
Tate Brothers will End up in prison(most likely). Evidence is conclusive.

309 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

And stop following Leo like a saint. He is just a man like any other.

Don’t forget wolf and alien bruh.


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8 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Some have a lot of shadow work to do if they start demonizing people. This forum has a huge spiritual ego/shadow. And stop following Leo like a saint. He is just a man like any other. Be your own guru and borrow the good stuff from others. 

I mean most of your beleifs go directly against what Leo teaches.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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19 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

I mean most of your beleifs go directly against what Leo teaches.

He abandonment you, and stopped making videos. I don't get why you are so religious about him.

22 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Don’t forget wolf and alien bruh.

Some of the things he says is definitely alien.

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Tate Brothers say/do some unfair/ignorant things for sure, but to deny they face injustice is just as ignorant.

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1 minute ago, Ahbapx said:

Tate Brothers say/do some unfair/ignorant things for sure, but to deny they face injustice is just as ignorant.

Its not so much what they say it's criminal acts they have committed. Also any injustices they've faced atvthe hands of the Romanian legal system, fall directly at the Tates as they've said they moved there specifically because they believed the legal system to be lax and corruptible. 

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1 minute ago, Consept said:

Its not so much what they say it's criminal acts they have committed. Also any injustices they've faced atvthe hands of the Romanian legal system, fall directly at the Tates as they've said they moved there specifically because they believed the legal system to be lax and corruptible. 

one can argue for the "criminal acts" they committed since the Romanian government can't even put them in jail for good after a whole year.

I am pretty sure if there was concrete evidence, they wouldn't be on house arrest, but in jail... 

no comment on their decision to move to Romania.

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1 minute ago, Ahbapx said:

one can argue for the "criminal acts" they committed since the Romanian government can't even put them in jail for good after a whole year.

I am pretty sure if there was concrete evidence, they wouldn't be on house arrest, but in jail... 

no comment on their decision to move to Romania.

Im not gonna argue whether theyre guilty or not as the courts will do that, i would say theres more than enough evidence of him self snitching in this thread anyway. 

What I was arguing against is them facing injustices, I have no sympathy at all when they chose to go there and insulted Romania by saying they'll just pay their way out xD that would literally be the definition of injustice id they did what they wanted to do and then to cry like a baby complaining about injustices done to you??

The thing is, if they never went to Romania and kept a relatively low profile, they would've been fine even they kept doing the webcam stuff. But instead they literally became as famous as possible and talked about all their crimes. The only reason why they've been arrested now is because they texted a streamer exposing themselves in a bid to get more eyeballs on them. For someone who proclaims himself as a genius he does the dumbest shit, he's like a villian who tells the hero his whole plan and then gets caught.

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2 minutes ago, Consept said:

Im not gonna argue whether theyre guilty or not as the courts will do that, i would say theres more than enough evidence of him self snitching in this thread anyway. 

What I was arguing against is them facing injustices, I have no sympathy at all when they chose to go there and insulted Romania by saying they'll just pay their way out xD that would literally be the definition of injustice id they did what they wanted to do and then to cry like a baby complaining about injustices done to you??

The thing is, if they never went to Romania and kept a relatively low profile, they would've been fine even they kept doing the webcam stuff. But instead they literally became as famous as possible and talked about all their crimes. The only reason why they've been arrested now is because they texted a streamer exposing themselves in a bid to get more eyeballs on them. For someone who proclaims himself as a genius he does the dumbest shit, he's like a villian who tells the hero his whole plan and then gets caught.

I am unaware of most of the things you said, but as far as I see it even if they are criminals, there are levels to being a criminal, and I think so many people are just being unfair to them,  which is also worrying to me.

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10 minutes ago, Ahbapx said:

I am unaware of most of the things you said, but as far as I see it even if they are criminals, there are levels to being a criminal, and I think so many people are just being unfair to them,  which is also worrying to me.

Check the start of this thread to see what they've done. 

What do you think has been unfairly done to them? 

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6 minutes ago, Consept said:

Check the start of this thread to see what they've done. 

What do you think has been unfairly done to them? 

I have already watched a lot of Andrew Tate's videos to understand that he has misogynistic and harmful ideas, that can easily lead to a person doing criminal acts. so, I'd rather not, because I don't want to navigate within a two-sided chaos where true and false get mixed from both sides.


The unfair thing is how he is being picked as a scapegoat, which eliminates all the true and logical things he says, masculinity, corruptions in the system, discipline, hard work, etc. together with the wrong things he says.

Just because he is a dividing force, shouldn't cause me to divide my own mind.

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11 minutes ago, Ahbapx said:

I have already watched a lot of Andrew Tate's videos to understand that he has misogynistic and harmful ideas, that can easily lead to a person doing criminal acts. so, I'd rather not, because I don't want to navigate within a two-sided chaos where true and false get mixed from both sides.

No one cares about his harmful and misogynistic ideas in a criminal sense. There are plenty of content creators with similar or even more harmful ideas who are still able to upload content on youtube and have no, as far as I know criminal charges against them. What he generally says is not the issue at hand and not why he's being accused of the crimes he has been, although it has made him more visible. Its similar to if someone killed someone and got away with it he'd probably be ok, but if he starting producing content and selling courses on how to kill people, it may lead to someone investigating him, it doesn't matter about other stuff he talks about, even if it is positive. 

You should also be aware that Tate in his pimping hoes degree, literally said his job was making girls fall in love with him to work on camera and then lie to them about how much they get paid. This is literally a crime and he's basically confessed to it on camera and posted it online. 

18 minutes ago, Ahbapx said:

The unfair thing is how he is being picked as a scapegoat, which eliminates all the true and logical things he says, masculinity, corruptions in the system, discipline, hard work, etc. together with the wrong things he says.

Just because he is a dividing force, shouldn't cause me to divide my own mind.

A scapegoat would imply that he's done nothing wrong, again he has done and admitted to criminal activity. Aside from the criminality, its highly immoral and manipulative both to the women and the guys, some of which he finessed 100s of 1000s of $. The implication your making is that he's done nothing wrong and because people don't like what he says, he's being persecuted, but the 2 things are completely seperate. Even if he said the most powerful impactful things, he has still committed criminal acts, he is being treated in accordance to those acts. If he is being treated harshly by the public it is because he choose to put himself in front of the public and become a celebrity. Of course if you do that you will receive more attention for better or worse. But everything in this situation has been his doing, as a chess man he should know that. 

I would have some sympathy if he came out and just said yeah I did these things and they were wrong, but not taking responsibility and him still believing he was right and is being unfairly persecuted, I cant feel sorry for him. Especially as someone who's so big on masculinity, a key tenant is taking responsibility for your actions, he just blames it on the 'matrix'. 

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@Ahbapx If you realize how toxic and dangerous his teaching are to young men and teenagers, you won't say such things. If Andrew Tate didn't do any criminal acts, he would still be one of the most toxic people on the web. His attitude alone could corrupt a person's mind for years.

He emits toxicity exactly like Trump does. The most dangerous thing about Tate is that he became extremely popular in a very short period and this why he recieved a lot of hate and criticism. If Tate was a mediocre YouTuber with less than a million followers on social media, literally nobody would care about him.

He might share some good insights and he might be able to communicate his ideas well but  ironically, the most dangerous people are those has some sort of intelligence that allows them to share some bad ideas. 

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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You both are missing my point.  A scapegoat is not necessarily someone who has done nothing wrong/toxic/criminal, rather it is someone who is unfairly judged or blamed by society, often as a result of prejudice, bias, or a desire to avoid accountability.

He is not the only one who is mixing truth and falsehood, the people who he fights against are also mixing the truth with falsehood. So, focusing solely on him makes you blind to those who caused him. 

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@Ahbapx@Ahbapx  When a toxic person gets extremely popular so quick, people reaction would be extreme too. I think Tate was one of the ten most popular people on the planet in the last couple of years. 

37 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

The most dangerous thing about Tate is that he became extremely popular in a very short period and this why he recieved a lot of hate and criticis

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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9 minutes ago, Ahbapx said:



You both are missing my point.  A scapegoat is not necessarily someone who has done nothing wrong/toxic/criminal, rather it is someone who is unfairly judged or blamed by society, often as a result of prejudice, bias, or a desire to avoid accountability.

He is not the only one who is mixing truth and falsehood, the people who he fights against are also mixing the truth with falsehood. So, focusing solely on him makes you blind to those who caused him. 

Yeah you can make the argument that society has let down young men, I agree with you. But on a personal level he has not been treated unfairly, he has done certain actions which will receive certain repercussions. 

What would you consider fair treatment for someone who trafficked women, influenced others to do the same and then knowing his own history put it out there as a positive thing?

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A good example thinking about it, is someone like John Gotti, he was part of the mafia and committed lots of crimes, but because he willingly became a 'celebrity' they went in harder on him, because obviously him being a criminal and rubbing the feds face in it is going to lead to them going after him. 

Now you could say he was used as a scapegoat for war on crime. Probably that's true to some extent but there is no way that the feds are going to allow someone being a criminal and becoming a celebrity. 

It's very similar to Tate you could make the argument that Tate is being a scapegoat but he has done criminal activities and he has put himself out there as a famous person, what's kind of unique to Tate is he literally snitched on himself. People get hung up on the, 'he's saying stuff that people don't want him to say' but this is a complete misdirection. The reality is it doesn't matter what he says, it's the criminality that underpins it. 

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Tate's were not just making money from women, they were also making money from men. He was selling and advertising how he was making money with women to the men, This can easily lead to false advertisement, consumer-pleasing behavior, and exaggerated Bro-Science talks from the Tate's.

So, a fair system can not judge a person solely on what they said, there should be concrete evidence, if not video recordings, or sound records, there should be matching testimonials, storylines, evidence etc. Based on what is going on after a whole year he is still not in jail, even though this doesn't prove he is innocent it is enough to try to look at the case from a more objective perspective.




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28 minutes ago, Ahbapx said:


Tate's were not just making money from women, they were also making money from men. He was selling and advertising how he was making money with women to the men, This can easily lead to false advertisement, consumer-pleasing behavior, and exaggerated Bro-Science talks from the Tate's.

So, a fair system can not judge a person solely on what they said, there should be concrete evidence, if not video recordings, or sound records, there should be matching testimonials, storylines, evidence etc. Based on what is going on after a whole year he is still not in jail, even though this doesn't prove he is innocent it is enough to try to look at the case from a more objective perspective.




OK so you're saying that he could've  exaggerated his talks to encourage men to buy, so that would be false advertising. Either way it's not great. 

But evidence wise there are chat logs from his war room chat, that detail how he manipulates the women to stay. He specifies how he lied to one woman saying that he's heard stuff from her home town about her being a sex worker, he said this is to cut her off from her support system. There's another one where he breaks down how he gets the girl to come to Romania but cuts off her money until she agrees to work on camera. He shows pictures of the girls in the chat, there are numerous chats like this. 

There are others in the chat that verify this as they are part of the chats. So this takes away the marketing element as these guys have already signed up right?

Some of the women have also come out with testimonials that match the chats and Tates description from the videos. 

Aside from that just because they aren't in prison yet isn't enough to say that they're innocent. I would also argue that I am being objective, I don't think anyone can see the evidence there and say that he didn't do anything, I would argue that seeing that evidence and still finding excuses is heavily biased as if it wasn't Tate and you saw that evidence, no one would say that person's innocent. 

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On 3/15/2024 at 0:18 AM, Consept said:

OK so you're saying that he could've  exaggerated his talks to encourage men to buy, so that would be false advertising. Either way it's not great. 

But evidence wise there are chat logs from his war room chat, that detail how he manipulates the women to stay. He specifies how he lied to one woman saying that he's heard stuff from her home town about her being a sex worker, he said this is to cut her off from her support system. There's another one where he breaks down how he gets the girl to come to Romania but cuts off her money until she agrees to work on camera. He shows pictures of the girls in the chat, there are numerous chats like this. 

There are others in the chat that verify this as they are part of the chats. So this takes away the marketing element as these guys have already signed up right?

Some of the women have also come out with testimonials that match the chats and Tates description from the videos. 

Aside from that just because they aren't in prison yet isn't enough to say that they're innocent. I would also argue that I am being objective, I don't think anyone can see the evidence there and say that he didn't do anything, I would argue that seeing that evidence and still finding excuses is heavily biased as if it wasn't Tate and you saw that evidence, no one would say that person's innocent. 

You are missing my point brutha, i am talking about how people are using Tate's to justify their false agendas.



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On 2024-03-14 at 6:08 PM, Consept said:

Im not gonna argue whether theyre guilty or not as the courts will do that, i would say theres more than enough evidence of him self snitching in this thread anyway. 

What I was arguing against is them facing injustices, I have no sympathy at all when they chose to go there and insulted Romania by saying they'll just pay their way out xD that would literally be the definition of injustice id they did what they wanted to do and then to cry like a baby complaining about injustices done to you??

The thing is, if they never went to Romania and kept a relatively low profile, they would've been fine even they kept doing the webcam stuff. But instead they literally became as famous as possible and talked about all their crimes. The only reason why they've been arrested now is because they texted a streamer exposing themselves in a bid to get more eyeballs on them. For someone who proclaims himself as a genius he does the dumbest shit, he's like a villian who tells the hero his whole plan and then gets caught.

   You can choose not to argue the legality of they're guilt, the Romanian courts will eventually, but then make the claim there's 'enough evidence' in this thread for Andrew Tate and maybe Triston Tate self snitching? Where's the post showing this set of evidence, and why would you claim not to make a legal sounding argument but claim arbitrary amount of evidence here is enough for an arrest and charge?

   Arguing them facing injustices? Injustices by the Romanian government? What's your definition of injustice?

   So as long as they never went to Romania, and kept a relatively low profile that Andrew Tate and Triston Tate would've been fine? How would they have been fine if they didn't market and do business, and marketed as much in social media? What do you mean they became suddenly famous as possible and talked about their crime? Haven't they talked about way more like misogyny and sexist sounding topics, material gains, some fighting tips, some topics about marketing and business, meanwhile being marketed as a bit hyper masculine more so than talking about their crimes? And Andrew Tate's/Triston Tate's claims of self genius happened when in live and playing that social media character, or was said when they're not in character? 

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