Something Funny


3 posts in this topic

Something amazing happened a day before yesterday but somehow I only getting to journaling about it now.

There were 2 separate issues that I was dealing with.

First of all, I had my first coaching session with Ali, from the Perception Trainers, in the beginning of July. It was really nice and helped me a lot. My only concern was that I couldn't really afford having them regularly without sacrificing other things in my life. Then I've remembered telling someone who was in a similar situation that they should go and ask their parents to give them money for therapy/coaching. I started to wonder if I should actually follow my own advise, I was thinking that it was a good/bad idea on and off for a few weeks. I've had a few concerns:

1. I would tell myself that it's not okay for me to get money from my parents and that I should achieve everything on my own.

2. I was worried that if I ask them for money for a therapy, they will think that something is wrong with me and will be worried themselves.

3. In case they gave me money, I was was afraid that they will start poking their noses into it too much, ask me what I am talking about, how is my progress, etc.

Second issue I was struggling with was a question of how do I lead a normal life where I can balance being social, dating, my career, personal development, and other stuff. Previously, I thought that I should first find my life purpose, start a business, earn a lot of money, and then I can have a relationship, socialize and have fun. Well, I've realized that this is a shitty plan and that it is not going to work. I've even made a post about it here asking if I should ignore my finances and career for a while and just focus on dating. But soon enough I've started thinking that this idea is also not that great and why the hell I can't just do everything at once like a normal person.


So what happened was that in the evening of the same day when I've made this post my dad decided to have a "heart to heart" talk with me while we went for a walk. And wow, it went unexpectedly nice. He asked me why I am not dating anyone and what are my thoughts / plan regarding relationships. I guess I felt a bit more open then usual so I've decided to actually engage in the conversation instead of just shrugging it off as I would usually do.

I obviously wasn't going to just drop all my worries, fears, and limiting belief on him just like that so I've decided to share something relatively "chill" that I was worried about. So I've said something along the lines of "it's hard to think about having a relationship when you are living paycheck to paycheck".

And, well, my dad was very supportive and basically told me that this fear is bullshit and shouldn't stop me from dating and having relationships. How money doesn't matter if you find the right person. He also said that it not true that you cannot achieve career and personal life success at the same time and told me that having a relationship, getting a wife, starting a family was a thing that helped him to get serious about life and to achieve financial success and without it he probably woudn't amount to much.

First of all, it was really empowering to hear something like this from my dad because he was basically a badass at my age so I knew that he knows what he is talking about. Secondly, I was really excited/surprised to see how the topic I was thinking about on my own just randomly came up in a conversation with my dad.

Then the conversation shifted to other topics like money and how our mind is able to manifest things that we want in life (it was really interesting to hear about it from my dad's perspective). Then, we somehow started talking about therapy and how it helped my dad with some of the issues he was struggling with after covid. And also how he would have regular sessions with some fortune teller / mystic woman when he was younger, which was also basically like a therapy for him. So long story short it came down to my dad himself offering to pay for whatever therapy I need and saying that he knows a great person for it. But I was like "oh, I was actually thinking about it myself and have someone in mind", haha.

Once again it was really cool to see something that I was thinking about randomly come up. #Everything_Is_Connected :D

Then we finished of with some talk about how we are all one family and how I can always count on their support, especially when it comes to things like health, education, etc., it was very sweet ^_^

To sum things up, this happened very randomly, and now all of a sudden I feel much more confident, loved, empowered, and positive about my life. And I am going to have 2 coaching sessions per month with Ali, starting in August, which is just amazingly cool :D



From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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I am home ????

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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I love pornofilmy ❤️

Edited by Something Funny

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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