Hero in progress

Wisdom Is Knowing I Am Nothing

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    "Wisdom is knowing I am nothing"

          ~ nisargadatta maharaj ~

If you haven't had the nothingness of your true nature come to the forefront of experience yet that's okay.

Finding out what your not is a good Place to start. And that's were Leo's self enquiry video will come in handy. Because he literally Goes through all aspects of the phenomenal world and shows you that you can't be any of these. They all come & go.

Thoughts can be tricky because when there is belief in them they feel like you. Especially the conceptual image of you, when turning your head, talking ect.

But I can tell you from direct experience, when your mind is still & empty and there are no thoughts or images of you, you don't disappear! ( or do you? Wink wink )

Meaning without thoughts you still are.

Emotions can be very powerful and overwhelming at times and you can get real caught up in identifying with your emotions. Anger, sadness, hopelessness ect.

But again all emotions fluctuate within awareness.

The one thing you can't separate yourself from is awareness. Try not to be aware right now! See you can't awareness is stick to you like glue.

I will leave you with a great quote.

"Love says I am everything

Wisdom says I am nothing

Between the two my life flows"



Edited by Callum A

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  This point needs to be crushed into our egos over and over until they pop:)

-1/12 is Infinity 

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