
Why do feminists prefer sexist men but democrats are less satisfied in relationships?

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That are so many factors to this topic that you will never know.

For example, people who are forced to marry and have option for divorce would report being happier simply because they have no other choice and have surrendered to their situation.

More choice actually reduces happiness in many cases. When many complex factors are involved things can unfold in very counter intuitive ways.

I can’t find any source on the claim being forced to do something can make you happier.

I also don’t see how it applies here, divorce is also normalized for republicans in America.

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32 minutes ago, Raze said:

I can’t find any source on the claim being forced to do something can make you happier.

Being forced to do something and fighting against it is very different than accepting it.

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Before the 1960s, the traditional formula for centuries of a man working and the woman staying at home raising the children worked pretty well.   Maybe this is a case of if it already works don't fix it.  

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9 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

Before the 1960s, the traditional formula for centuries of a man working and the woman staying at home raising the children worked pretty well

For survival, maybe,

Hapiness? Highly doubt it.

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1 hour ago, Recursoinominado said:

For survival, maybe,

Hapiness? Highly doubt it.

survival = happiness

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Simple enough... Empowered women want empowered men. 

"Woke" isn't exactly empowering to men which can be a significant barrier to self-improvement for men. So now you have stronger females and weaker men.

Ideally, you want strong females and strong men. That is the best partnership. 

Men and women tend to gravitate what they consider to be the best partnership regardless of ideology. 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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On 7/30/2023 at 2:21 PM, Raze said:

I can’t find any source on the claim being forced to do something can make you happier.

I also don’t see how it applies here, divorce is also normalized for republicans in America.

1) Not forced per se but just having your options limited is actually very good for happiness. There's a whole book written about this phenomenon called The Paradox Of Choice.

2) Religious conservatives are less likely to get divorced than secular liberals. They are also less likely to sleep around.

As an example, it can be easier to be happy as a religious conservative because your worldview is simple and you don't have to go through the existential crises of nihilism or loss of spirituality, or the confusion of picking a spiritual path. Which is why most people gravitate towards a conservative worldview. There is comfort and security in just going to church every Sunday and doing what you are told like a sheep. Being a sheep can certainly generate happiness. If you try to get very serious about spirituality you will suffer a lot, which is why most people never do it.

There is a kind of suffering that comes from doing too little and another kind of suffering from doing too much. If you are very ambitious you will suffer a lot more than a sheep.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a kind of suffering that comes from doing too little and another kind of suffering from doing too much. If you are very ambitious you will suffer a lot more than a sheep.

There should be an end to the suffering isn't it? 

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18 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

There should be an end to the suffering isn't it? 

Not necessarily. There is good reason why most people don't do this work.

If this work simply eliminated all your suffering then everyone would be doing it and everyone would be good and highly developed.

It just doesn't work that way. There has to be a high cost.

Edited by Leo Gura

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If liberals really are more developed than conservatives, this shouldn't happen, right?! 

Here's my opinion on this - Liberals and Democrats are more concerned with 'deconstruction' than 'construction'. To have deconstruction be your biggest motivator, means that you're coming from a place of unhappiness. Now, true, it's possible that conservatives are also unhappy and just aren't admitting to it. Having said that, this is a problematic stat for progress in general and it will motivate more people to just dig their heels in the sand. 

Progressives need a better vision for what a better world would look like. Deconstruction is not enough to create a happy life. Sure, it's good for letting go of attachment and unnecessary neuroses in life. But, if you don't have a constructive agenda alongside, you will not have an alternative system to monkey-branch to. You will have no hope for the future, you will become nihilistic and depressed. Yes, nihilism is the ultimate truth and life ultimately is meaningless. But, what this also means is that the responsibility for your happiness is fully on your shoulders. And our society is not meant for people to prioritize happiness, it's meant for people who prioritize survival. So, in the short-term, the conservatives will be happier than the progressives. 

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5 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

If liberals really are more developed than conservatives, this shouldn't happen, right?! 

No, this is a bad assumption. Development does not directly translate into happiness.

There is some truth to ignorance is bliss.

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35 minutes ago, Raze said:

The “men becoming extreme and right wing” is actually a false media narrative. The data actually shows men have only moved slightly right while women have moved far more to the left. 

The article says that.

"The political leanings of young men have changed little over the past two decades, according to an analysis by the Survey Center on American Life. Last year, 43 percent of young men identified as moderate, 31 percent as conservative and 24 percent as liberal. Twenty years earlier, the numbers were more or less the same." 

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No, this is a bad assumption. Development does not directly translate into happiness.

There is some truth to ignorance is bliss.

You sure you want to be saying that, being a self-improvement teacher?! 

If that's the message we send to newbies, how will we raise the world's level of consciousness?! The biggest impact you can have on the world is with self-improvement newbies. 

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9 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

You sure you want to be saying that, being a self-improvement teacher?! 

If that's the message we send to newbies, how will we raise the world's level of consciousness?! The biggest impact you can have on the world is with self-improvement newbies. 

I am here to be real with you, not to spread spiritual fantasies. Newbies should understand that this path of self-development is not undertaken because it is the easy path. It is the more difficult path. It certainly has its rewards but it has its costs. I don't do the work that I do because it is the optimal path to happiness. With great consciousness come great burdens.

Be careful assuming that just by doing a ton of personal development that you will reach max happiness. Things aren't so simple.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I am here to be real with you, not to spread spiritual fantasies. Newbies should understand that this path of self-development is not undertaken because it is the easy path.

Easy does not mean happy, right? The easiest thing to do is to stay in your crappy comfort-zone, eating Cheetos and watching TV (from a newbie's perspective, not necessarily your or my perspective). Will that make you happy? 

15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't do the work that I do because it is the optimal path to happiness. With great consciousness come great burdens.

What is the optimal path to happiness, then? And if this isn't it, why do you do what you do? 

Edited by mr_engineer

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The book human magnet system explains this very well. Polar opposites attract each other like a dance that is called a relationship. Selfless man aren’t that attractive to most females which I won’t go into detail here.  

Edited by StarStruck

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25 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Easy does not mean happy, right? The easiest thing to do is to stay in your crappy comfort-zone, eating Cheetos and watching TV (from a newbie's perspective, not necessarily your or my perspective). Will that make you happy?

Staying in your comfort zone might make you pretty happy in a lame sort of way.


What is the optimal path to happiness, then? And if this isn't it, why do you do what you do? 

I'm not sure what the optimal path to happiness is. It will certainly vary from person to person and also luck will be a factor. And there are different kinds of happiness. One kind of happiness will not satisfy certain kinds of people. Some people could be happy just working at the post office for 40 years and just raising a small family. But, for example, I could never be happy with that. Other people will be happy working on Wall Street for 40 years, raking in billions.

So you have to discover what you need that makes you happy.

For me happiness comes from understanding reality. Although this has its limits and can become a trap. Most pursuits of happiness can easily turn into hell. Even sitting doing nothing under a tree can become a trap.

Edited by Leo Gura

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