
Why do feminists prefer sexist men but democrats are less satisfied in relationships?

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Survey data finds republicans and men are more satisfied in relationships, but democrats and women are less satisfied.

This is strange because republican men are more likely to hold patriarchal beliefs and support figures like Trump who were accused of misogyny, yet republican women support being more satisfied in relationships, meanwhile democratic ,en are more likely to hold egalitarian and feminist beliefs, but democratic women report significantly less satisfaction in relationships. What could be causing this discontent?

One potential cause is in general women seem to prefer ‘sexist’ men



research suggests that women do in fact find sexist men attractive. Gul and Kupfer recently published research where they conducted multiple experiments, testing women’s attraction to different types of men, and teasing out women’s motivations.


Gul and Kupfer take a related tack, but head in a slightly different direction. They suggest that female interest in sexist men, specifically men who display “benevolent sexism,” may be seen by women as being more an interest in men investing resources in a woman.

Benevolent sexism describes a form of sexism which is overtly less hostile and misogynistic, and reflects beliefs that I was taught, as a man from the U.S. South. Benevolent sexism includes beliefs that:

Women should be “put on a pedestal.”

Women should be cherished and protected by men.

Men should be willing to sacrifice to provide for women.

Women are more virtuous than men.

Women are more refined and pure, compared to men.


Despite being attracted to these men, and seeing them as good mates and partners, the women saw these males as being undermining and patronizing and more likely to place restrictions on the women.

Gul and Kupfer conducted several separate experiments, showing that their results did replicate in different samples and using different methods (an important strategy) and that the effect was apparent both in potential mates and in work colleagues. Even in men who were not being scoped out as potential intimate partners, women were more likely to see sexist men as more attractive. Women who were both more and less feminist displayed similar levels of attraction to sexist men, so this effect isn’t the result of women not being “woke” enough.


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That's an interesting stat! Though I do think it's important context that this stat is specifically for marriage, not relationships, see text below.

Liberal people place slightly less overall importance on marriage and so are less likely to try hard to make it work.

And it's quite well known that woman initiate most divorces, which implies they are the ones who are typically least satisfied in their marriage.

Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 12.10.08.png

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7 hours ago, something_else said:

That's an interesting stat! Though I do think it's important context that this stat is specifically for marriage, not relationships, see text below.

Liberal people place slightly less overall importance on marriage and so are less likely to try hard to make it work.

And it's quite well known that woman initiate most divorces, which implies they are the ones who are typically least satisfied in their marriage.


That’s another good point, conservatives actually have a disadvantage in this stat because they are more likely to bear a bad marriage because they are more averse to divorce for religious or cultural reasons.

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Possibilities about Republicans

  • They are less self aware poorly assessing there relationships
  • They are more easily satisfied with superficial qualities of a relationship
  • They lie more when self-reporting. Saving face is more important.
  • Cultural qualities they follow make there internal check list easier to satisfy then democrats
Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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14 hours ago, Raze said:

Women should be “put on a pedestal.”

Women should be cherished and protected by men.

Men should be willing to sacrifice to provide for women.

Women are more virtuous than men.

Women are more refined and pure, compared to men.

All women when questioned will say they want these things, because they dont realize how they themselves have massive double standards and they themselves are sexist. 

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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5 hours ago, integral said:

All women when questioned will say they want these things, because they dont realize how they themselves have massive double standards and they themselves are sexist. 

Not necessarily, the same scientists also found women agreed these beliefs are demeaning and sexist, but they are still attracted to them.

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2 hours ago, integral said:

Possibilities about Republicans

  • They are less self aware poorly assessing there relationships
  • They are more easily satisfied with superficial qualities of a relationship
  • They lie more when self-reporting. Saving face is more important.
  • Cultural qualities they follow make there internal check list easier to satisfy then democrats

You are coping so hard it's scary.  

The simpler explanation is that Republicans are more in touch with their biological natures, so they experience less cognitive dissonance and psychological conflict, i.e. "women agreed these beliefs are demeaning and sexist, but they are still attracted to them."

Because progressive ideology literally denies biology, it is based on the idea that reality is socially constructed.

Progressive ideology not only makes people in marriage more unhappy, it makes people in general more unhappy.

For the same freakin' reasons -- denial of reality.

Young males on average have 15 times more testosterone than young females.  This one fact alone would make a joke out of progressive ideology for anyone who would care to be honest.

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2 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

You are coping so hard it's scary.  

The simpler explanation is that Republicans are more in touch with their biological natures, so they experience less cognitive dissonance and psychological conflict, i.e. "women agreed these beliefs are demeaning and sexist, but they are still attracted to them."

Because progressive ideology literally denies biology, it is based on the idea that reality is socially constructed.

Progressive ideology not only makes people in marriage more unhappy, it makes people in general more unhappy.

For the same freakin' reasons -- denial of reality.

Young males on average have 15 times more testosterone than young females.  This one fact alone would make a joke out of progressive ideology for anyone who would care to be honest.

Giga cope post.  Nice lmao.

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1. The reason that women may find benevolent sexism as attractive is because it implies about attractive traits of the divine masculine like kindness, protectiveness, safety, giving.

The problem with benevolent sexism is that it's an undercover form of sexism that pretends to be good, pretends to be the divine masculine in order to deceive women and control them by the facade of fake goodness and the deceiving message that "my highest priority is your happiness" which isn't the case. Many women are attracted to the good aspect of it that benefits them without being necessarily aware to the cost they may pay for being with men with this type of benevolent sexism mindset.

Since society is pretty sexist and there are not many feminists and non-sexists men in society, benevolent sexism seems the least bad option, compared to more obvious sexism and misogyny.

2. Republicans value marriage more and would do more to keep it, they more care about following gender roles, even at the cost of their authentic expression.

Republicans are more likely to be in relationship for the sake of not being single, sense of security, "togetherness" and they will do almost everything to make it work, even with a non compatible partner, the sense of security is everything for them, it equals to happiness, their need for security can be easily met.

Democrats value more authentic self expression.

Democrats are more likely to prefer being alone rather than with a not compatible partner, they don't need a sense of security as much as republicans, they value more true connection and intimacy. Since true connection and intimacy are not a easy, common or lasting thing to find or built in the modern capitalistic world, obviously they are more likely to feel unhappy in relationships, because their needs aren't met.

If they would value security at the expense of authentic connection, as much as republicans, they would be happy in relationships as well. 



"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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14 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

The simpler explanation is that Republicans are more in touch with their biological natures, so they experience less cognitive dissonance and psychological conflict, i.e. "women agreed these beliefs are demeaning and sexist, but they are still attracted to them."

The difference is with republicans you get suppressed cognitive dissonance and suppressed psychological conflict.

Also the self-reporting is non-sense. 

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Evolution and natural law tend to conflict with the beliefs of progressives (and conservatives of course.) Our subconscious desires especially the desires of women revolve around being attracted to powerful men based on evolutionary drives. Compassion and this umbrella society where we try to save everyone go contrary to the laws of nature which involve pain and hardship. Evolution is not compassionate, not in the slightest, if you actually study the plant and animal kingdom.  Lots of trial and error and suffering come along with an animal species evolving. Use as an example the animals subject to the radiation around Chernobyl. Many of them had to suffer and die for the rest to evolve to become resistant to the radiation. Frogs in that area have become a darker tint because apparently melanin protects not only against UV radiation but the ionizing radiation found near the Chernobyl site.


You can't negotiate attraction. When it comes to sex drive, value systems tend to go right out the window in favor of what gives us tingles at any given time. The subconscious mind wants what it evolved to crave based on which genes got passed on over the last million years. This tends to be largely out of the control of the conscious mind. This is one area where I criticize progressives... despite their supposed belief in "the science," their science is very politicized and biased.  To compensate they come up with these subjective belief systems to give this impression that reality is all about perception, but the truth is universe has very concrete laws by which it operates that are very much objective, much like any computer software... the code is written into the system. It's integrated into the hardware itself (matter and energy) and our DNA which is nothing more than sophisticated computer code.

So now the fun comes in playing God and hijacking the laws of nature, or the very laws of the universe... to be able to manipulate and reprogram not only DNA but physics itself at some future point.... to hack the matrix and create it in our image. To figure out the software the runs the universe, the mathematical equations that govern everything, and manipulate them. Fun stuff.  Way outside the boring left/right feces throwing match that goes on in politics and cult-like belief systems people hold.  People's desire for control and to manipulate the narrative to peddle some philosophy is very primitive in my eyes. All that matters is raw truth.  Society the world over has become so fake, where people simply believe the lie because it's more comfortable. The best examples are always authoritarian dictatorships (Chinese CCP as an example) or whenever any group of people gets too much power and has "good intentions" in which they believe the ends justify the means. These tendencies are simply evolutionary traits programmed into our genetic makeup as we are a herd species.

Edited by sholomar

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Means less than nothing.

Your mind can project whatever it wants on such data.

Maybe it's cause Republicans are bigger rapists.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:


This is a very reputable source of survey data. I think that any data they present will be accounting for biases like this.

Edited by something_else

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On 7/26/2023 at 0:37 PM, SeaMonster said:

Young males on average have 15 times more testosterone than young females.  This one fact alone would make a joke out of progressive ideology for anyone who would care to be honest.

A good progressive ideology seperates biological gender with sociological gender 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Means less than nothing.

Your mind can project whatever it wants on such data.

Maybe it's cause Republicans are bigger rapists.

If that were the case, why would women report greater levels of happiness with them? 

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On 7/28/2023 at 1:46 AM, mr_engineer said:

If that were the case, why would women report greater levels of happiness with them? 

That are so many factors to this topic that you will never know.

For example, people who are forced to marry and have no option for divorce would report being happier simply because they have no other choice and have surrendered to their situation.

More choice actually reduces happiness in many cases. When many complex factors are involved things can unfold in very counter intuitive ways.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That are so many factors to this topic that you will never know.

For example, people who are forced to marry and have option for divorce would report being happier simply because they have no other choice and have surrendered to their situation.

More choice actually reduces happiness in many cases. When many complex factors are involved things can unfold in very counter intuitive ways.

God damn...

  • Feminist 

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