
Disturbing Dream

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I had the most disturbing dream of people gathering on a carved out mountain top doing  a spiritual yogic like  practices under the guidance of high priests. I wittnesed all of it from birds eye view with zooming abilities of a hawk. As some achieved a result they screamed in agony being overtaken by strange entities, yet others proceeded to pursue the same result, with some of them cherishing it.  While the guru like priests gave more instructions. Some of the participants looked like slaves who were forced to attend, others were here willingly and there were also people who werent responsive like zombies. A hugh gathering with vibes of a hinduistic mayan buddisth community. It felt like a depiction of hell. Im simply stating the experience of the dream and im not hinting at something or trying to share an opinion subliminal. Any suggestions how this could be interpreted?

Edited by effortlesslumen

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Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile. "I'll  stand up next to a mountain. Chop it down with the edge of my hand."

I can only guess.

Maybe you are the mountain? Your brain is the mountain? Why is it carved out? Are you missing something? Are you making space for something? Has an outside force moved into your brain?

All the individuals could be your moods or split personalities or potential life paths. The high priests could be your ego or shadow or subconscious. They are giving the orders. Maybe the mountain is your conscious and the carved out space is your subconscious. So there is an internal tension between all your control centers. Maybe all theses entities are your memories. There is a struggle.

Something is wrong if it looked like hell. Your subconscious is scared and sending you a message.

Your true absolute self has the bird's eye view.

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Thanks, i could not make any sense to it and this definetly lead me into the right direction. Normaly i would say this just a random combination of last days impressions but with dreams that vivid its certaintly worth contemplating  a deeper meaning. 

Edited by effortlesslumen

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2 minutes ago, effortlesslumen said:

Thanks, i could not make any sense to it and this definetly lead me into the right direction. Normaly i would say this just a random combination of last days impressions but with dreams that vivid its certaintly worth contemplating  a deeper meaning. 

Just remember that there is an infinite chain of deeper meanings you can discover.

I AM reborn

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Just remember that there is an infinite chain of deeper meanings you can discover.

Yeah you are right i have to let the dream go at some point.

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And I will be more specific and say it is Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile (slight return) version at 5:14. Not the long version. I think the lyrics are different. :)

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2 minutes ago, effortlesslumen said:

Yeah you are right i have to let the dream go at some point.

Recontextualizing has been very useful from my experience. But it takes a lot of work to make your mind flexible enough to do that. I still struggle with it myself ?

Letting go is useful, but it’s also important to be very clear about how your mind creates meaning in the first place.

I AM reborn

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And I'm pretty sure Freud would say it is a dream about you having sex with your mother. Lol! Just kidding.

And Carl Jung would say it is the mythological archetypes and shadow self and collective unconscious. :)

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