charlie cho

Andrew Tate More Motivational than Leo, Truly Accomplished Body/Mind

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Taylor Swift & Bad Bunny get the most views in Spotify/Youtube.

McDonalds & Coca Cola lead the food industry.

50 Shades of Grey is one of the best selling books of all time.


Everything that goes mainstream has a flavour of mediocrity to it. That is why it resonates with most.

Most people live in a low level of consciousness.

They don't want to think. Just to feel good.

Tate satisfy that. He is operating in the levels of desire and pride (and fear in his marketing).

He makes you feel good and gives you a sense of purpose. But you are not going to replicate his ''success''.

And even you achieve 10% of it, you still won't be happy.

Is like drinking salt water when you are thirsty. It can make you feel great in the moment, but is going to lead you astray.


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2 minutes ago, koops said:

Taylor Swift & Bad Bunny get the most views in Spotify/Youtube.

McDonalds & Coca Cola lead the food industry.

50 Shades of Grey is one of the best selling books of all time.


Everything that goes mainstream has a flavour of mediocrity to it. That is why it resonates with most.

Most people live in a low level of consciousness.

They don't want to think. Just to feel good.

Tate satisfy that. He is operating in the levels of desire and pride (and fear in his marketing).

He makes you feel good and gives you a sense of purpose. But you are not going to replicate his ''success''.

And even you achieve 10% of it, you still won't be happy.

Is like drinking salt water when you are thirsty. It can make you feel great in the moment, but is going to lead you astray.


But it can measurably improve a person's life like @StarStruck said. Not ultimate success. Yet an improvement is still a satisfaction. 

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I think you could say Tate does teach ambition and some positive stage red values. 

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14 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

But it can measurably improve a person's life like @StarStruck said. Not ultimate success. Yet an improvement is still a satisfaction. 

I get it, and I half-agree.

But you think most people, specially teenagers are able to separate the 'good' from the 'bad'?

You think you can improve (charisma, game, money), and then move into 'higher' enveavours, not getting attached to your 'successes'?

Getting more girls or more money could be viewed as improvement. Right.

But getting them through manipulation, is that real improvement?

Thats the question.

Is there not a better way to get girls/money/motivation/fighting skills?

Can people get that from a healthier perspective?



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@charlie cho

16 hours ago, charlie cho said:

No personal feelings against my man Leo. I love him. 

In my opinion, Tate may not be an actor musician or a great businessman. 

But in terms of playing chess and fighting, the artistic parts about fighting/war. He accomplished more than anybody, more than Leo, that's why he's more motivational. He cuts to the shit. He may not be Jocko, but at least in artistic realms he's accomplished. He's not a motivational speaker who hasn't succeeded in the things he proclaims. He was a chess champion, and a Muay Thai Champion. 

Still think Leo's good though. 

Try me, you'll be wrong. If you think I'm trolling.

Because I never cared about other's opinions since I was born. Lol.

   If you have no personal feelings for @Leo Gura and love him, then why are you still talking about Andrew Tate in this way, knowing how Leo doesn't like him? Do you talking about people your family or friends hate while with them?

   Yes, Andrew Tate may not be a great actor, musician, businessmen. What's the point your making here with this statement?

   So in terms of fighting and playing chess to demonstrate his forward thinking skills, the artistic parts of this fighting/war aspect, he's great? Isn't fighting and martial arts meant to train one's discipline, same with chess and thinking? If that's true, then why did Andrew Tate start affiliate program hustler's university, and recruit young girls into his illegal web cam business using a bottom bitch, and behave like a pimp scammer instead of a disciplined critical thinker? 

   So because Andrew Tate accomplished far more short term success than @Leo Gura, person you love and respect here, that justifies he's treatment of women and being a sexist and misogynist, even when he hasn't made a course that out competes against Leo's life purpose course, or even shared books and exercises better than Leo's?

   If all your argument rests on that Andrew Tate is a Muay Thai champion(or is it kickboxing?), and a chess champion, because he's soo successful, then you can take that argument to also argue and justify Jimmy Savile behaviors in the BBC, or Jeffrey Epstein's actions, just because they were highly valuable successful males short term. If that's your entire argument you can easily do that to most evil successful males, right?

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Just now, koops said:

I get it, and I half-agree.

But you think most people, specially teenagers are able to separate the 'good' from the 'bad'?

You think you can improve (charisma, game, money), and then move into 'higher' enveavours, not getting attached to your 'successes'?

Getting more girls or more money could be viewed as improvement. Right.

But getting them through manipulation, is that real improvement?

Thats the question.

Is there not a better way to get girls/money/motivation/fighting skills?

Can people get that from a healthier perspective?



I wasn't talking about manipulation.. God forbid if I take the name of Connor Murphy on this forum. But you need someone, especially for teenagers to look up to someone who tells you to toughen it out. In that sense, Connor Murphy is a good example if you remove the mental breakdown part from his videos. 

You can have charisma without manipulation or exploitation. Getting more money is not easy. And if you are not pushing yourself harder, you'll probably always remain poor like me. Would you want that for teenagers? 

Somewhere you find a balance between wanting to be your higher self but also catering to materialistic values necessary for survival. 

Getting it through manipulation is obviously wrong. But a psychopath can still teach you tips and tricks to effortlessly bold and effective in getting money through the system which are just usual tricks. 

It can be called being strategic, not necessarily manipulative. People who have been in the hustle of making money know it better.

This is where you integrate Stage Red. 

You don't have to be a sinner for it. Just be well prepared and rounded Connor Murphy is a lighter version of Tate. 

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19 minutes ago, koops said:

Taylor Swift & Bad Bunny get the most views in Spotify/Youtube.

McDonalds & Coca Cola lead the food industry.

50 Shades of Grey is one of the best selling books of all time.


Everything that goes mainstream has a flavour of mediocrity to it. That is why it resonates with most.

Most people live in a low level of consciousness.

They don't want to think. Just to feel good.

Tate satisfy that. He is operating in the levels of desire and pride (and fear in his marketing).

He makes you feel good and gives you a sense of purpose. But you are not going to replicate his ''success''.

And even you achieve 10% of it, you still won't be happy.

Is like drinking salt water when you are thirsty. It can make you feel great in the moment, but is going to lead you astray.


Andrew Tate is more like a fine art painting than McDonalds.

You wouldn‘t call the Mona Lisa cheap, just because it‘s „mainstream.“

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Stop listening to Leo. He will make you soft and weak if you don’t have your basic manhood down. 

Bro what? xD How'd You come to this conclusion?

I think Leo's videos are great for a man wanting to build basic healthy masculinity in himself.

Words can't describe You.

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8 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Andrew Tate is more like a fine art painting than McDonalds.

I don't get it. Every time I watch him talk I almost can't watch it from cringe.

What is it you see in him that you like so much? Like what content is available from him online that you have watched that made you fall in love with him in this way?

Every time he is brought up I just think of this clip. The full version is even more cringy.


Edited by something_else

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@charlie cho

45 minutes ago, charlie cho said:

@001 being able to beat the out of you, or being a muay thai champion.

or being able the beat the out of you in chess or, basing on reading all the comments you have written here, embarass you in front of anyone in debates. 

I know you will lose in debates with him, because you didn't have the brain to even be able to identify what accomplishments he has when hes the most googled man on Earth now.

Im not being personal, but it is indeed all facts, at least inrelation to you.

   I'd love to fight him in the ring, but I'm a JKD martial artist, so he'll probably get lots of injuries so...

   Easy win on the debate, cuz I'm just going to keep bringing up that one clip of him snitching himself as a rapist scamming pimp. Easy win GG.

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24 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Andrew Tate is more like a fine art painting than McDonalds.

You wouldn‘t call the Mona Lisa cheap, just because it‘s „mainstream.“


Well haha speaking of Mona Lisa.

I saw it 2 times.

You know what?

Is the MOST overrated piece of art in the history of human kind. Almost every other painting in the Louvre is more beautiful.

There are 1000 people lining up for Mona Lisa, meanwhile in the next room you have a huge brilliant painting that will bring your eyes to tears, and people just pass by looking at their phone.


Thats a perfect metaphor for Tates example.


The problem is that nobody question 'why?'  Why should I do this? Why should I follow this person?

People just go blind for what ticks their lower emotions/desires (cheap food, cheap music...) or for what has social status and approval (like Mona Lisa).


If you truly think he can help you, ok, go for it (I used to like his old videos, when he had less that 10k views on youtube), but enough was enough.

The problem from my POV is just people going at it blindly, without any judgment, just because is the big thing now.


Edited by koops

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Keep it respectful please.

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Bottom G is way cooler than Andrew Tate. If he would just be a normal red-light district owner, without all of the b.s he'd actually be cool, yet Andrew Tate is just toxic as hell and profits from insecure kids. 

A lot of people who like him have drug problems, are sexist, and are down right xenophobic and or ethnocentric. He benefits from underdeveloped kids. The guy grew up without a father, and I bet he attracts the same type of guys who see this "gangster lifestyle" as beign masculine etc. etc. There is so much wrong with this. This does not work, maybe if you can hide it, yet generally speaking it's really for the bottom-tier of people or screwed manipulators and exploitators, and sensationalists who can't get enough drama. 

I bet you can cut a video of my cat in the garden playing with yarn, being more inspirational the reason because this is motivating to you is because of sensational qualities.... the music, the sound, the voice of the guy etc. I don't know how self-deceived you have to be it's like rooting for the mafia and drug cartels. Instead of having a more grounded perspective on this. etc. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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16 hours ago, Nilsi said:

We‘ll leave out that part…

Why don't you leave out the part about Andrew Tate emotionally manipulating and trafficing women then? Everyone has a dark side cause reality has dark sides. You don't know what Leo Gura means when he talks about Alien Insanity. Maybe he went on an Alien killing and raping spree. 

And also I think Andrew Tates work is actually more beneficial for the world in its current state cause peoples consiousness is shallow af compared to Leo Gura and his work. 

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1 hour ago, Sincerity said:

Bro what? xD How'd You come to this conclusion?

I think Leo's videos are great for a man wanting to build basic healthy masculinity in himself.

Leo’s teachings are feminine in nature. I don’t say feminine energy don’t have a place in our lives. We need both the masculine and feminine. But Leo is too much feminine in his energy. Too much pleasure driven, selfish, lazy, and he changes his mind like a 17 year old girl every so many months. This is not masculine. He can only to afford this behavior because of his luxurious position. He couldn’t effort this behavior in the real world. 

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27 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Leo’s teachings are feminine in nature. I don’t say feminine energy don’t have a place in our lives. We need both the masculine and feminine. But Leo is too much feminine in his energy.

You must be kidding dude. :P

I think Leo's teachings and style are very masculine. That's why the vast majority of his YT audience is male. That's why this forum is 90% men. I think Leo could really use more femininity but that's just my view.

I wonder who You'd consider the peak of masculinity.

27 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Too much pleasure driven, selfish, lazy, and he changes his mind like a 17 year old girl every so many months.

He can only to afford this behavior because of his luxurious position. He couldn’t effort this behavior in the real world. 

I don't think that's an accurate stance at all.

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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Just now, StarStruck said:

Too much pleasure driven, selfish, lazy, and he changes his mind like a 17 year old girl every so many months. This is not masculine. He can only to afford this behavior because of his luxurious position. He couldn’t effort this behavior in the real world. 

I understand your point.

If what you are saying is true, the more we embrace feminine energy and love, the more we can self-actualize and transform ourselves.

If we have a lot of masculine energy, are we stuck?


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12 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

You must be kidding dude. :P

I think Leo's teachings and style are very masculine. That's why the vast majority of his YT audience is male. That's why this forum is 90% men. I think Leo could really use more femininity but that's just my view.

I wonder who You'd consider the peak of masculinity.

I don't think that's an accurate stance at all.

Women aren’t interested in spirituality in the same way men are. It doesn’t matter what Leo does, he won’t get a formidable female audience. 


5 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

I understand your point.

If what you are saying is true, the more we embrace feminine energy and love, the more we can self-actualize and transform ourselves.

If we have a lot of masculine energy, are we stuck?


See it as knitting. It really depends. 

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1 minute ago, StarStruck said:

Women aren’t interested in spirituality in the same way men are.

Yeah, they're probably interested in a more feminine approach.

2 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

It doesn’t matter what Leo does, he won’t get a formidable female audience. 

Because he's much more masculine - in my view.

Words can't describe You.

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