The Redeemer

Your Dopamanergic System is out of whack

3 posts in this topic

When your dopamanergic system is out of whack, bad things to happen.

I want everyone to take a look at their own life and do a dopamanergic audit on their own life.

Do it now.

Edited by The Redeemer

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I have done lots of research into the relationship between dopamine receptors, dopamine and various mental illnesses. If your dopamine levels are too high or low, this can lead to psychosis both in the short term or long term, or, various other mental and physical illnesses. I’m sorry, but, most daily pleasures don’t give you enough of a dopamine kick to make your “dopaminergic system out of whack.” Dopamine levels fluctuate regardless of what you do. It is the seeking of pleasure rather than the pleasure itself, that is bad, but, to get over the seeking of pleasure you must get over the pleasure itself.

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