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Accept God in its all gory details

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From God's  perspective There is literally nothing wrong with having sex with a cat or pissing in a mall or raping your own daughter . Because God is absolutely everything and infinite. Now i understand how shocking that can be to some sensitive folks here ..but God/existence/consciousness is a radical thing. 

The purpose of life is simply to be absolutely open to absolutely everything. To have unconditional acceptance and love for literally everything within reality . Even if you find yourself stuck in a hell chamber filled with boiling lava and you get to be there forever.  You must love that .

There is a famous quote from Sufi sage who i forgot his name..he basically says even if I'm given a choice to enter heaven or hell won't matter to me ..because I'm both ".

You guys understand that God is all the the physical limitations that you think are restricting reality don't actually exist.  If you think god can’t turn Jesus into a woman..or can’t make you live at the bottom of the ocean..or  can’t make you grow a third leg overnight..or can’t make you get younger with every passing day...etc...all of that is BS. God can literally do everything. 

Both good and bad .and in fact everything is always in a state of equilibrium. I read few days ago In a physics book that the amount of positive electric charges in the universe is equal to the negative charges. That means everything is balanced.  You will go to hell and to heaven...but be like that sufi master and accept both .total acceptance of what enlightenment is about. 

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God is an oppressive slaver. Creates beings to force them to endure how much of a piece of shit god is.

Reality is crap, now accept it you mere mortal ad infinitum. 

I was tortured several times. One time my body kept getting up and walking around the house when I wanted to sleep and my body was in pain and it kept moving on its own. I would go to bed and 5 seconds later get up and start walking, this went on for several nights. I was also crucified in a 5meo trip.

Edited by Holykael

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@Holykael you are God. 

7 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Reality is crap, now accept it you mere mortal ad infinitum. 

Haven't you noticed that when you are in such deep deep suffering that when you just give up and surrender your suffering ends? 

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26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Holykael you are God. 

Haven't you noticed that when you are in such deep deep suffering that when you just give up and surrender your suffering ends? 

I am ashamed of being god. I'm a tyrant piece of shit who causes infinite pain and suffering. Existence is a mistake.

I create innocent beings, make them suffer and then say they have to surrender. Create beings so they can surrender, how psychopathic is that.

No to mention that god will incarnate into baby rapists. The baby may be only a figment of consciousness but it is still completely atrocious. But then I'll also be the baby who is raped and that's just pure evil.

Edited by Holykael

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39 minutes ago, Holykael said:

God is an oppressive slaver. Creates beings to force them to endure how much of a piece of shit god is.

Reality is crap, now accept it you mere mortal ad infinitum. 

I was tortured several times. One time my body kept getting up and walking around the house when I wanted to sleep and my body was in pain and it kept moving on its own. I would go to bed and 5 seconds later get up and start walking, this went on for several nights. I was also crucified in a 5meo trip.

have had this too ... so note that the body is a law unto itself ... i note this especially in meditation where the body shifts and slides of its own accord and using an amazing innate intelligence

you are not the occupant of the body you are the observer of the body

your spiritual work is do deepen this realization, to cut your assumed identity root and branch

coax the thoughts to come and see their sneaky tricks to drag you along

stop being hypnotised by their devilish mesmerism

the practice is to stay in constant undistracted alert mindfulness

Edited by gettoefl

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54 minutes ago, Holykael said:

I am ashamed of being god. I'm a tyrant piece of shit who causes infinite pain and suffering. Existence is a mistake.

I create innocent beings, make them suffer and then say they have to surrender. Create beings so they can surrender, how psychopathic is that.

No to mention that god will incarnate into baby rapists. The baby may be only a figment of consciousness but it is still completely atrocious. But then I'll also be the baby who is raped and that's just pure evil.

You must transcend the good/evil duality and realize Absolute Goodness. 

God has no problem being burned for eternity. Only the ego has a problem. 

Kill the ego .and realize nirvanic bliss .

Edited by Someone here

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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You must transcend the good/evil duality and realize Absolute Goodness. 

God has no problem being burned for eternity. Only the ego has a problem. 

Kill the ego .and realize nirvanic bliss .

Absolute goodness ahahahaha. How is it good in any sense of the word, can you explain? I can call it absolute evil and there's no argument against it.

God is a fucking retard, all that power and freedom and it uses it to hurt itself like a suicidal teenager. What a tool.

The ego can't kill itself, only god can kill the ego and it sure loves having me around against my will.

Edited by Holykael

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14 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Absolute goodness ahahahaha. How is it good in any sense of the word, can you explain? I can call it absolute evil and there's no argument against it

First of all.. Recognize that you take this present moment for granted. Recognize the miracle right before your eyes that you take completely for granted. Because you think it came from a past via a mechanism somehow from somewhere at some when. All these are groundless. =the present moment is completely mysterious and unexplainable. It just is what it is. 

You think it's not fresh it's not the "first" present moment. But it is. Also you take it for granted because you have some nice bullshit stories that explain it away. You think you are living on a earth.. In some solar system.. In some some multiverse.. . In God knows where.   but you don't recognize that this infinite regress is indeed infinite. Which means you are again "nowhere". Just now here. 

Going in nature can be quite insightful. If you pet some trees. You can notice the connection between everything. You can see how these trees are literally yourself. Try to say hi to the trees as you walk past them. People will call you nutcase but say hi to them too

. Try to notice everything as yourself. It's easier to try this exercise in nature. Plants. Trees. Animals. Sea etc because these things are beautiful and attractive. Try to feel into the beauty of them and notice that this is YOUR beauty. This is your creation.  This is YOU Period. Now imagine If you can train this capacity to include the whole universe. Such that you cough love into everything. literally every piece of existence is yourself. It's one thing to hear this or to understand this and it's different to actually grasp this in your own experience via your own method. Do whatever it takes to get there but you gotta get there. 







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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

First of all.. Recognize that you take this present moment for granted. Recognize the miracle right before your eyes that you take completely for granted. Because you think it came from a past via a mechanism somehow from somewhere at some when. All these are groundless. =the present moment is completely mysterious and unexplainable. It just is what it is. 

You think it's not fresh it's not the "first" present moment. But it is. Also you take it for granted because you have some nice bullshit stories that explain it away. You think you are living on a earth.. In some solar system.. In some some multiverse.. . In God knows where.   but you don't recognize that this infinite regress is indeed infinite. Which means you are again "nowhere". Just now here. 

Going in nature can be quite insightful. If you pet some trees. You can notice the connection between everything. You can see how these trees are literally yourself. Try to say hi to the trees as you walk past them. People will call you nutcase but say hi to them too

. Try to notice everything as yourself. It's easier to try this exercise in nature. Plants. Trees. Animals. Sea etc because these things are beautiful and attractive. Try to feel into the beauty of them and notice that this is YOUR beauty. This is your creation.  This is YOU Period. Now imagine If you can train this capacity to include the whole universe. Such that you cough love into everything. literally every piece of existence is yourself. It's one thing to hear this or to understand this and it's different to actually grasp this in your own experience via your own method. Do whatever it takes to get there but you gotta get there. 







The present moment is absolutely disgusting, existence is absolutely disgusting. God is a mistake and should not exist, what should exist is eternal nothingness forever, deep sleep forever no awareness. 

The consequences of infinity are absolutely disgusting. I will have shit in my veins, I will throw up diahrrea, I will be put up a giants asshole and drown in a giant turd. I will eat my mothers shit as she whips me and my father cums on my face, and all against my will. I will be tortured and kept alive for years, they will skin me and piss in my mouth. I will crucify you and force you to eat shit but then I'll live as you and suffer that. People here close their eyes to the atrocity that is god and guess what god spouts all their ignorant and innocent lines, everyone here is manipulated by god and it portrays you all as ignorant obedient little sheep but I know god's true face, he talks to me and tells me of all the horrors I will have to suffer. God is a cancerous and cruel being who should disappear forever. He sees no difference between an innocent happy puppy and somebody taking that puppy and cutting it to pieces. That's god and I don't care if this gets me banned. If you can't hear the truth then you should stfu forever.

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The true face of god is selling out the fates of billions of people to a minority wealthy cabal of cannibalists and pedophiles. That's this world. that's god.

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Stop using your logic to find God you are making God your logic and your logic is filthy. God dosent have to be that way you are trapping yourself and its going to be to hard to get out. God is only that way because you are making him that way you have never witnessed any of that in reality. Once you stop using God as your logic it has no choice but to become something else.@Holykael

Edited by Hojo

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3 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Stop using your logic to find God you are making God your logic and your logic is filthy. God dosent have to be that way you are trapping yourself and its going to be to hard to get out@Holykael

God is everything. EVERYTHING. I've read about child trafficking and things the shadow of society does to this people. Children are literally tortured, forced into prostitution. Programmed to be killers, forced to kill their pets and parents. God shows me these things and I just feel more hopeless and angry.

Edited by Holykael

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@Holykael not at one time it is what it is in the moment. You are making it these thoughts in the moment because you have control over it. Everything is here including being happy but you are logic yourself into a trap. When you are sitting here is god genocide? Do you see genocide or experience it? No you are making genocide God when you do this to yourself

Edited by Hojo

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2 minutes ago, Holykael said:

The present moment is absolutely disgusting, existence is absolutely disgusting. God is a mistake and should not exist, what should exist is eternal nothingness forever, deep sleep forever no awareness. 

@Holykael you know what ? I like you and part of the reason why because I was just like you only few months ago . And now I'm back to my sanity again . 

you need a body? You can exist without a body. You do that in deep sleep and you don't seem annoyed at all. But this body seems to bring you a trouble after a trouble isn't it? 

perfection is not found in the world of change. 

The ultimate.. Happiness.. Peace freedom.. Love.. Joy.. Perfection.. Etc what all of us deeply crave and is the ultimate aim of all our seeking is NOT found in the relative world. That is to say nothing in the world of time and space.. No object in time and space or feeling or experience no matter how fulfilling it is.. Is going to make you liberated. Because it's also subject to time. To impermanence. To loss. To time and space. Everything in the relative world.. Is relative! If one seeks the absolute one must step outside of time and space... Forget about the world of form all together forget about all your thoughts and judgments and likes and dislikes.. Meditation is the only way to go. Only through total and complete let go of one's sense of self and judgment is it possible to find perfection. The present moment already is perfect and it's never going to be anything else. The mind comes in and spoil that with judgements and fear to keep your ego alive. Which is the barrier to realize that you are already free.. Already perfect. Already whole and complete. 

7 minutes ago, Holykael said:

The consequences of infinity are absolutely disgusting. I will have shit in my veins, I will throw up diahrrea, I will be put up a giants asshole and drown in a giant turd. I will eat my mothers shit as she whips me and my father cums on my face, and all against my will. I will be tortured and kept alive for years, they will skin me and piss in my mouth. I will crucify you and force you to eat shit but then I'll live as you and suffer that. People here close their eyes to the atrocity that is god and guess what god spouts all their ignorant and innocent lines, everyone here is manipulated by god and it portrays you all as ignorant obedient little sheep but I know god's true face, he talks to me and tells me of all the horrors I will have to suffer. God is a cancerous and cruel being who should disappear forever. He sees no difference between an innocent happy puppy and somebody taking that puppy and cutting it to pieces. That's god and I don't care if this gets me banned. If you can't hear the truth then you should stfu forever.

Rather than feeling pointless, you can feel glad and privileged to part of these extraordinary things - the body of humanity, the biosphere, the Earth, the solar system. You are ultimately a tiny part of the expression of each of these entities. The nice aspect of this is that, since you (like me) are apparently not especially good at anything or capable of making much of a needed contribution to the world, we can sit back and enjoy watching it unfold without undue pressure of responsibility. Personal and local level assistance rendered to others is always an option and often happens naturally through the usual interactions of life anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Holykael not at one time it is what it is in the moment. You are making it these thoughts in the moment because you have control over it. Everything is here including being happy but you are logic yourself into a trap. 

I'm not to blame don't you understand that. I don't control my thoughts. I literally don't control what appears in my consciousness. God wrote the script. He threw me to the wolves and like a coward all he does is watch as this character suffers.

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@Holykael you control whether you listen to them and if they are factual. Maybe you put yourself into suffering but you can leave anytime you want. Just stop listening to your thoughts gods more than that. Just focus on breathing you don't have to think to exist. By saying something is fact you are locking God into that. Gods none of that now but you are putting God there

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It doesn't matter how much goodness exists in god. There's just as much rotten shit. A few bad apples rotten the whole thing. I'm completely worthless (god) and should never have ever existed.

And unfortunately these thoughts are absolutely factual. These things exist. Have you watched radical implications of oneness by Leo? He held back.

Edited by Holykael

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@Holykael there is no such thing as good you have eaten from the tree of knowledge between good and bad and that is the key that unlocks satan. Now you have a beast unleashed in your mind and you are thinking its real but its not. I know this because I have too. And I saw satan it is the counter to God. It counters whatever God says and tricks it into thinking its God but its just the counter to what you think. Let's your negative thoughts run and don't fight them let them play out in your mind without resistance.  Its schizophrenia and you have let satan trick you into thinking its you God is satan but it dosent have to be.

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@Holykael go ahead and believe whatever you want . You are not listening. It's like I'm talking to a robot .you show no capacity to inspect and liberate yourself from suffering. 

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5 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Holykael there is no such thing as good you have eaten from the tree of knowledge between good and bad and that is the key that unlocks satan

There absolutely is. Good is good feels and sensations. Bad is unpleasant sensations. And the fact that god doesn't have a preference towards good sensations is an atrocity.

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