charlie cho

Andrew Tate More Motivational than Leo, Truly Accomplished Body/Mind

190 posts in this topic

On 7/20/2023 at 7:05 PM, charlie cho said:

I call you low IQ. 

Dude you did insult him. Read your post again. Stop trying to deny it. Get out of your ego and just THINK for a moment. 

Dude everyone here thinks you're a heavy narcissist. The way you're talking is so high (in a bad way), brash, and inconsiderate. If you get let go of your ego for a moment and actually see the situation in a more unbiased manner you would tell that you were insulting him.

Nobody here is buying your shit.

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Guys I really don't think we're gonna convince charlie cho of anything. He's too stuck in his head.

Just leave him. Lost cause. It's useless to convince him of anything other than his opinion because he is so egotistical.

If you want a practical benefit of getting out, because of the hyper-ambitious nature of everyone here, here is one: The way you feel is your point of attraction. When you feel happy, you attract circumstances of happiness. When you feel sad, you attract circumstances of sadness.

What we're all doing here with charlie is getting angry, getting upset, and recieving unfair and dickhead treatment from him. And we're promoting those lines of circumstances down our lives.

I'm not saying having a debate is necessarily bad, but they should be healthy, and not be taken so far negatively, like what this guy is doing, shut up in his own thougts.

We're leaving him. We're not going to waste time arguing with fools; Remember, everyone on this forum is crazy ambitious, crazy spiritual, have high levels of talent in their fields. Don't waste your time on this squabble that he's not going to concede too. It's pointless, and eventually, he's gonna pass a tolerance point and make up some bullshit excuse to why he won't speak with you all anymore.

We're Done.

Edited by Magnanimous

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4 hours ago, Nilsi said:

If Leo plays his cards right

What does that look like?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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My advise to mods: Close this thing.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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20 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

What does that look like exactly?

If I was his manager and I actually wanted to do this, it would look something like:

  1. Play to the algorithm: We need to turn into a content machine!, shorter videos (30 minutes max.), always talk about the latest news and buzz, collaborations with as many people in adjacent spaces as possible...
  2. Drop all the controversy: The last thing we want to do is hurt anyones ego, so no more talk about self-deception, insanity, being the most awakened being...
  3. Appeal to the elites: Spaces we want to appeal to are: LGBTQ+, climate activists, emerging tech think tanks, psychedelic capitalists, post capitalists, peak performance geeks, wellness nerds; we want to understand their agenda as clearly as possible and start becoming a mouthpiece for them -- ultimately we want to appeal to powerful elitist organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Democrat Party...
  4. Build momentum: We need to write books and get publishing deals; interviews with popular personalities like Sadhguru, Lex Fridman, Tony Robbins, etc.; psychedelics are a huge opportunity and we have to make sure we get lawmakers on our side and become first movers, once decriminalization/legalisation happens...

This is obviously rather crude, but if we would keep testing and iterating over years with this one goal in mind, I am 100% certain we would turn into a Billion $$$ brand. 

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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14 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

I respect Tate's commitment to fighting and chess.

But I really resonate with Lex Fridman:

  • PhD, Engineer, Researcher.
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt.
  • Guitarist.
  • Chess Player.
  • Runner.
  • Youtuber/Podcaster.
  • Investor.
  • Voracious Reader. (Politics, Sci-Fi, Tech, Science, Philosophy, Poetry)
  • Yellow/Turquoise Thinking.


   Of course, because I'm here reading and posting in this thread, and because you already know I don't like Lex Fridman, you set up this both siding fallacy , and moot and bailey fallacy between Andrew Tate and Lex Fridman to sneak in a passive aggressive statement against me, but just to let you know you're blocked so you can ditch the passive aggressiveness towards me.

   And Lex Fridman, is better compared to Tate I agree, however he himself isn't innocent as well:

   @Leo Gura is much better than these two combined because:

He engages with philosophical thinking seriously.

He has been a life coach, and created the life purpose course that keeps on getting higher and higher values the more times you engage with the exercises.

He also has collected booklists of high quality and range of subjects, yes they cost money to access but the potential value in each book is millions of dollars in returns.

He makes long form high quality videos covering a wide range of topics such as sexuality, some business and career advice, relationships, basic self help concepts, philosophy, health and few points of fitness, metaphysics, epistemology, spirituality, concepts of nonduality and more advanced spirituality, infinity, god realization, psychedelics(a major contribution that makes him really stand out IMO), some dangers to taking concepts or actions too far.

He can out speak and out perform Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate in motivational speeches and can improvise whilst talking in long formats, meanwhile Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate have to rely on jump cuts and edits.

He has created and maintained a high quality forum and has strict standards here that rivals the two, as they never have created any websites with honor.

WAY MORE integrity and discipline than Lex and Andrew combined.

   How is it acceptable to compare Leo to Andrew Tate or Lex Fridman is crazy, he's on a whole other dimension in value provided than the two could ever match up to.

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5 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

If I was his manager and I actually wanted to do this, it would look something like:

  1. Play to the algorithm: We need to turn into a content machine!, shorter videos (30 minutes max.), always talk about the latest news and buzz, collaborations with as many people in adjacent spaces as possible...
  2. Drop all the controversy: The last thing we want to do is hurt anyones ego, so no more talk about self-deception, insanity, being the most awakened being...
  3. Appeal to the elites: Spaces we want to appeal to are: LGBTQ+, climate activists, emerging tech think tanks, psychedelic capitalists, post capitalists, peak performance geeks, wellness nerds; we want to understand their agenda as clearly as possible and start becoming a mouthpiece for them -- ultimately we want to appeal to powerful elitist organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Democrat Party...
  4. Build momentum: We need to write books and get publishing deals; interviews with popular personalities like Sadhguru, Lex Fridman, Tony Robbins, etc.; psychedelics are a huge opportunity and we have to make sure we get lawmakers on our side and become first movers, once decriminalization/legalisation happens...

This is obviously rather crude, but if we would keep testing and iterating over years with this one goal in mind, I am 100% certain we would turn into a Billion $$$ brand. 

   Wait, wait, hold on. I know you miss the older content that Leo makes, I do, I actually like where the current direction is heading to. I wouldn't compromise this for shorter Tik Tok like videos sorry, not going to happen.

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6 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

If I was his manager and I actually wanted to do this, it would look something like:

  1. Play to the algorithm: We need to turn into a content machine!, shorter videos (30 minutes max.), always talk about the latest news and buzz, collaborations with as many people in adjacent spaces as possible...
  2. Drop all the controversy: The last thing we want to do is hurt anyones ego, so no more talk about self-deception, insanity, being the most awakened being...
  3. Appeal to the elites: Spaces we want to appeal to are: LGBTQ+, climate activists, emerging tech think tanks, psychedelic capitalists, post capitalists, peak performance geeks, wellness nerds; we want to understand their agenda as clearly as possible and start becoming a mouthpiece for them -- ultimately we want to appeal to powerful elitist organisations like the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Democrat Party...
  4. Build momentum: We need to write books and get publishing deals; interviews with popular personalities like Sadhguru, Lex Fridman, Tony Robbins, etc.; psychedelics are a huge opportunity and we have to make sure we get lawmakers on our side and become first movers, once decriminalization/legalisation happens...

This is obviously rather crude, but if we would keep testing and iterating over years with this one goal in mind, I am 100% certain we would turn into a Billion $$$ brand. 

We basically have to become to the left what Jordan Peterson is to the right.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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Just now, Danioover9000 said:

 Of course, because I'm here reading and posting in this thread, and because you already know I don't like Lex Fridman, you set up this both siding fallacy , and moot and bailey fallacy between Andrew Tate and Lex Fridman to sneak in a passive aggressive statement against me, but just to let you know you're blocked so you can ditch the passive aggressiveness towards me.

I don't know if you love me or hate me.

Is it because of Schmachtenberger's video? 

Just remember that you are not special (myself included) and the world doesn't revolve around you.

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59 minutes ago, ItsNick said:

My advise to mods: Close this thing.

That would be a bad move. A lot of people need to discuss these things. Let them out. But it should be confined to one or two threads among the active ones. 

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