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Why All Perspectives Are At Least Partially True

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Because it exists.

Let’s take Santa Claus. We would, as adults, say that Santa is just an idea invented to make children behave, it doesn’t exist in reality. But actually, it does exist. Its very existence is the concept itself, and it lives as that concept, and in this case, it has permeated Western culture. So much so that when we speak to children about Santa we adopt the position that Santa exists. When we speak to adults about Santa we adopt the position that Santa doesn’t exist. And yet, the subject is always the same, always an analysis of the concept of Santa Claus - whether we are saying it’s true or false. Thus we can say Santa is true and Santa is false in the same breath, and both perspectives are true! The notion that Santa is non-existent can be held with the same certainty as the notion that Santa is existent.

For the child, its belief in Santa is stronger than the adults, but notice that this doesn’t actually give the concept any more validity. In the same way, an adults typical no-belief in Santa doesn’t give the concept any more falsity. But, the adult has to first believe in their concept of Santa to come to the conclusion that it’s false. In this way, we can see that the concept of Santa Claus is its very existence and we, as humans, can either accept the concept and all it entails, or reject the concept. THE CONCEPT, however, DOES NOT CHANGE. In other words, its existence never changes, its truthfulness as the form it has taken never changes. Thus the essence of it remains intact.

This is why we can take the statement ‘Santa Claus exists’ as both true and false. As soon as it has been thought, it has been born. That is the truth of it. However, we can make the claim that the idea of Santa is simply just an idea and does not exist in external reality, and in this way we can say it’s false… which we can take as true!

Some other examples:

‘You are a murderer’
True: You’ve killed spiders, for instance. Maybe you’ve been fishing and killed and cooked the fish. You have clipped your nails which you could say is a form of murder.

False: You’ve never committed the act of murder in the way humans typically think of it, and in the legal sense.

‘I don’t like olives’

True: You don’t like olives.

False: You’ve enjoyed meals in the past that have been cooked using olive oil. Maybe you’ve enjoyed a salad with olive oil as a dressing.

‘I’ve never taken drugs’

True: You’ve never tried weed, cocaine, meth, etc.

False: You’ve taken prescription drugs, antibiotics and whatnot. You’ve had caffeine before. Everyday you ingest sugar and salt which we could view as a type of drug.

‘I can’t fly’

True: You don’t have the ability, as a human, to fly like a bird.

False: You can and probably have been on a plane and flown to another part of the world. You can also experience flying in your dreams.

‘I don’t have psychic abilities’

True: You can’t read minds, communicate telepathically, etc.

False: Everyday you use your intuition or gut instinct to make decisions. You are able to make predictions that are sometimes correct based on nothing but ‘a feeling’.


With that said, I claim that any statement can be seen as both true and false (which is still a form of truth). We can use our minds to view any statement from a perspective of truth or falsehood.

This is precisely why we have so much diversity in minds across the world. This is why the spectrums of politics, philosophy and personality exist as they do. Because they are all true, given that we look at them from a certain perspective.

To really hammer this home I want to stress: the very act of conceptualising something is its birth and existence. It is born from a part of reality (your mind) and thus exists in reality in the form of concept.

And actually, the coup de grace of all this is: all perspectives can only ever be, in varying degrees, partially true.

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Everything is true, but it's usually incomplete, although what is complete or incomplete simply depends on what your state is and/or how you feel about it, so one point might be that it's not about what is complete or incomplete or true it's about whether or not it's working out for you, so I basically said nothing from my own perspective because it can be interpreted in way, it just feels good at the moment.

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