
How to alter paradigm significantly?

7 posts in this topic

Today on LSD I experienced reality as conscious looking at it self in the mirror. Where ever you look or experience your just looking at your own reflection.

The issue im having is this kind of perspective switching game is the basic stuff. 

Reframing is easy stuff, going deeper with reframing im sure will bear fruit.

If i want to become conscious that im talking to myself, done, is that the most conscious of perspectives of that understanding?

No, im sure there's a infinite ceiling to how conscious you can become of anything.

The current paradigm that ive build is so strong that its very difficult to go off completely into a new direction or go "deeper", non-human. 

Obviously THIS is the trip.

I dont know what im looking for as in i strongly see THIS paradigm, I can intuit that alien consciousness is not this paradigm.

No matter what i do or dont do or experience im still in THIS paradigm. Not sure how to make it any clearer lol

How to let go of the grip of this paradigm? 

There is no way NOT to look at it. Its just there always.

The observer is always there and its to strong a paradigm, but... it cant end there, how to break free from the observation paradigm? 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Maybe give up the belief in there being 'a paradigm' ? 

I am assuming that you are getting lost in your senses. Perception. And that might be 'in your way'. It is easy to confuse your vision - for example - for that which is observing. The observer is prior to anything you perceive. Any form, colour, sound, smell, etc. It is prior to your 'human senses'.

I suggest you drop the belief in paradigms and human senses and try to go beyond perception. Beyond mirroring, beyond reflection. 

Being. Isness. Consciousness, without being conscious of any 'thing'. From there you can go anywhere really.

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By trying to go alien consciousness you will miss something important here. There are levels to the game and they are infinite but being alien consciousness wont help you reach that level. Leo might have reached it but I dont think its important thats like level 2 shit. Here in level 1 it is useless because you gotta work on the other stuff first. Its infinite but organized which is insane to think about. There are other screens out there doing unimaginable things just in the 3rd dimension but they learned the lessons through self exploration. its the greatest gift you can imagine. Infinite exploration but it has levels to it to grow.

Life is like an infinite game but the rewards actually have legitimate meaning and value. And nothing can top that or get rid of it its in you once you know.

I would say if you arent ready to let loose its cause you are missing something before doing it. like a key somewhere look for that not the way out. And look for it in your day to day dream.

I too felt like I was being sucked out of my head on mushroom and something was pulling on my cords and i shrunk my consciousness down to naked but something was still blocking me. I tell my spirit guides or whoever the fuck is doing it, I dont know what to do I cant go any smaller, it is like a locked door.

I think the key might be being your true self in the dream of reality. If you are constantly in flow state by being yourself the door will just unlock itself.

This includes being an asshole when you want, not doing what you dont want. god wants to know the true you before he lets you go. but he cant unless you are it cause then he will see you in your true form and thats what it loves the most, you will be bursting with gods love all the time if you can let go of self limitation

You can tell you are doing it right if you literally are crying everyday cause god is seeing you come out of your shell and it is so proud of you.

But its harder than that because you literally have to dissect every part of you that you have demonized in the past.

Too understand the insanity of god infinite animals on an infinite planet doing infinite things with infinite personality infinite material to do it with. Infinite story and character, infinite pain infinite sorrow infinite happiness infinite depression and sadness. Infinity variety, and all this just on level 1. Totally constructed totally in balance totally ordered, from infinite chaos. And it all has its purpose doing something, its unbelievable.

The Earth can go from nature to in control of robots in 200 years thats the infinite variety of just Earth. Both are natural to Earth just different nature.

Leo used to say it was solipsism but changed to absolute solipsism there is something going on here, inside you is infinite and outside you is infinite. Yes tripping gets you to inside infinite but there is still outside infinite to explore and you and all other infinite gods are there playing a massive game together in outside infinity. He found out he is god but there is more to that I think anyway, he is god but god did something very very special.

There is something outside of god and its reality and it holds the key to your self

How to change paradigm?

Praise god

Edited by Hojo

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@integral Perhaps a shift to quantum (nonlocalized) consciousness is the answer you seek.


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5 hours ago, integral said:

There is no way NOT to look at it.

YOU hit it right on the nail.

Just stop avoiding, YOU!

Edited by Yimpa


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Your "paradigm" isn't "YOU". You can't change something that's not "you". (Watch Leo's video on free will)

And paradoxically this will be the paradigm shift you are looking for. 

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I would say that what appears to be the act of looking is an illusion. precisely the illusion that creates the duality. You are not looking at anything, you are reality being. this being at this moment manifests itself as an observer who looks at reality, so looks itself. But really there is not the act of looking

think of a fetus. He does not look at anything, there are no limits to his perception. Or one could say, there is no perception, since perception is created by limitation. the fetus is only empty, but total, infinite. The moment objects begin to appear, duality begins to be created, the observer and the observed. it is all a single thing fluctuating, taking forms. to be conscious of forms the fiction of an observer is needed, but the observer and the observed are the same.  

The thing is, how to escape from this particular paradigm in which we are? if you take eg 600 ug of lsd, or vape 20 mg of 5 me or DMT, the paradigm is broken. there is no longer an observer. death of the ego . there is only being, fluctuation, limitless depth. then the paradigm returns, it is impossible to escape from it, it is a solid energetic pattern, it is the structure that it means to be a human.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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