
Should I change my relationship with dating ?

3 posts in this topic

Okay, first my English is not that good and what I want to communicate is not very easy so thanks and good luck for the readers..

Anyway my dating life is very very far from all coaches and Leo’s view and I can see the truth of his view so I’m questioning myself.

I would say I’m an idealist, or a dreamer Leo is very harsh. For example, I’m loyal to a girl I like as soon as the flirt phase started eventhough there is no sex, not even kissing and sometimes I feel that I’m missing opportunities. 

I feel it also puts me in a weak position and eventhough I used to think that I’m ready to pay this price, I’m not that sure anymore.

Also sometimes I feel I’m living in a different reality than everyone else(especially the pick up community). for example this idea that « there is nothing until you and the girl have sex » for me that’s wrong, I actually had a girlfriend where it was obvious she was mine and I was hers and sex did not even happen between us. Actually we did not see each other a whole summer and the relation kept going(but you could say it is because we were very young idk). It’s not even a priority to me to have sex with a girl I met and like. I feel I can build love without it if it was just about me. 
But nevertheless I can feel there are downsides with my attitude and it’s not that functional.

I know I would have a lot to learn from the pick up community and I have to admit I’m not satisfied with my dating life. I consider I never succeed in building  a strong intimate connection with a girl. I’ve had girlfriends but it always seems that I missed the big stuffs, the most juicy stuff of what a relationship could offer. I’m sure I’m lacking lots of quality to allow that and I want to improve 

Anyway I’m trying to share my mindset and resolve it at the same time but it’s hard as I myself is not clear about what my issue is 

: p



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There is no way around it but you need to have sex to build a strong intimate connection. There is really no better way to communicate love and build physical trust with each other.


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