
Chanelling your sexual energy

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I am currently having these sexual spirals. Mostly at night. Anyway, what do you guys do when you feel like that. Do you go workout when you feel this urge or go do your work. How do you channel this energy?

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If you haven't read The Way of The Superior Man by David I would highly recommend it he talks about it in there. You can channel your energy into work on your LIfe Purpose or other creative work. Going to the gym is also a good option.    

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Once the energy manifests itself as sexual within you it's already too late. The transmutation happens before it becomes sexual in nature, before you feel horny. It's the state where you can easily become horny but you are not horny at all. In this state of potentiality when you invest emotionally in something the energy transmutes automatically.

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On 8/1/2023 at 0:03 PM, decentralized said:

would you recommend this book to females as well?

Yes, it's more a book about masculine and feminine energy than it is about being a "man". I think you'll find value in it.

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When you feel an urge take a cold shower 

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