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exploring different perspectives

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many times leo evoke the subject concerning the exploration of diverse point of views and engaging, as well as studying different perspectives in a general sense of the term. But what could be more interesting is to apply that principle to the different domains of life that require personal development: health, sexuality, and business. 

for example, a lot of people, only have one perspective in regards to money: study, have a degree, and work hard. that's one perspective, out of many different perspectives in regards to making money, there's investing, free lancing, life purpose... 

same with sexuality, many in the world have only one perspective in regards to sexuality, heterosexual monogamous marriage. but there are many other ones like homosexual marriage, polyamory relationships, picking up girls at the night club... 

same with nutrition, many have only one perspective, the food that they grew up eating from their culture, they've never tasted other cuisines from other parts of the world, never bothered to try carnivore, veganism, keto... most people aren't even educated about nutrition. 

of course we can apply this principle to metaphysics and philosophy which what leo teaches: atheism, religion, the different kinds of religion: islam, hinduism, buddhism, judaism, christianity, sikhism, taoism, confucianism... spirituality, different philosophical schools like stoicism, nihilism.... 

basically you can apply this principle to any area in life you're interested in, video games, pornography, social media, art, countries... 

and this will create the most rich diverse sophisticated and fulfilling life. 

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Agreed. I went through a brief period of watching FOX news clips to try and understand where they were coming from. I still do this occasionally when I see MAGA videos and other shit like that.

You really can extrapolate a grain of truth from any perspective. It can cause resistance at first when you realise even Donald Trump has a grain of truth in his worldview but it does turn out to be the case. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I think this is why people get trapped into idolising celebs like Andrew Tate. He spits out one grain of truth - in crude fashion, no less - and people run away with it, hold onto it with all their might and never look anywhere else.

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