
Search for the Eternal and Infinite Truth.

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*something I’ve been working on, hopefully I’m doing contemplation correctly *

When I search for the eternal, it can’t be something I find today or tomorrow, or something I have found. It has to be something that has already been here. If this eternity is all present because of the oneness nature of it, then it can’t be discovered. It has to be something that has been there but has been overlooked or unnoticed. It can only be remembered. 


How do I know there is something eternal? Because Truth is. Truth has to have always existed because even if there were nothing in existence that would be the truth, therefore Truth exist. 


Am I assuming eternity has a oneness nature to it? No, because everything is connected and it’s obvious to see. Whether the Big Bang or a Creator God or a simulation or a dream it would all be one when you get down to it.


So Truth, as we call it is eternal, but does it describe what is eternal? No, but what is eternal is Truth. 


Anything that has a beginning is not eternal. Imagination is not eternal. Nor thoughts, nor awareness, nor awakeness, nor wisdom, nor knowledge, nor understanding. 


I imagine my reality but whatever I imagine is not the eternal Truth. Everything is imagined, in fact, and it is not eternal. So everything that is not eternal is imagined. Even if it is actual in front of this human body I see out of, it is imagined. Science, which is also imagined, even says everything happens in the brain. 


Nothing that exists is eternal but is noneternal in its form. Everything is eternal it just changes form. Everything contains this quality of Truth because it is within reality. Reality is within Truth. 


Whatever Truth is, it is in everything, and even knowing Truth is not controlling thoughts, and imagining and manifesting experience. Knowing Truth does not mean you will have your life together and being successful in life does not require knowledge of Truth. 


Eternity is infinite and that would mean Truth is infinite as well. And Infinite would be infinitely infinite due to it being infinite. So the Eternal Truth would be infinite but also indistinguishable because there can only be Truth. However, being infinitely infinite the vastness would make the indistinguishable Truth seem distinguishable from a finite mind inside of infinite Truth. Infinite and eternal seems to be something that describes Truth. There cannot be a starting point to Truth if it is Eternal but there also can be if it is infinite. 

*still in progress*

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@Selfnaught wonderful  contemplating:)

 It is relatively easy to answer using old Taoist terminology: “The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao”.

the truth is hard to find  precisely because it is hiding in plain sight.  if we were to see truth as is truly is we would need to pass though some Gateless Gates. As they call them . So how can you realize the truth when you ARE IT ?!!

You see ? It's like a fish looking for water. 

Edited by Someone here

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Selfnaught wonderful  contemplating:)

 It is relatively easy to answer using old Taoist terminology: “The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao”.

the truth is hard to find  precisely because it is hiding in plain sight.  if we were to see truth as is truly is we would need to pass though some Gateless Gates. As they call them . So how can you realize the truth when you ARE IT ?!!

You see ? It's like a fish looking for water. 

Thank you, sometimes I wonder if I’m contemplating or just ranting essentially lol. 

5 hours ago, Someone here said:


You see ? It's like a fish looking for water. 

I’m still thinking about this statement. It says a lot. The statement implies a duality (ego=fish/Truth=water). A fish can’t live without water.  

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6 hours ago, Selfnaught said:

If this eternity is all present because of the oneness nature of it, then it can’t be discovered. It has to be something that has been there but has been overlooked or unnoticed. It can only be remembered.

@Selfnaught This is why enlightenment is so accessible to anyone. It's only a matter of remembering what you have always been.

Edited by cetus

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The truth is already everything. But it's not a small narrow something within everything, it's the whole infinite package.

And so in that sense there's nothing missing & the truth is already whatever seems to be happening (what is). Misunderstandings and or confusion for the human organism doesn't make anything less of the truth.

So truth is just another word like everything; what is; infinity; god!!!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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