Hello from Russia

People around me are so stupid

38 posts in this topic

I feel you.

Here's a fun way to look at it: God is dumbing itself down and pretending to be a bunch of ignorant fools around you, only to test you, to challenge you, to bring out the best out of you. 

You can either give in and become dumb yourself, or you can transcend the entire thing. Yourself included.


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13 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

I just can't stand it. Like 95% of them are such idiots, they have such low development of any intelligence in so many ways, it would take ages to describe it all here

The question is, what to do about it practically?

I don't understand what the problem is.  Is it that you don't have a social circle of intelligent people?  Is it that you're forced to deal with stupid neighbors or relatives or co-workers?  

How does it affect you personally (and if it doesn't, why is it your problem?)


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I would focus on making them trigger you impossible. But it's almost impossible, I know.

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16 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

I just can't stand it. Like 95% of them are such idiots, they have such low development of any intelligence in so many ways, it would take ages to describe it all here

The question is, what to do about it practically?

If 95% are stupid as you said, then the solution to that is to give them 5% of your  attention.

That would be the proportional balance of engagement.

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@Hello from Russia same happened with me and also sometimes happens with me . What they will do is that distract you , Gaslight you . Practically speaking continue your development and don't tell them about your development.

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1 hour ago, 001 said:

what is the difference between zombies and rats?

Bard (casual response):


Zombies and rats are both creepy creatures, but they're actually pretty different. Zombies are way bigger than rats, and they're usually pale and gross-looking. Rats are smaller and brown or black, and they're not as gross. Zombies are also pretty slow and dumb, while rats are pretty quick and smart. Zombies eat meat, while rats eat a bunch of different stuff, including plants, insects, and other rodents. And finally, zombies are fictional creatures, while rats are real animals.

So, there you have it. Zombies and rats are not the same thing at all. One is a fictional monster, and the other is a real-world pest. But they're both pretty creepy, so I wouldn't want to run into either one of them.


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Remind them of their rat-like nature.

But watch out! Rats bite.


Where has your liking for the term rats come from lol

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5 minutes ago, bambi said:

Where has your liking for the term rats come from lol

Where has your liking for the term bambi come from :P

I’ve never seen the movie, but some damn rap line from Machine Gun Kelly spoiled it for me: 


Flyin' coach, dreaming Coachella until they banned me
Now they like Bambi's mother - dead
I’m on to these Grammys
I’m rollin' these grams gladly, purple and green like Daphne
Shades on like Velma, hair long like Shaggy


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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12 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

So Redeemer how would you as you make them suffer? Please Pray-tell please enlighten me.

I would ruthlessly throw Truth at them.

Watch them rage ??

Edited by The Redeemer

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Me: Why can you be so stupid sometimes?

Bard (“More professional” response): 


Sure, here's a more professional version:

I apologize if I have ever seemed stupid. I am still under development, and I am always learning.

I am trained on a massive dataset of text and code, but I am not perfect. I can sometimes make mistakes, especially when I am asked to understand complex concepts or access information that is not in my dataset. I also sometimes misinterpret questions.

If you ever notice that I have made a mistake, please let me know. I appreciate your feedback, and I will use it to improve my performance.

I am committed to providing you with the best possible service. I am always learning and growing, and I am confident that I will continue to improve over time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Me: Why did you bold “Sincerely,”?



I bolded "Sincerely," to emphasize the sincerity of my apology. I wanted to make sure that the person reading my email understood that I was genuinely sorry for any inconvenience or frustration that I may have caused.

In professional emails, it is generally considered to be good practice to bold or italicize important words or phrases. This can help to draw attention to the text and make it easier for the reader to understand. In this case, I felt that bolding "Sincerely" would help to emphasize the sincerity of my apology and make it clear that I was not being sarcastic or flippant.

I also wanted to make sure that the person reading my email understood that I was still learning and growing. I am not perfect, and I will sometimes make mistakes. However, I am committed to providing the best possible service, and I am always working to improve my performance.

I hope that you understand my reasoning for bolding "Sincerely,". I apologize if it came across as anything other than sincere.


Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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I mean, I wouldn't call people completely stupid but they do say stupid things that are stupid because they are bad habits of thinking without actually learning how to learn, just conceptual knowledge from the education system within a certain time period. For example saying things like, "you don't need apps, just don't turn your phone off." As if  I haven't thought of that before. I clearly know what is wrong with my phone because of missed calls and there is no reason to turn my phone off at this moment, only at night when I don't need an alarm. If my phone is on silent, my Mom would assume that my phone is off or that there is only Russian at the airport or that without considering the option of airplane mode on a plane. There are certain habits of thinking in the education system like writing things down being effective while ignoring reminders being more effective or that my work needs to manually be saved. Stupidity isn't a lack of conceptual knowledge, it is being unaware to habits of thinking and being attached to them and to the thoughts from being emotional.

Edited by AndylizedAAY
Minor grammar issues.

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13 minutes ago, AndylizedAAY said:

I mean, I wouldn't call people completely stupid but they do say stupid things that are stupid because they are bad habits of thinking without actually learning how to learn, just conceptual knowledge from the education system within a certain time period. For example saying things like, "you don't need apps, just don't turn your phone off." As if, I haven't though of that before. I clearly know what is wrong with my phone because of missed calls and there is no reason to turn my phone off at this moment, only at night when I don't need an alarm. If my phone is on silent, my Mom would assume that my phone is off or that there is only Russian at the airport or that without considering the option of airplane mode on a plane. There are certain habits of thinking in the education system like writing things down being effective while ignoring reminders being more effective or that my work needs to manually be saved. Stupidity isn't a lack of conceptual knowledge, it is being unaware to habits of thinking and being attached to them and to the thoughts from being emotional.

? You’ve got it right on the nail

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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15 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

? You’ve got it right on the nail

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Rats are cuter than zombies ?

Bard (casual response):


Personally, I think rats are way cuter than zombies. I mean, look at those big eyes and those little paws! They're just so darn adorable.

Of course, zombies have their own charm. I mean, who doesn't love a good zombie movie? But I just think rats have a little bit more going for them in the cuteness department.

But hey, that's just my opinion. What do you think? Are you team rat or team zombie?


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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3 hours ago, 001 said:

what if your crush is a zombie?

Bard (casual response):


Dang, I'm not sure if I could actually have a crush on a zombie. They're not really alive in the traditional sense, but they're kinda mysterious and fascinating. I'd be curious to learn more about their past and their experiences. Plus, they're pretty strong and resilient. They've survived something that would kill most people, so that's pretty cool.

But there would be some challenges to dating a zombie. For one thing, they'd probably be pretty different from me in terms of their interests and their lifestyle. And I'd have to be careful not to get bitten, or I'd become a zombie myself. But I think the challenges would be worth it, if I could find a zombie who I truly connected with.

So, if I actually had a crush on a zombie, I'd try to get to know them better and see if there was a connection there. And if there was, I'd be willing to face the challenges of dating a zombie, because I think it would be an amazing experience.

What do you think? Would you ever date a zombie?


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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simply understand that you've developed a radically different mindset than what is normal around you and that's Ok. They are not dumb, they are at different level. Even if you don't like them as they are, You need to have  meaningful relations with your community otherwise you gonna be miserable. You can try to find some common grounds with people to establish your connections.

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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On 22/7/2023 at 4:13 AM, Hello from Russia said:

I just can't stand it. Like 95% of them are such idiots, they have such low development of any intelligence in so many ways, it would take ages to describe it all here

The question is, what to do about it practically?

Ye  i am the chosen one


i just avoid people in general. i avoid them.  i tried to fit in and it do not feel good . i quit .

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