
Fear is so delusional

6 posts in this topic

Time doesn't exist ! Nothing to fear

I don't exist ! No one to resist

God exists ! And it's me


Funny because I still get scared out of my wits

I might be an NPC 




No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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6 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

Funny because I still get scared out of my wits

It's all part of territory when it comes to wits = the mind.

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My fear of non existence came to the conclusion on realization that I dont exist.

I knew deep down that if I was going to cease existing at some point that means that I already don't exist,so why am I here besides being tortured for no reason.

my fear of not existing was greater than my sadness of existing but it came to a point where I was going to not exist myself because the crushing life I was putting myself under was making death seem better. At least I would only have one not both.

but I was under the misconception that I even existed in the first place.

How can I not exist if I don't even exist !

Ultra brain blast

One second away from this story and ego and I instantly knew.

that's why I was putting myself on such a dark time.

So I could finish the loop and come to an understanding of overcoming the fear of eternal existence totally

my fear of non existence was actually the fear of eternal existence hidden behind satans lies

a new birth into infinity

Edited by Hojo

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6 hours ago, Loveeee said:

I might be an NPC

Nope, only GOD 



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12 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Nope, only GOD 




The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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