The Redeemer

Women find it disgusting that I am approaching them

67 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

The choices women make don't make a good case for having some ability to detect the true underlying emotions and essence of a person. It is a myth that harms women. What actually happens is that unattractive men are preemptively considered creepy and vilified to justify the repulsion towards them without feeling guilty. This is attributed to some intuitive superpower. There are creepy, angry, abusive, desperate men getting laid as we speak with all kinds of women. A man's sexual and romantic success has nothing to do with his morality.

I didn’t say women sense a man’s morality or essence. I said they sense your desperation or neediness. You can have good intentions and good morals but be needy or desperate, and thus unattractive, and you can have bad intentions and bad morals, and not be needy and not desperate. You can also be better or worse at hiding it. The idea that women’s selection is entirely based on looks is laughable and demolished by almost all scientific evidence. If that was true it wouldn’t even make sense regarding the complaints about how women choose men, how attractive a man is physically isn’t that relevant to how good a person or partner they are.

Edited by Raze

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17 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:
  • Peter Ralston - Zen Body Being (Book)

I can imagine a bit, but can you explain how these topics relate to one another (bodywork + pickup) ? And specially how this book helped you? 

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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7 hours ago, meta_male said:

I've had such thoughts in other situations, especially with narcissists. They know exactly how to push your buttons. It sounds like you've been deeply hurt and this is the response of a part inside you which tries to protect your wounds at all cost.

And I will protect him at all costs. They need to be punished.

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3 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

And I will protect him at all costs. They need to be punished.

Get ifs therapy

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6 hours ago, Michael569 said:

can you elaborate?

When approaching, do you wear clean clothes? Are you shaven & well trimmed? Washed face, teeth, eyes? No grease. Do you smell nice? Does your breath smell nice? Are the spaces between your teeth clean? Tongue clean? Clean ears? 

Nice & neat clothes free from stains? Clean shoes? 

If you are approaching, you better be checking all the boxes otherwise don't even bother. If you don't care now, the signal you are sending is that if she dates you, you'll basically turn into a disorganised mess 

I am fundamentally disorganized. An organized appearance isn't going to hide it.

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6 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

@The Redeemer

I can smell that you hate women with all your heart.

Think about it and look at your intentions with women.

Do you think a woman is stupid?

They can feel your darkness and hate under your skin.

They can "read your soul" just looking at your eyes.

I wish you the best.

I realize that over-generalization and categorizing all women into one specific box is a very dangerous trap and can possibly lead to violence towards someone who is completely innocent.

I believe that there are good natured and good hearted women out there and I met one personally, but there needs to be justice for the one's who cast nothing but spite and evil into the world.

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3 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

Women cannot sense your desperation, anger, neediness etc silly myth that actually hurts women more than anyone else.


3 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

If women could sense these things the world would be a very different place.

That is a damn good point. They aren’t mind readers so why people be acting like they practically are? If women were as good at determining men’s true intentions as people say they are there would be a lot less rapes, kidnappings, abusive situations, etc.

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4 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


That is a damn good point. They aren’t mind readers so why people be acting like they practically are? If women were as good at determining men’s true intentions as people say they are there would be a lot less rapes, kidnappings, abusive situations, etc.

For the second time, I didn’t say women can mind read your intentions, I said they can sense your neediness, desperation, I’ll also add your calibration.

A woman being mislead by a bad man doesn’t disprove my point, he could have simply been good at hiding it or he mentally felt no guilt and felt he was doing nothing wrong so she didn’t sense any weird vibes from him.

I’ve seen countless guys who start doing dramatically better with women by changing nothing other than their own feelings.

You should be able to see this from your own perspective, you will find you naturally are more trusting of someone if they speak with a lot of authority as though they truly believe what they are saying vs someone who sounds hedging and doubtful of their words. 

Edited by Raze

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2 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


That is a damn good point. They aren’t mind readers so why people be acting like they practically are? If women were as good at determining men’s true intentions as people say they are there would be a lot less rapes, kidnappings, abusive situations, etc.

This assumes all women are the same. Some women are MASTERS at detecting potential serial killers. Others, quite frankly, are not.

Edited by The Redeemer

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

You should be able to see this from your own perspective, you will find you naturally are more trusting of someone if they speak with a lot of authority as though they truly believe what they are saying vs someone who sounds hedging and doubtful of their words. 

I will make it a point to TRULY believe in every word that I am saying.

And I will repeat this Mantra every day.

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3 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

I will make it a point to TRULY believe in every word that I am saying.

And I will repeat this Mantra every day.

Not good enough. I am talking about subconscious feelings. No matter how much you try to hypnotize yourself and shove your feelings down, you will still have your neediness, and your resentful feelings.

The problem isn’t that you make posts saying women need to be punished and it’s unfair you have no friends, the problem is you’re even thinking that at all.

You need to do in depth psychological analysis of yourself with an expert and have core changes before you even think about pursuing women.

If you are already this upset over the minor rejections you are getting, you are a time bomb, because if you keep trying you are going to face way harsher and more painful experiences than what you’ve had so far. 

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You can use Zen Body-Being to develop software, walking, thinking, expressing, running, playing soccer and so on.

  1. Zen Body-Being is designed to fight/combat. Its principles are applied to fighting/dangerous situations. They can ground/align yourself to be ready for anything in life. (Physical, Emotional, Intellectual)
  2. Feeling The Whole Body, Relaxing, Moving From The Center, Being Grounded (Aligned With Gravity), Being Calm.
  3. You can be at the cause of experiences, relating to what is really there and not what you THINK it's there.
  4. You will be more intimate with your own body and emotions, feeling it fully, 360º and giving that energy to the outside world. 
  5. The act of feeling every atom of your body with full awareness is itself an act of rebellion. You'll heal, feel more secure, lovable, powerful, capable, unique, creative, insanely competent because it will open new ways of discovering, perceiving, relating, thinking about reality & humans.

Feeling is the foundation to your 5 senses.

Your 5 senses built your whole body-mind system.

Increase your skill to feel 360º everything inside and around you 100x.

You'll think that it's magic, but it's not, you're not using 10% of your consciousness.

If you want to go deeper:

Edited by CARDOZZO

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@CARDOZZO Thx man! Sounds very interesting, I think meditation and psychedelics already helped me move into that awareness/understanding, but there is sure more to learn and embody. Just downloaded the book.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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@The Redeemer My guess is you are projecting your self contempt onto others dude. in other words, you have deep feelings of shame, and so your mind looks for any indicators that others have disdain/ contempt for you.

I have a similar thing myself that I deal with.


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4 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

Perhaps you will have better luck with a Chinese woman?

That’s one of the hardest places to date, there are way more men and way more competition. Also this guy can’t even handle a polite rejection without threatening violence, Chinese women don’t deserve to deal with this lol.

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I can relate. I was in the mall a year or two ago and saw this interesting looking girl wearing something that had her midriff showing and a black beret. She was in the food court sitting alone at a table eating her chic filet. So I decided to approach her with the observational opener that Leo told us was powerful as well as give her a false time constraint to make her feel safer. I’ve seen PUAs say it helps if you tell the girl you’re leaving soon that way she knows she’s not gonna be stuck there with you for a long time. Long story short, it did not work! lol. She looked like she’d just seen a ghost the second I sat down at her table.  She was like “Why are you talking to me? I don’t know who you are!” I can’t remember exactly but I think I tried calming her down a bit but that only made it worse. She kept telling me to leave her alone so I eventually did. Part of me wishes I would have said “oh so you own this table? You don’t get to tell me what to do, you aren’t security.”

Reactions like these are so common is it any wonder why so few guys are approaching?

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5 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I can relate. I was in the mall a year or two ago and saw this interesting looking girl wearing something that had her midriff showing and a black beret. She was in the food court sitting alone at a table eating her chic filet. So I decided to approach her with the observational opener that Leo told us was powerful as well as give her a false time constraint to make her feel safer. I’ve seen PUAs say it helps if you tell the girl you’re leaving soon that way she knows she’s not gonna be stuck there with you for a long time. Long story short, it did not work! lol. She looked like she’d just seen a ghost the second I sat down at her table.  She was like “Why are you talking to me? I don’t know who you are!” I can’t remember exactly but I think I tried calming her down a bit but that only made it worse. She kept telling me to leave her alone so I eventually did. Part of me wishes I would have said “oh so you own this table? You don’t get to tell me what to do, you aren’t security.”

Reactions like these are so common is it any wonder why so few guys are approaching?

You are only supposed to use the false time constraint if you sense apprehension, not before, and don’t sit with her right away out of nowhere, first you ask her something and if she engages and asks you something you sit down and disqualify the escalation with a false time constraint.  

Edited by Raze

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On 7/21/2023 at 2:15 PM, Ulax said:

@The Redeemer My guess is you are projecting your self contempt onto others dude. in other words, you have deep feelings of shame, and so your mind looks for any indicators that others have disdain/ contempt for you.

I have a similar thing myself that I deal with.

I don't know what shame I could be carrying. I'm ashamed of my murderous tendencies that's for sure.

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1 minute ago, The Redeemer said:

I don't know what shame I could be carrying. I'm ashamed of my murderous tendencies that's for sure.

@The Redeemer It can be because of stuff that happened to you as a kid that you can't even remember anymore.


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