Aliens: confirmed

385 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

1. All real evidence is classified. This is not an example of being rational. It's the epitome of stupidity. 

2. No one said to believe anything. I'm truly dumbfounded that most of you all aren't actually self-actualized. This is serious stuff. Every visionary delt with individuals like yourself that are unable to see the next dimension in their thinking. Operating on beliefs and emotional wishes is not staying true to reality.

3. You simply fear 'FEELING' inferior. Humans are emotional-rats.

And how does any of this relates to what I said? 

If you claim that you have some beliefs that are the truth itself according to you, then fine. Just don't expect everyone to believe you, just because you say something.


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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Any claim can be debunked if you dare to think about it from a rational point of view. 

We are talking about UFO's right? 

And that would be, Unidentified Flying Object. 

And that sounds pretty rational to me. We seem to be in agreement here after all.

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are just making shit up.

These aliens are limited creatures, not magical elves.

Uh well I wouldn’t say limited in the human sense….I mean the fact that they can travel light years like it’s anything with just a tiny spaceship, that shows just how ahead they are in technology, and honestly according to the Fermi paradox if there is an alien civilization far more advanced than ours, then the chances of the human species surviving and getting to that level is pretty low. 

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1 hour ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

And how does any of this relates to what I said? 

If you claim that you have some beliefs that are the truth itself according to you, then fine. Just don't expect everyone to believe you, just because you say something.


I understand the things I speak can be hard to comprehend at times.

Coming to a conscious consensus based on being directly conscious of the subject at hand is far different than believing whatever I say. ? 

Too many words. Needed to remove noise from signal.

  • Feminist 

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The majority of you folks take On consciousness work as a belief but can't even fathom the encounters with aleins..

Notice how most of you follow a guy who is telling you things outside of your experience. Notice this. Are aliens not also? Well, for most. 

Seemed to directed(attacking in nature) wanted to soften it and make it aimed at no one. It's meant to be understood not argued against.

  • Feminist 

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16 minutes ago, kray said:

Uh well I wouldn’t say limited in the human sense….I mean the fact that they can travel light years like it’s anything with just a tiny spaceship, that shows just how ahead they are in technology, and honestly according to the Fermi paradox if there is an alien civilization far more advanced than ours, then the chances of the human species surviving and getting to that level is pretty low. 


Listen, what you do is you shoot them down. Study everything. Only a few are needed. Bloodshed is required sometimes for immense progression. 

They operate using 'Meta-Materials' we don't have possession of. This is easy to understand.

It's a profound number of complex insights which allows them to do what they can do. They weren't born knowing how to travel light years. They have a history just like we do. Their history obviously is far more insanely god-like than that of ours.

If we can communicate with animals then they can communicate with us. Time is needed. We will have many visionaries in the near future(not elon). These visionaries will do things similar to Einstein but on steroids. All you need are insights and materials. We will upgrade humanity and destroy A.I. 

Life only moves towards increased states of consciousness. The aliens also die BTW hahaha haha. 

  • Feminist 

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I feel like aliens would see our level of consciousness like we see the consciousness of animals and be as worried that we will be able to understand their technology as we are about a lion learning to use an AK47. Maybe we can learn something, but imo it would be best to go die and hope to be reborn as an alien, lol.

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13 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

I feel like aliens would see our level of consciousness like we see the consciousness of animals and be as worried that we will be able to understand their technology as we are about a lion learning to use an AK47. Maybe we can learn something, but imo it would be best to go die and hope to be reborn as an alien, lol.

... Dude, we are and are not like animals. Animals don't have a language, or levels of consciousness which they can increase! It's language and understanding plus insight and bandwidth. Lmao. We say animals just to be assholes. Humans will figure it out only after an upgrade.


  • Feminist 

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I am sorry if I was not clear. What I meant was the difference between the level of consciousness of an animal and the level of consciousness that a human can reach. That will most likely be the minimum difference between us as humans and aliens. There might as well be thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of difference in consciousness. I don't even know how much humans can be "upgraded". Some systems can't be upgraded, but need to be built new from scratch.

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20 minutes ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

... dude, we are not like animals. Animals don't have a language! It's language and understanding plus insight and bandwidth. Lmao. We say animals just to be assholes. Humans will figure it out only after an upgrade.

Your whole responses are making a lot of sense to me. Then again, what do I know. It just sounds sensible.  I'm not responding too much on this thread because I don't know too much about aliens, but one thing I do know is that if two people can have sex and a sperm and an egg meet and the result is me, and then i grow old and die then nothing else is too far out for me to grasp. We've just gotten used to our way of life without seeing how everything is just plain ole weird or magical, whichever way you want to see it. I welcome the Aliens, no big deal to me. I just hope they don't hit on me because I wouldn't know how to act. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Leo became an Alien by shifting his identity into one, traveled back time, came to planet years ago, was caugth by Military and shifted again into Leo at 2023 just to laugth about it now. 


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On 7/27/2023 at 7:10 AM, Dazgwny said:

I’m not in denial I’m just saying I personally do not think this is confirmation. 

You are correct.  Aliens definitely exist but this ain't confirmation.   This is more BS.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 26/07/2023 at 8:07 PM, J J said:

Well, what do you think? Is it really happening? 



Non human bodies ay?? I wasnt aware there are only humans on this planet ;D 

If there are aliens, they are not only not from this planet but also not from this dimension.

We enter the realm of hallucination ? 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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David Grusch is lying. (Obviously. It's cringe.)

Edited by Blackhawk

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1 minute ago, Blackhawk said:

David Grusch is lying.

If you say so.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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There's something I don't get.

People say this is all a distraction.

Firstly, a distraction form what? The world going to shit in so many different ways? Yeah, everybody knows, no need for distraction.

Then, let's admit this IS a distraction.

Does whoever is trying to distract think people have such a small brain they can't read about 2 events a once? What they gonna go, make an alien mockumentary until the planet burns? This doesn't even seem like a good strategy to distract the public from whatever.


Now the other things I don't understand : if this is all true. Those informations have been and should be very well protected. Then how even are those guys allowed to reveal them in such a public setup?

Doesn't the higher ups have enough power to erase all of this, shut them up? If they're indeed hiding informations about aliens, it must be because it could be super dangerous if revealed.

Then how come they'd be considering it's ok to let one man live or just talk so easily?


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On 27/07/2023 at 1:17 PM, Leo Gura said:


Public has been seeing them for 70 years.

Is this implying shapeshifting or something?

Are you just guessing here, or what would lead you to this conclusion?

If you do have specific sources you're getting those ideas from, could you please share them?


On 27/07/2023 at 3:38 PM, Thought Art said:

If they are so smart why they crashing?

You probably consider a lot humans smart and we still make mistakes?


And to people thinking we are smart and know what the limits of space travel or whatnot are...seriously? I'm not a science guy at all,  but can't you see the huge misconceptions human science have had not that long ago? What says we aren't at 0.1% of the understanding of what science actually is?

Maybe we're omitting such huge things, that other civilizations might understand (the universe is so old, there is possibly VERY old alien civilizations, right? We might as well just be bacterias to them. Sure, from our point of view, we're advanced and understand the world, but so does every "less intelligent" species than us do.

Edited by BojackHorseman

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