
Stage green is conflicting with money

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The more "green" I become the more I fall in love with the world around me. But that fruity shit is fucking with my money! I used to be much more motivated to make money and do business. But back then I had other issues (trauma) that got in the way. I was never disciplined. Never made a lot, never really pushed through. 

I should have rode the stage Orange wave out in my 20s. Back then I worked online and if I went outside people would just be objects. Now I love interacting with people, even if they hate me or they're homeless or whatever. I love interactions. I flirt with life. 

Yes! The good news is I did realize this year that I am a mentor and coach and I'll start a coaching business of some sort. So that would be my stage green business. 

But the skill of disciple itself isn't there. In my current business I'd quit it in a second if I didn't have to. 

You guys got any advice? I'm constantly thinking about social situations, about energies and spiritual things and solipsism, and the meaning of things and NONE OF THIS SHIT IS PROFITABLE.

The worst part? I actually think I'm making major progress in life and I am. But where's the money and career stuff? Perhaps there is a fear of putting myself out there. Leo said the best things are behind fear. 

I understand I'm an idiot, don't tell me that. But stage green has all of a sudden become such a high personal value that is gets in the way.

But if I was so spiritual, I should be able to love every aspect of life. 


Edited by Butters

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Well, to make a business profitable. You must have order and structure. These are the foundations. You aggressively hit your targets on a daily basis. Your life is well controlled and planned out. You know exactly  what you are going to be doing every day for the next, week month, year, etc... The plan can be flexible at times, but most of the time it is not. Production and results are what you admire and cherish. 

As for stage green. I am really not sure what you are asking. What is it that you are asking?


Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@Ajax thank you, very valuable. I guess what I mean is that everything in my life is starting to point to me doing some sort of coaching and helping others but transitioning from my  work from home business scares the crap out of me. 


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@Butters  Well, great. I am so happy to hear that you are determined to make this coaching thing happen! It is very rewarding and worthwhile. I can tell you that when you put yourself in those position of responsibility... It helps you grow like you wouldn't believe. You come up with all of these ideas and understanding that will just amaze you. I am excited for you and am excited to learn more about your victories and accomplishments. I know you got this!


What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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1 hour ago, Ajax said:

@Butters  Well, great. I am so happy to hear that you are determined to make this coaching thing happen! It is very rewarding and worthwhile. I can tell you that when you put yourself in those position of responsibility... It helps you grow like you wouldn't believe. You come up with all of these ideas and understanding that will just amaze you. I am excited for you and am excited to learn more about your victories and accomplishments. I know you got this!


Thank you so much. 

Do you have any daily routine to remember your WHY and the bigger picture? How many times daily do you switch between big picture and "to do" stuff? 

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44 minutes ago, Butters said:

Thank you so much. 

Do you have any daily routine to remember your WHY and the bigger picture? How many times daily do you switch between big picture and "to do" stuff? 


I kind of take a conscious based perspective. Accordingly, I don’t have a preset routine. I find it too limiting. One of my goals is to overcome all limitations. As for the Why, I reduce it to the most basic form. So basic that I could state the reason in one word.  I can’t tell you that one word, because everyone is different. The only way it will work is if it is truly authentic for you. My word is DISCOVER. When I realized that word, everything changed for me. It isn’t something that I have to force or program or remember. It is what defines me. Everything I do is with the intention of discovery. Even when I am listening to music, I am not listening for entertainment, I am listening to discover as much as possible, the lyrics, the instruments, the beats, the patterns, the mistakes, as much as possible. I am doing this from a place of fun and joy, so it is something that is incredibly enjoyable for me.

Funny, isn’t it? When I take a break from work, I am still working at making discoveries during my “free time”.

I continually make discoveries every day, hundreds of them, in fact. I keep validating them.  People wonder how I can work long hours. It is because, in my mind, I am not working, I am making constant discoveries as it is in my nature to do. The desire for more discoveries keeps fueling me.

Essentially, if you have to remember why, you don’t really KNOW why. It isn’t the right why.

I am not sure what you are asking. Are you asking about how to keep making spiritual discoveries, while still making money? Well, by only accepting what makes sense to you and what helps improve your life. Existential truths should be applicable in your life if they are of any use.

Like I said, my viewpoint is mainly through the lens of finding discoveries. So, if there are some concepts that don’t do it for me, I put it aside and look for concepts that do provide me the opportunity to make discoveries.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Yes you want to combine them. It's normal to go through phases. Have a green hippy phase if you want but when you are over that it's time to integrate the lower stages.

Love Money!

And you can also make money while loving people. Find out how you can help them even more! Then money comes naturally. And then you will find that you can help even more people by charging higher prices.

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18 hours ago, Butters said:

The more "green" I become the more I fall in love with the world around me. But that fruity shit is fucking with my money! I used to be much more motivated to make money and do business. But back then I had other issues (trauma) that got in the way. I was never disciplined. Never made a lot, never really pushed through. 

I should have rode the stage Orange wave out in my 20s. Back then I worked online and if I went outside people would just be objects. Now I love interacting with people, even if they hate me or they're homeless or whatever. I love interactions. I flirt with life. 

Yes! The good news is I did realize this year that I am a mentor and coach and I'll start a coaching business of some sort. So that would be my stage green business. 

But the skill of disciple itself isn't there. In my current business I'd quit it in a second if I didn't have to. 

You guys got any advice? I'm constantly thinking about social situations, about energies and spiritual things and solipsism, and the meaning of things and NONE OF THIS SHIT IS PROFITABLE.

The worst part? I actually think I'm making major progress in life and I am. But where's the money and career stuff? Perhaps there is a fear of putting myself out there. Leo said the best things are behind fear. 

I understand I'm an idiot, don't tell me that. But stage green has all of a sudden become such a high personal value that is gets in the way.

But if I was so spiritual, I should be able to love every aspect of life. 


Stop blaming this stage or that stage. discipline is a skill. The same reason you weren't disciplined in your 20's is the same reason you are not disciplined now. It will only increase in difficulty as you age. Learn about habits, control your environment, start whatever you want to start doing now. 

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Thank you guys. I've actually made nice progress this year in so many areas, including my work ethic. It's just that at this moment the money is laggin behind, but there's also more potential than ever before. 

I had this solipsism insight this week which was fantastic but it did leave me cold and alone afterwards. Last night I realized I need more self love and how precious life is. 

I need to love myself for every thing I do, I realized it breaks my heart when I self criticize like I do sometimes. I need myself here (my heart), I need myself now more than ever, I can't do it alone (without love). 

Edited by Butters

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Channel that green energy to transition into Yellow eventually. You can have a stage yellow business based on high level of integrity and honesty without being a scumbag and still make decent money. But also important not to rush it.

Green is a great time to explore your feminine side, your energy, passions and purpose, get educated on problems this world faces, experiment with veganism...but then slingshot yourself further 

Edited by Michael569

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Coaching is not a green business.  It's ideally yellow.

Green pretty much means "whatever stupid sob story I tell myself about myself is true and needs to be accepted by society that needs to change for me."

It is antithetical to and resistant to any coaching (which means changing yourself.)

It is impossible to coach people in Green mode (aside from letting them vent about how people/society has wronged them.)

Edited by SeaMonster

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Discipline is huge for me rn 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Read the book Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey

TL;DR: Capitalism IS the vehicle for wealth exchange and just because Green enforces standards that Orange doesn't ("less profitability"), doesn't mean "making money" cannot be done with positive sum effects, big trap of Green, be careful

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