstream movies and stuff about martians, UFOs, Reptilian people, some whacky depictions. I mean we've got wild imaginations. Is jt really a big deal? Even me, and I don't buy too much into UFOs and aliens cuz I survived a haunting experience in my childhood so paranormal experiences to me are already possible and are far more shocking than UFOs, but maybe it's relative.


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@Jehovah increases  Side note I was reading your username too quick first time and thought it read 'Jenova increases'. I'm like damn, you must play Final Fantasy 7, that's a deep reference! you're into Japanese RPG! No wonder you know most of this science and nerd stuff.

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6 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

ChatGPT is a stupid liar not to be trusted. Change my mind.

I prefer 'little rascal'

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The Phenomena is more complex and weirder than aliens coming from another solar system.

The parts of the government that are honest acknowledge this by now using the term 'non-human intelligence.'

Leslie Kean, the journalist who brought the issue into the mainstream in 2017 through her NYT article, believes there's a connection between the phenomenon and consciousness. 

Reality is stranger than fiction. Keep an open mind, everything we 'know' will come undone in the coming years. 

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6 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

So we're considering aliens are real (which was pretty obvious for me, but I was still taking into consideration the opinion suggesting this was distraction or whatever), but in that case, it doesn't explain why higher ups that hid official informations about aliens for all these years are suddenly deciding to let this guy talk.

If so, what triggered this for them?

They can't keep all this secret forever. Over time, more and more stuff leaks out and now even senators and congresspeople are on the side of disclosure so the dam is about to break.

It's not that higher ups decide to let people talk, it's that those who have the alien craft are not that high up, they are a tangent part of the government that is outside the normal chain of command. So it's not just a simple matter of going up a chain of command, you gotta find the right institutions and people, which is hard because this stuff is so comparmentalized that no one really knows who knows what. But those tangent people also don't have unlimited power to silence people because they are not the top of the chain of command and if they tried to bluntly silence everyone then they would blow their own cover. So the best thing for them to do is to ridicule all the UFO reports to make the whole topic seem ridiculous and insane. Rather than silencing people directly it's better for them to put out misinformation and fake stories to sow doubt and confusion.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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