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About this boxing science...

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   Is whack and corny AF! I don't want to disrespect these guys, but they honestly either have little idea of what they're talking about, or are to biased with rationality/science/materialism, something unfortunately popular in the UK, Europe and USA, disregard other developmental factors that make a great boxer and fighter like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological upbringing, and self biases and preferences, plus genetics and body composition.

   More specific issues with this channel and those like it, other than having deep materialistic and rationality/scientific biases, is that there's also deep fitness assumptions. Well, fitness is part physical, part mental and part emotional fitness and effort. Also didn't like some of his other videos of him nit picking they're training methods when in fact their training methods WORKS FOR THEM! They have no idea how training is very tailored to that person, that it's personal training to them, and they treat these types of training like it's a typical fitness training program, just nope. As far as training it is to me, IMO SHADOW BOXING AND FREE SPARRING IS MOSTLY WHAT MAKES THE BOXER MORE GREATER, working with footages of other masterful fighters, imagining in detail the skills executed. Secondary to shadow boxing for form and technical skills and free sparring all in the boxing ring, are the pad works, the heavy and speed bags, all those other cardio stuff is additional layers covering the core of what makes a more dangerous and skillful boxer: MIND.

   This particular video underestimates this guy's mental training parts, oh just because it doesn't translate into boxing exactly...

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 Sigh, I thought there wouldn't be a video worse than boxing science, but here it is:

   NO! Stephen Fulton wasn't just struggling because Naoya Inoue was slightly more technical in his boxing skills, but the main reason why he's able to dominate this fight was because part of his training, and maybe genetics, allows him to recruit more type 2 muscle fibers into his strikes, so he LITERALLY was faster and stronger than Fulton, while Fulton was left trying to play catch up with a faster and stronger boxer.

   Factoring in so many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development especially health and fitness, rest and sleep quality, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences. All these big picture factors to more specific factors makes a boxer very dangerous, especially when they can recruit more type 2 muscle fibers than you could, given very similar technic base and muscle coordination.

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