
Blueprint Decoded - Owen Cook

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I am currently at disk 18 out of 20, and I listen to it in the morning when I meditate and sort of suck in all of the lessons and take notes afterwards and write down the essentials. I was yearning to write a review and write down a few key insights I had while watching the programm and I am surprised how well he explains some fundamentals, especially beign more natural and authentic and I am also surprised on how non-scummy the programm is and how well it fits into healthy personal development and not the atrocity of current so called "masculinity crises". I had an insight yesterday after downloading the worst possible audiobook to listen to and I see the difference a bit more between healthy stage orange pick-up and unhealthy stage orange pick-up. I deleted the download of the audiobook after hearing Donald Trump is a good man, as it was not neutral anymore and how often he quoted Ayn Rand and Marcus Aurelius I thought well it could be a great programm, but it fundamentally lacked the nuanced level of non-judgementalism, and this is why I liked Owen Cook's programm a lot more. As it entailed real work and he revealed some flaws what he has done, what I saw in the pick-up community, and I was disgusted with the level of right-winged attitude and drug abuse as well as immaturity.

What did I like about the programm? (Key lessons)

  • He pushed beign non-judgemental
  • Becoming aware of the identity of being a pick-up guy, and why this identity can be damaging, as it ruins authenticity even at deep levels of mastery
  • How indifference and being unstifled is at the core of being a natural with key confidence
  • Fun and entertaining presentation and character
  • Paralells to philosophy and practical "wisdom" about game
  • Felt more like a personal development plan instead of being some toxic lame PUA
  • Insights into his own life and story that match the programm, so I know the authenticity and originality of the program and it does not feel as shallow
  • The importance of presence and doevtailing with yin&yang principles and a tiny bit of eastern philosophy that drove me personally to PD
  • Revealing more about how impactful social skills are in contrast to looks
  • Quiet encouraging material in itself 
  • How a connection to god and a life purpose fixes mostly all of ones problem
  • The connection I felt towards working on my life purpose and generally personal insights I drew from watching and listening to program
  • How having a dense reality can be damaging, and that the ideal guy is both masculine presence and depth, unwavering and beign able to change some attitudes and mental positions
  • The advantages and why some dense and rigid guys can get laid, but they are fundamentally delusional
  • How the work that Leo teaches has some references from the good stuff from Owen Cook
  • Teaching from cleanliness and moderation, no drug abuse, no alcohol and mostly drinking water
  • Showing flaws of chads and "chode's?" also the pushing for authenticness
  • How beign at a deep level of mastery can hinder beign together with other PUA's as they ruin ones game (I just found interesting)
  • The difference in drawing state from (yin) and being in state from yang, and why the yin state drawing can be problematic -> drawing state from enviroment instead from within (yin/yang / feminine/masculine)
  • Generally the idea of presence
  • It teaches princples and not tactics and tricks and lines and mentally frames it for the audience that way
  • No ideaology mostly teaching from what works and no pushing of an agenda
  • Explaining why socializing is not linear, and why for example computer programmers have an issue with due to beign in logic mode all day, they feel left out inside the club, it takes a while to get out of logic
  • The difference of holding state in a dynamic enviroment (I dovetailed with open-monitoring style meditation) and just beign in state (more concentrative kind of meditation) 
  • Having a fundamental identity aboue value is very important
  • How having a mindset of beign a value provider and that everyone is my friend creates that reality
  • The shocking truth of about self-fullfilling prophecies
  • The importance of not giving away your power, and how to do that with status, and why you should not give it to high status girls and guys
  • Beign needy is the antithesis to success 
  • The social field can be an equalizer of skill and power (ex. higher up from work, yet no good social skills)
  • The importance of playing your role and not believing in it  as well as beign "tooled/fooled?" how playing along does not make you loose state
  • To have and be the center of value
  • Importance of personal boundaries
  • How any negative believe will play itself out
  • Importance in getting first-hand experience and not second-hand experience to ground yourself in reality
  • Signs to realize which girl as a strong sense of reality for example (girl walks in a straight line, instead of is confused by all of the attention)
  • Strong sense of purpose is important
  • How flipping the script can be good and a self-crippling highwire-act (pimp mentality and she for example denying sex with the girl etc. -> playing hard to get)
  • The level of depth could be missing for the close and you did nothing wrong
  • I provide value and I am part of the world -> Move With The Current Of The World -> Presence provides depth to others
  • Positivity accelerates growth
  • Compliment girl on qualtities she does not posses to work on subconscious (david deida dovetail...)
  • Jealousy is the seed of defeat you're giving power away
  • Having a fixed minset and realities is not good, experience truth and don't be rigid and dense
  • Don't go into flinch mode 
  • The issue of criticizing growth in others and providing negative feedback
  • Creating "lordship" inside the club etc. Has plenty of nuggets for more advanced guys and beginners.

What did I not like about the programm?

  • Not mentioning trauma (could have been to much)
  • Eventually to pricey (I bought 1-2 years ago the hotseat home programm, this is what I am left with 2 other programms, but no infield)
  • No infield videos 
  • Relatively obvious, yet it's good to hear it and see it from someone who does it and just does not only use common sense without the real infield experience
  • I can't 2x the videos the function is not available, I have to watch it in 1x 
  • A bit lengthy, and no motivation to go out and practice like setting challenges for the audience at home and framed mostly for the audience that sits there, the "real idea" of teaching it to the audience watching at home is missing, very strong engagement though with the crowd
  • Older videos from 2004 (he recorded this in his 20's according to himself)

All in all I'd say Leo's videos about game are plenty to further develop it as well as learn from it, without overfocusing on some black pill and red pill coaching, this is just normal and healthy personal development, and not some rip-off of ideal. It teaches princples and not tactics and tricks. It's worth the watch, yet eventually not the price, as I don't know what it costs. Leo's video are generally in higher quality and depth, yet this is good for practicality and seeing where those ideas generally come from.

There are some other insights, yet I can't really test this as deeply, where I feel his intuition led him due to not having a spiritual practice and pursuing survival etc. But that is a different story. Listening to it gave me a very strong motviation as most of my friends are in the c.s field are not good with girls, and unwilling to get better besides in the most safest way. This was really a non-scummy way of getting better with girls. 

Most of my problems stem from lacking depth in my life purpose and a connection to god, is the biggest insight I drew from the course. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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I finished Disk 19 and will write the last review when I am done tomorrow with Disk 20 most likely.

The main distinctions and reviews was fundamentally about 

  • Value Takers & Value Providers -> icky jucky feeling v.s feeling of value
  • Authenticity and difference in ego -> easiest reframe is activity of self is larger than external ego gratification -> I get the girl haha I show my friends I am so mature look at me getting laid (ego state)
  • Flaws in authenticity and shadows are seen as quirks, yet the ego creates mistakes (non-functional perception in itself imo)
  • Stories where girls where cravings this state from guys from Owen Cook personally after he had his first realization of "ego as processing unit"
  • Some authenticity again from Owen about his work and a finally good bye, the last disk is only a testimony
  • Minor mentioning of trauma and that personal trauma is universal trauma and accepting trauma/shadows etc. is better than to deny it, you basically own it
  • Self-Amusment as a principle of anti-neediness

I will at best write some other reviews about and insights about the other two programms I have, I don't know when, yet when it's there it's there. 

Most of this stuff is paraphrased and written from my own knowledge base I concatinated over the years of doing PD, so it's a little different from the course, as I see earlier and later problems with this etc.
Looked at the last disk, was interesting to see that there apparently was a self-actualization movement in 2004, and he merged it with pick-up, a lot of good testimonials that seem relatively honest, yet biased towards the guys doing the course in person. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Nice! I really like Owens RSD concepts and his positive attitude. It helped me a lot with my own social life. Would like to do the program and im sure there is a lot of great content and value in it but im not sure if there is so much new stuff that I cant get out of his free videos. 

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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i like that Tyler more than the modern Owen 

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