The Redeemer

I want to leave this planet and become God

20 posts in this topic

I am tired of the laws of this reality. I wish to create something entirely new where the people are much less likely to be psychopathic. 

The brutality of life is killing me.

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6 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

The brutality of life is killing me.

I can see that. Are you doing anything positive in your life that is making a difference? Therapy and whatnot.

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31 minutes ago, PlayOnWords said:

I can see that. Are you doing anything positive in your life that is making a difference? Therapy and whatnot.

I am trying to find friends that emotionally support me. I feel like that is what life is about. 

What I'm finding though is nothing but feelings of shame, insecurity, and uncertainty.

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16 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

I am tired of the laws of this reality. I wish to create something entirely new where the people are much less likely to be psychopathic. 

The brutality of life is killing me.

I don't think it matters what anybody suggests to you. You have to want to change yourself. No one can do it for you. All of your posts are of a negative nature. Maybe you're just not aware how you're creating that just by your thought patterns and belief systems. It is easy to remain in this state and much harder to change it, but what's even more devastating is the mental suffering you're putting yourself through. 

You will point to the outside world and blame it for what you're going through and come up with all kinds of excuses as to why things are the way they are in your life. You are the light of Consciousness and wherever you shine that light is what will reflect back to you in your experience. I see how you threaten violence towards others in your posts and speak ill of others and God knows whatever else you project in your personal life and now you're on here posting how you hate what it is that you are seeing in your life. You are free to post whatever you like to post (as long as its within guidelines), but now you're starting to sound like the boy that cried wolf. 

Noone is going to take you seriously after a while; but let me tell you that if you keep it up, it will really start to become a way of life for you where your life will really become a living hell more than the hell you think you are currently in, to the point of no return. 

So, if you really want to see a change you have to start becoming that change; because as unaware as you are of what you're doing to yourself, the energy that you are feeding will get stronger and stronger and will cause you to have to do more work in the end to turn it around. You are so powerful as a creator that you can create a life of living hell for yourself unbeknownst to you how you're doing it because you're not conscious enough. Don't play around with this stuff if it's not what you really want because the forces of nature are more powerful than your petty little egoic self that thinks it's in control and can manipulate Reality by force. It's all energetic; and if this is the energy you're putting out, this is the same kind of results you'll get back - it's called the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, and that's a law you cannot change because it just is. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Of course friends are great. But what are you doing for yourself?

Friends won't fix you, and a lot of them won't help you if you require it constantly.

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Nobody is stopping you but you.

Only YOU exist. 

I AM Godzilla

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14 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

Of course friends are great. But what are you doing for yourself?

Friends won't fix you, and a lot of them won't help you if you require it constantly.

I don't know who I am. I am very scared. I think I require friends because people are telling me to be more social, so when I'm alone by myself I feel guilty spending time by myself.

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13 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Nobody is stopping you but you.

Only YOU exist. 

I'm scared.

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If you don't raise your vibration high enough you will become god but you won't leave this planet. Its like a vacuum sucking you in.

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You are God. 

Whatever you are going through that is challenging will pass. Life has a lot of beauty to it. You just have to live by high principles and become wise in the way of the world.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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7 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

@The Redeemer Watch out for wishful thinking.

I have the opposite problems. I deal with a bunch of “what ifs” in my mind and fear the worst scenarios that could happen.

The mind is hella tricky!

Solving God won’t happen through positive thinking… negative thinking… hell, maybe not even through neutral thinking.

So what is the solution?

Edited by Yimpa

I AM Godzilla

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1 hour ago, The Redeemer said:

I don't know who I am. I am very scared.

That's good! Start from there. All this external seeking will only, at its very best, give you a temporary pseudo-relief.

It should be becoming more and more evident to you that you need to change. You keep hitting your head against the seemingly impenetrable brick wall of your self and then you refuse to take out a sledgehammer and break the wall down. You simply must investigate your mind, deconstruct the beliefs and perceptions you were indoctrinated with and commit to change. Otherwise you're gonna keep going round and round like you have been, never getting anywhere.

I know it's hard, but shit man, what else are you gonna do with your life, keep posting your problems on this forum?

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17 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

I am tired of the laws of this reality. I wish to create something entirely

You can do that.

Become a game designer.

You can create whole worlds, laws, avatars, relationships.

You can create your own utopia.


Edited by CARDOZZO

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5 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

That's good! Start from there. All this external seeking will only, at its very best, give you a temporary pseudo-relief.

It should be becoming more and more evident to you that you need to change. You keep hitting your head against the seemingly impenetrable brick wall of your self and then you refuse to take out a sledgehammer and break the wall down. You simply must investigate your mind, deconstruct the beliefs and perceptions you were indoctrinated with and commit to change. Otherwise you're gonna keep going round and round like you have been, never getting anywhere.

I know it's hard, but shit man, what else are you gonna do with your life, keep posting your problems on this forum?

I think I need to change my origin point. Recreate my whole life story.

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49 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:

I think I need to change my origin point. Recreate my whole life story.

Or go one further and have no life story. ;)

And that would be, from my understanding, what people call enlightenment. 

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22 minutes ago, PlayOnWords said:

Or go one further and have no life story. ;)

And that would be, from my understanding, what people call enlightenment. 

I just don't know how to undo it all.

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Some form of therapy, some form of bodywork and maybe psychedelics. You'll have to make the decision as to whether you're stable enough for psychedelics. If you do end up taking any, don't fuck around with big doses. Keep them low, be sensible. E.g: half a tab of LSD.

6 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

You simply must investigate your mind, deconstruct the beliefs and perceptions you were indoctrinated with and commit to change.

And you must do this. An example of what I mean by this would be writing out a list of all your traumas, big and small. This way you can become aware of how they are still playing out in your mind. You can't change something you're not aware of thus the importance of self-investigation. Once you became aware of the roots of the shit in your mind you can start digging at them and pull them out.

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