
This Just Came To Me

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Can you find fault in this logic? I know logic is not the experience but it can be helpful I think on the path to it.

If the I is not located anywhere, then it is either is nothing or everything(infinity).

Since the I feels like something,  then it is not nothing,  so the only possibility is that I am the no-thing that is God/infinity and not Death(absolute nothing).

But since infinity is made out of nothing,  I essentially am nothingness, but the nothingness is aware of itself, which makes it infinity/God.

Where is nothing located? Everywhere

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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One exercice to experience infinity (well only glimpses for now) that works very well for me,

Is to walk in a city and frequently stop in a no thoughts state and observe all the people, living "their" life.

The best results I got was in crowded areas, like a train station/giant market, or a square.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin I'm finding that it's the little things we can do throughout our day that often get us closer to our core and further away from our monkey mind. So thanks for the tips on the everyday methods that move us along the path, or even keep us on it. Sure, the longer sits, meditations, contemplations & concentrations can reveal deep insight and larger-picture thinking, but I find to go past intellectual to experiential can also be achieved, to different degrees, in all those moments we remember to remember during our day. Once we understand 'what', it's pretty awesome to start understanding and practicing the 'how'.

@Dodoster  I'm often contemplating and working on just this. I seem to progress a little on the intellectual side, and a little on the empirical evidence side, whenever I remember to remember.

Fun huh? How much simplicity can we use to unpack and become aware of what we are (and ALL that we are and are not)? How much wisdom can we pack into one sentence. Okay, maybe not wisdom, but for sure the careful and wondrous contemplations we post begin and fuel the processes that leads to wisdom. 

Thanks, cool. I tend to think (think.. *sigh*) that there might not need to be an 'either' in your first sentence. I'm imagining that we are everything AND nothing. By always having been nothing (no-THING), I am actually everything that appears in the no-THINGness and... well, no 'and'... I'm just everything!

...and I made it all. Just by 'BEing' and intent. And there's only me. I made me and I made you, in order to begin to 'know' the I that I AM. 

I knew nothing, only myself. I 'knew', or was aware of, no-THING. But was aware that I was aware. That makes 'me' awareness itself. Nothing. Nothingness. I don't seem to remember if I, Infinity, created all of everything and everyone in order to become less than infinite in order to know myself by a conscious attempt, or if I inadvertently sprang all of the YOUniverse and Nature into creation just by fluke because I am so awesome just by default? Oh, hang on, that may be ego creeping in there now. 

Sooo... to make a nice short response into a convoluted mess, & then back into a of well-thought out ponderence on the essential nature of our life in a few sentences like you did;

I think we may be NO-THING, and by virtue of that, EVERYTHING.

I guess when that realization makes it harder and harder to be pissed off at our asshole neighbour, or the dummy standing on your foot on the bus, or some sleeping dipstick that thought being President might be fun... we're on our way. 

I'll shut up for a bit, lol... didn't mean to hijack your cool thoughtful thread...

Edited by FirstglimpseOMG

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