
Destiny eloquently describes the limitation of Stage Orange

9 posts in this topic


You know, we all might have thought we were long past this point, but here we are.


Spiral Dynamics is really something. Depending on how long you have known about this model and have integrated it, you will have probably noticed it unfolding in society like some sort of prophecy. And in a decade or in a century, we will look at societal progress and scratch our head how we could have been so blind: Of course evolutionary forces apply to society! There are dynamics that lead to certain human behaviour which then create new dynamics which once more create new behaviours! And yes, those dynamics have certain patterns, how could it be otherwise.


You have probably noticed people like Andrew Tate growing in popularity over the past months. We kind of observed all of this starting with Jordan Peterson, which indicated a lack of healthy stage blue integration in society. Because these types of things are not being facilitated by society, and individuals who do try to facilitate it tend to not fit into the stage orange-green paradigms, we basically are observing a splintering of society, one which is regressive while the other is developing into an evolutionary dead-end due to lack of lower stage integration. A lot of this dynamic is fueled by social media algorithms maximizing engagement, which leads to maximization of fear and moral-outrage based dynamics.

The result is a lot of unhappy people in society and no real way to get them on a better path, which makes stage orange attractive specifically because it is an individualist, self-centered type of approach which tracks with reality.

With stage orange, everyone wants to be the top G, and everyone thinks they can be the top G, but of course, the vast majority of people by definition cannot ever be top Gs. The system is rigged, yet because everyone is so desperate to be the top G, the system is maintained.


Because of certain dynamics playing out the way they did over the past decade, I believe we will see the most toxic side of stage orange yet. And what is the solution? Suffering, so much suffering that people will be open minded enough to move beyond their current identities. But that always is dangerous, as it equally opens people's minds to dangerous ideologies.

The only solution to people like Andrew Tate society has conceived of is basically playing whack'a'mole, which of course shows you that we still live in the dark ages. We are like ignorant childen standed on an island, we have no clue what we are doing. You think Jordan Peterson is bad and cancel him, and then you get Andrew Tate. Where do you think this is going? Whatever you are doing, it is having the opposite of the intended effect.

In a century, we might look at social media and realize "Of course this lead to world war 3... how could they not have realize that? It's so obvious, the signs were everywhere!".

Humanity is still at a stage in which it is completely shaped by the forces of nature. We are as unaware of those dynamics as ants are. We are so ignorant, it takes us literal centuries to just to become aware of these things. We are just stupid, we are barely more intelligent than chimps. If you look at a savant genius, the only reason why that is special to us is because of how mindblowingly stupid the rest of us are. And even the geniuses are barely functional.

I am saying this because I want people to realize that this particular evolutionary pathway is not at all guaranteed to be successful. God is perfectly willing to wipe humanity from the face of the planet in the blink of an eye if that is what the dynamics of evolution dictate. In fact, God is willing to wipe out the entire planet and all life on it for the sake of the greater movement of consciousness evolution.

If all life on Earth has to go extinct so that the laws of nature can allow some other civilization on the other side of the universe to succeed, then so be it. I find it very likely that most civilizations in the universe wipe themselves out, until one out of thousand, or a million, will actually go beyond some critical hurdle of evolution.  Maybe it takes trillions of universes with trillions of civilizations to get one that will get to a stage that is sustainable and wise. If you think that's absurd numbers to get to that point you have not studied evolution.

And you think that's cruel, but it's not. That hurdle is just as necessary as the asteroid that wiped out most dinosaurs. Maybe, if we are lucky, the descendants of dolphins will claim the lands and some day recover the remnants of our civilization, with the hope that they will learn from our mistakes. :D

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@Scholar  I swear Destiny is always debating some random new public figure everyday ?


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1 hour ago, Ulax said:

@Scholar  I swear Destiny is always debating some random new public figure everyday ?

   I mean, if you're persistent in your LP, and marketing/business/career, you'll tend to attract the slightly more important public figures. That being said, based on developmental factors like Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of being/becoming, life experiences, other lines of development, in life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated and gaslight into one's mind, self biases and preferences, Destiny is not the ideal example to role modal for for success. Based on tonality and body language around certain topics and words he used, and he's takes on red pill and dating and relationships not the best.

   For example, even if he's able to convince and persuade(The ultimate purpose of debating and arguing, to convince/persuade, or manipulate/exploit another's perspective into believing your relative truth, therefore the purpose of debating is not truth seeking but truth preserving and spreading one's dogma and ideology) an ideologue that follows the red pill that he's wrong and needs to leave the movement, which he does, he'll still have a mind that seeks to replace the ideology that's deprogrammed, which is the closest thing to it, the person that signifies and represents the winning side's argument and debate, Destiny, and all he's other ideologies that he's passing onto that ideologue, to convert him into another Destiny ideologue. Is that a healthy male masculine role modal, when you've cheated multiple times when you're married, divorced your first wife in front of your son, sexting and online date a female fan who's already para socializing onto you, who you marry for her to have a green visa and to use you instead, despite the objective asymmetrical power dynamics she's also cucking him, him justifying his cheating behaviors as him being BI when he's just cheating? Are all that healthy masculine role modal to follow? Especially when most of his income and monetization comes from more social media involvement and poisoning most people's minds and viewers, which puts him positionally very close to the source of this less masculine problem, the internet and overuse of social media, the predatory algorithms tailored to each user's bias, making profile pictures too beautiful automatically which screws with self image, and this click bait culture we currently have that memes everything, which DESTINY IS A PART OF!

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:


You know, we all might have thought we were long past this point, but here we are.


Spiral Dynamics is really something. Depending on how long you have known about this model and have integrated it, you will have probably noticed it unfolding in society like some sort of prophecy. And in a decade or in a century, we will look at societal progress and scratch our head how we could have been so blind: Of course evolutionary forces apply to society! There are dynamics that lead to certain human behaviour which then create new dynamics which once more create new behaviours! And yes, those dynamics have certain patterns, how could it be otherwise.


You have probably noticed people like Andrew Tate growing in popularity over the past months. We kind of observed all of this starting with Jordan Peterson, which indicated a lack of healthy stage blue integration in society. Because these types of things are not being facilitated by society, and individuals who do try to facilitate it tend to not fit into the stage orange-green paradigms, we basically are observing a splintering of society, one which is regressive while the other is developing into an evolutionary dead-end due to lack of lower stage integration. A lot of this dynamic is fueled by social media algorithms maximizing engagement, which leads to maximization of fear and moral-outrage based dynamics.

The result is a lot of unhappy people in society and no real way to get them on a better path, which makes stage orange attractive specifically because it is an individualist, self-centered type of approach which tracks with reality.

With stage orange, everyone wants to be the top G, and everyone thinks they can be the top G, but of course, the vast majority of people by definition cannot ever be top Gs. The system is rigged, yet because everyone is so desperate to be the top G, the system is maintained.


Because of certain dynamics playing out the way they did over the past decade, I believe we will see the most toxic side of stage orange yet. And what is the solution? Suffering, so much suffering that people will be open minded enough to move beyond their current identities. But that always is dangerous, as it equally opens people's minds to dangerous ideologies.

The only solution to people like Andrew Tate society has conceived of is basically playing whack'a'mole, which of course shows you that we still live in the dark ages. We are like ignorant childen standed on an island, we have no clue what we are doing. You think Jordan Peterson is bad and cancel him, and then you get Andrew Tate. Where do you think this is going? Whatever you are doing, it is having the opposite of the intended effect.

In a century, we might look at social media and realize "Of course this lead to world war 3... how could they not have realize that? It's so obvious, the signs were everywhere!".

Humanity is still at a stage in which it is completely shaped by the forces of nature. We are as unaware of those dynamics as ants are. We are so ignorant, it takes us literal centuries to just to become aware of these things. We are just stupid, we are barely more intelligent than chimps. If you look at a savant genius, the only reason why that is special to us is because of how mindblowingly stupid the rest of us are. And even the geniuses are barely functional.

I am saying this because I want people to realize that this particular evolutionary pathway is not at all guaranteed to be successful. God is perfectly willing to wipe humanity from the face of the planet in the blink of an eye if that is what the dynamics of evolution dictate. In fact, God is willing to wipe out the entire planet and all life on it for the sake of the greater movement of consciousness evolution.

If all life on Earth has to go extinct so that the laws of nature can allow some other civilization on the other side of the universe to succeed, then so be it. I find it very likely that most civilizations in the universe wipe themselves out, until one out of thousand, or a million, will actually go beyond some critical hurdle of evolution.  Maybe it takes trillions of universes with trillions of civilizations to get one that will get to a stage that is sustainable and wise. If you think that's absurd numbers to get to that point you have not studied evolution.

And you think that's cruel, but it's not. That hurdle is just as necessary as the asteroid that wiped out most dinosaurs. Maybe, if we are lucky, the descendants of dolphins will claim the lands and some day recover the remnants of our civilization, with the hope that they will learn from our mistakes. :D

    Destiny does show the limitations of stage orange, as he also has a stage green shadow and some below he's stage of development. However he's just too different cognitively speaking, too autistic and hyper rational and categorical in thinking, with a lesser moral development, with personality types and traits like more openness than closeness, more orderly than chaotic, more disagreeable than agreeable in talks but in social situations more agreeable, more introverted than extroverted, and more neurotic, plus he seems to have sociopathic traits due to early childhood trauma of putting down puppies in his family home, dealing with betrayals and 12 plus years of internet drama, trolls and haters and critics, whilst telling himself lies that he loves debating and arguing while gaming when in fact he doesn't, his body language and tonality and non-verbals tell me otherwise, his state of consciousness is much lower, his ego development stage at opportunist to conformist, and he's too ideological and dogmatic in certain issues even when he preaches to be less. 

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   Assuming Destiny convinces and persuades a red piller away from red pill ideology, the next thing that person will create a narrative of and attachments to is the person that convinced them, Destiny, to be the next future male role modal for them, which is highly unlikely because the next question is: Is Destiny a healthy male role modal? Given his divorce of his first wife while having a son, his cheating, his questionable relationship with Melina( Because Melina is a fan of his, para socializing onto him, therefore he doesn't need too many PUA techniques to attract and hook her, plus the motivation for this open relationship is content based and for her green card in the USA) and her making Destiny a cuckold psychologically, I disagree with him being a healthy male role modal.

   Personally, I'd pick Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nikola Tesla, even Albert Einstein, as potential male role modals. 


Edited by Danioover9000

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   Only in terms of analyzing debates is Destiny in his element here:


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17 hours ago, Epikur said:


   So, who do you thought won this?

   Also, unfortunately I can't when Zizek talks, can't stand how he speaks even if he's got some valid points, unfortunately making me side with Destiny a bit here. Still wonder  why Zizek chooses to speak when he should be writing more often.

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On 2023-07-22 at 9:54 PM, Epikur said:


   They copywrite claim this video, so I can't view it. Why would they do such a thing to their own video?

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