charlie cho

Andrew Tate More Motivational than Leo, Truly Accomplished Body/Mind

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3 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

I know this from the PUA group who went toxic about a man doing this, the point is with the new sexual diversity spectrum this has all become so difficult. The guy has a lot of yin energy he would even admitt, it I bet I could be personal with guys like him, I have a knack for dealing with corrupt people who're full of shit, and I could get him to talk xD that'd be so funny, I never really hated him. The followers are 99.9% the issue. He is misguided about what the world really is, when I watch him I can see parts of my guilty self lacking in wisdom to be of "serivce" to humanity. In a twisted sense he means well, I fundamentally have a similarity with him being half/half american/german he american/english and I can see the damages of beign with a single mother, it's hilarous to watch and sort of see how he sort of has this genuient interested in understanding the world, and eventually even women, and I bet it did not work for him. Also growing up with a single mother who is white and most likely has some strong liberal ideals, otherwise she would not date a black man, besides in an f*ed scenario or just beign at least modern stage orange. 
I just feel bad for the guy, if he'd actually just become a healthy player without sex trafficking it would not even be that bad, yet he rose to fame through hate & sensationalist type of media polarization. I also see the damage simply of "sub-optimal" parenting and how early I realized this, the guy most likely has strong yin enery, otherwise he would not be as creative and "beauty" oriented, even when he dives deeper into the masculine many become way more soft. That does not even have anything to do with sexual orientation, the content the guy produces and how he ripps of others who are looking to make quick money is just sad and manipulation based on shame & guilt. 

It would be funny if he would just convert all of these people and his real agenda, was to free muslims from the rigid perspectives about gender xD I would hype the guy to infinity xD

Funny indeed. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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32 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Every finite game has predatory niches that can and will be exploited, by necessity.

This "game" is self-organizing, meaning these dynamics are inherent in the system as long as any player is pursuing their self-interest decoupled from the interest of the whole.

So unless you want to pitch me on your TURQUOISE pipe dreams, YOU dont understand evolution ;)

Sure the higher does not include the lower, and all that exists is scientific evidence of competition and growth. If you consistenlty pursue self-interest you'll be outright outcompeted, the biggest strength of survival of tribes and nations is cooperation you get that? Maybe contemplate an ant colony, there are not only preadators in the universe as life forms. Their life is also finite.  

Bro stage turqouise LC's don't even properly exist you realize that I am seeing someone build it right in fron of my eyes it's funny. The technology for this does not even properly exists, you can only do so much, as an individual and these communities do not properly work. 
I've seen one of the most fantastic pitches in the universe from a guy who left the forum, about various things.
It's insane that most guys don't even have the desire to pursue higher LC's. If I would ask you what a holon is you could not even explain to me integral thinking. It's very evident how academia just screws with some peoples conditioning and school even. Any average stage orange expert will most likely put this sandcastle worldviews of yours into the ground. 
Also this "semi-conscious" strong left-leaning anarchy type self-organisation vibe is something a young 20 year old goes to the first time he/she realizes systems in systems in systems and meta thinking, it does not work if there is no cooperation for this, maybe read some books about anarchy. I like a lot of self-organizing ideas, they usually don't work. If you want to enslave yourself into a system without creative opportunities and nische building your choice and gl. 

A lot of these ideas will be implemented within an A.I, it's quiet interesting and most likely neccessary. The entire world view of yours is based on social darwinism and is outright childish, to simply dominate and outcompete, you'll be the biggest looser at the end while the ones who cooperate and have better social skills will just win out. 

It does not really matter. Talking to single-minded type people who fan boy anything just shows me a lack of dignity of oneself, especially Andrew Tate. 

The point is all of these high level intellecutals are legit at the leading edge, and solving world problems, while you see kids like Andrew Tate run around causing chaos, maybe neccessary, yet it's a big hinderance to actual growth. For sure someone get's value out of this, but seriously no matter how smart if you are not looking at him for stupidity and lols and letting yourself be inspired by the stupidity of humanity, I don't know it's like watching a good reality tv show seeing Andrew Tate. 
The joys I experienced during meditation retreats etc. How shallow this guy treats sex etc. He does not even properly exploit pleasure otherwise he would push it.
Also funny side note Ralph Smart and him grew up in the same town, it's interesting to see the guy now, that the toxicity is over and just materalism is at a rampage again. 

Anyway I am out of this no matter what you reply to me. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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35 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

This is how the world works - at a certain level of ambition, you have to be this ruthless, or you will be outcompeted. Either you drop your ambition and accept that you will never make it to the highest echelons of society, or you accept the rules that are presented to you and keep playing the game. 

Why do you think only psychopaths make it this far? No person with a conscience could handle this shit, yet that's exactly what's required to make it to the top - IN ANY COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. 

Analagous shit happens in the business world, in politics, in academia, in the movie industry, in organized religion... Only that no one in their right mind would come out and talk about the dirty work they had to do to make it to the top. 

Being a machiavellian psychopath might get you to the higher echelons of society but it probably won't make you fulfilled or happy.

35 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

As for a clip that depicts his positive attributes, how about the following one. The presence and image he projects is the definition of excellence to me. The way he speaks, the way he moves - even his physical image screams MASTERY to me.

His presence and image here is soooo cringy :D  The way he lights the cigar before he starts talking and sits there showing off his bulging biceps, talking about how he's too smart for the BBC, calling them an extremist organisation... and that beard lmao.... None of that screams mastery, it screams boy in a mans body desperately trying to compensate for his crippling insecurity.

He may be right about the BBC interview being bad, it wouldn't surprise me, and I don't have enough information to know. The BBC is pretty shitty, but calling them an extremist organisation is borderline delusion. The way he talks and his whole image and style is just something I can't bring myself to watch or enjoy, even if I agree with him on certain topics about young men.

Almost every sentence he says is silly, for example, one that stands out to me: "they are attempting to throw me in jail and ruin my life because I am helping young men" — no andrew, they are attempting to throw you in jail because you admittedly and proudly ran a sex trafficking organisation which scammed MEN out of millions.

Edited by something_else

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18 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Sure the higher does not include the lower, and all that exists is scientific evidence of competition and growth. If you consistenlty pursue self-interest you'll be outright outcompeted, the biggest strength of survival of tribes and nations is cooperation you get that? 

Bro stage turqouise LC's don't even properly exist you realize that I am seeing someone build it right in fron of my eyes it's funny. The technology for this does not even properly exists, you can only do so much, as an individual and these communities do not properly work. 
I've seen one of the most fantastic pitches in the universe from a guy who left the forum, about various things.
It's insane that most guys don't even have the desire to pursue higher LC's. If I would ask you what a holon is you could not even explain to me integral thinking. It's very evident how academia just screws with some peoples conditioning and school even. Any average stage orange expert will most likely put this sandcastle worldviews of yours into the ground. 
Also this "semi-conscious" strong left-leaning anarchy type self-organisation vibe is something a young 20 year old goes to the first time he/she realizes systems in systems in systems and meta thinking, it does not work if there is no cooperation for this, maybe read some books about anarchy. I like a lot of self-organizing ideas, they usually don't work. If you want to enslave yourself into a system without creative opportunities and nische building your choice and gl. 

A lot of these ideas will be implemented within an A.I, it's quiet interesting and most likely neccessary. The entire world view of yours is based on social darwinism and is outright childish, to simply dominate and outcompete, you'll be the biggest looser at the end while the ones who cooperate and have better social skills will just win out. 

It does not really matter. Talking to single-minded type people who fan boy anything just shows me a lack of dignity of oneself, especially Andrew Tate. 

The point is all of these high level intellecutals are legit at the leading edge, and solving world problems, while you see kids like Andrew Tate run around causing chaos, maybe neccessary, yet it's a big hinderance to actual growth. For sure someone get's value out of this, but seriously no matter how smart if you are not looking at him for stupidity and lols and letting yourself be inspired by the stupidity of humanity, I don't know it's like watching a good reality tv show seeing Andrew Tate. 
The joys I experienced during meditation retreats etc. How shallow this guy treats sex etc. He does not even properly exploit pleasure otherwise he would push it.
Also funny side note Ralph Smart and him grew up in the same town, it's interesting to see the guy now, that the toxicity is over and just materalism is at an rampage again. 

Everyone is cooperating to some extend. I work for a company. We cooperate. We can outcompete other companies though, because we are not fully coupled to their collective interest. And I can always backstab my colleagues to get a bigger piece of the pie.

There will never be a perfect state in the universe where EVERYBODY cooperates with EVERYBODY. Spiral Dynamics literally tells you that people are born selfish fucks, so there will never be a shortage of selfish actors.

This is the classic tragedy of the commons. OF COURSE the world would be better, if everyone acted in total interest of the whole -- BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORLD THAT PRESENTS ITSELF TO YOU, IF YOU ACTUALLY GO OUT THERE AND PLAY SOME OF THESE GAMES YOURSELF.


I'm not suggesting people participate in the game of power - if you want to become some transgressive Jesus figure, good for you - you will ALWAYS stay a slave that way though. Sorry I offended you, little snowflake.

Edited by Nilsi

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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7 minutes ago, something_else said:

Being a machiavellian psychopath might get you to the higher echelons of society but it probably won't make you fulfilled or happy.

His presence and image here is soooo cringy :D  The way he lights the cigar before he starts talking and sits there showing off his bulging biceps, talking about how he's too smart for the BBC, calling them an extremist organisation... and that beard lmao.... None of that screams mastery, it screams boy in a mans body desperately trying to compensate for his crippling insecurity.

He may be right about the BBC interview being bad, it wouldn't surprise me, and I don't have enough information to know. The BBC is pretty shitty, but calling them an extremist organisation is borderline delusion. The way he talks and his whole image and style is just something I can't bring myself to watch or enjoy, even if I agree with him on certain topics about young men.

Almost every sentence he says is silly, for example, one that stands out to me: "they are attempting to throw me in jail and ruin my life because I am helping young men" — no andrew, they are attempting to throw you in jail because you admittedly and proudly ran a sex trafficking organisation which scammed MEN out of millions.

To each their own.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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I won't agree with him wholesale but he has some nuggets like - expressing yourself without wanting social validation. He is a mixed bag - some good things and some shady shit. Had it not been for the wave of scandals rocking his boat, he would have made it really far, motivational speaker deals and probably a TV career or book deals. He was clearly very successful. He squandered his chances by deciding to compromise on illegal shit. He has an empathetic approach to his audience, less substance, more gimmicky but self assuring, this is great for those who looking for a short term dose of encouragement. I understand his appeal. It will work for traumatized people who think nobody cares about them. He is virtually their superman comfort guide. For an exceptionally tough person, his charm is unflattering and at best superficial. 

Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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21 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Everyone is cooperating to some extend. I work for a company. We cooperate. We can outcompete other companies though, because we are not fully coupled to their collective interest. And I can always backstab my colleagues to get a bigger piece of the pie.

There will never be a perfect state in the universe where EVERYBODY cooperates with EVERYBODY. Spiral Dynamics literally tells you that people are born selfish fucks, so there will never be a shortage of selfish actors.

This is the classic tragedy of the commons. OF COURSE the world would be better, if everyone acted in total interest of the whole -- BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORLD THAT PRESENTS ITSELF TO YOU, IF YOU ACTUALLY GO OUT THERE AND PLAY SOME OF THESE GAMES YOURSELF.


I'm not suggesting people participate in the game of power - if you want to become some transgressive Jesus figure, good for you - you will ALWAYS stay a slave that way though. Sorry I offended you, little snowflake.

What you're typing is the bottom of the barrel type people. You did not offend me. I don't frankly care about some over-aggressive little kid. Who projects his Jesus ideas to Andrew Tate and is stuck in some judeo-christian nightmare of a worldview. You're a joke bro, go have some fun with Tate. Or call me if you need a little help ;). You don't even know what a projection is. Nobody runs the real world like this, what kind of movie are you even on?

The way you're typing your little PUA worldview most seriously have been threatened, maybe stop using caps like an offended little girl. 

Backstabbing your colleagous will get you that promotion xD. Beign a slave is a yin feminine principle, and being a master a masculine princple that is the joke. It's insane that people like you have freedom of speech and pollute your mind with the dumbest ideas possible. It's often always here the nietzschetype followers who legit have the most power driven worldview and could need a serious reality check. There is a difference in exercising power and dominating others. Also these philosophers are a huge joke, I don't know how you can't see this even as a kid and make these distinctions. 

That level of bitterness in you is unreal. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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2 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

What you're typing is the bottom of the barrel type people. You did not offend me. I don't frankly care about some over-aggressive little kid. Who projects his Jesus ideas to Andrew Tate and is stuck in some judeo-christian nightmare of a worldview. You're a joke bro. 

Call me if you need a little help ;). The way you're typing your little PUA worldview most seriously have been threatened, maybe stop using caps like an offended little girl. 


“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@charlie cho

   If you have no personal feelings for @Leo Gura and love him, then why are you still talking about Andrew Tate in this way, knowing how Leo doesn't like him? Do you talking about people your family or friends hate while with them?

   Yes, Andrew Tate may not be a great actor, musician, businessmen. What's the point your making here with this statement?

   So in terms of fighting and playing chess to demonstrate his forward thinking skills, the artistic parts of this fighting/war aspect, he's great? Isn't fighting and martial arts meant to train one's discipline, same with chess and thinking? If that's true, then why did Andrew Tate start affiliate program hustler's university, and recruit young girls into his illegal web cam business using a bottom bitch, and behave like a pimp scammer instead of a disciplined critical thinker? 

   So because Andrew Tate accomplished far more short term success than @Leo Gura, person you love and respect here, that justifies he's treatment of women and being a sexist and misogynist, even when he hasn't made a course that out competes against Leo's life purpose course, or even shared books and exercises better than Leo's?

   If all your argument rests on that Andrew Tate is a Muay Thai champion(or is it kickboxing?), and a chess champion, because he's soo successful, then you can take that argument to also argue and justify Jimmy Savile behaviors in the BBC, or Jeffrey Epstein's actions, just because they were highly valuable successful males short term. If that's your entire argument you can easily do that to most evil successful males, right?

   Feel free to answer any of these questions, because being silent is not always golden.

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8 minutes ago, Nilsi said:


Bro you're on my blocklist since 6 months xD .

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13 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

I won't agree with him wholesale but he has some nuggets like - expressing yourself without wanting social validation. He is a mixed bag - some good things and some shady shit. Had it not been for the wave of scandals rocking his boat, he would have made it really far, motivational speaker deals and probably a TV career or book deals. He was clearly very successful. He squandered his chances by deciding to compromise on illegal shit. He has an empathetic approach to his audience, less substance, more gimmicky but self assuring, this is great for those who looking for a short term dose of encouragement. I understand his appeal. It will work for traumatized people who think nobody cares about them. He is virtually their superman comfort guide. For an exceptionally tough person, his charm is unflattering and at best superficial. 

   I agree he has some nuggets like expressing yourself without social validation seeking, and maybe other stage orange values. The problem is that that's about 10-20% the good stuff, whole 80-90% is total BS. From running and affiliate program scam called Hustler's university, to expressing sexist and misogynistic worldviews, to using a belt to whip a blonde in the big brothers tv show, to tax evasion via cryptocurrency, to mind fucking young men and sexually objectifying women, to pursuing hyper materialism and capitalism, to even using a bottom bitch to recruit young compromised girls for his shady web cam business. Seems like you're doing a both siding fallacy, which in this case doesn't quite work because the potential good he could have done is not equal to the potential harms and negatives he's actualizing. Sorry, no amount of motivational speech, no 'empathetic' approach to understanding his audience is not going to outweigh all his negatives he has actualized so far. 

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1 hour ago, Nilsi said:

What does this have to do with masculinity? This is completely unisex advice.

Masculinity necessarily has to be defined against femininity, otherwise what are we even talking about?

Like it or not, but masculinity is very much about the mastery of predatory and sexual instincts. That means being able to throw a punch if necessary; keeping your cool when talking to a hot chick with a fat ass; being able to provide for yourself and the people that depend on you; sacrificing short term pleasure for long term gain... - if you can not do those things, you are a failure of a man. 


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6 minutes ago, StarStruck said:


No, that is completely, absolutely false.

The devil is in the details.

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Actually there is something I think Tate did very well, that people who are motivated by him should learn to do as well.

And that is to document and record themselves in detail as they commit to the crimes they have done in the past or do currently do.

That is the real checkmate move right there.

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13 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

Actually there is something I think Tate did very well, that people who are motivated by him should learn to do as well.

And that is to document and record themselves in detail as they commit to the crimes they have done in the past or do currently do.

That is the real checkmate move right there.

   So true!?

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21 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

No, that is completely, absolutely false.

You are wrong IMG_5310.jpeg

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I would compare Leo to maybe Osho, Echart Tolle, Ken Wilber....we are lucky that Leo does what he does otherwise we wouldn't be here. Leo clearly has skills that we don't have, we should encourage him in hopes that he produces more content we all enjoy. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

You are wrong IMG_5310.jpeg


Btw, I'll make a thread to explain it all.


The devil is in the details.

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Keep it civil in here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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