
Questions I Have For Leo, My Experiences, and More

25 posts in this topic

@Leo GuraI have important question(s) for you and other people can answer too. This might actually get your attention and I'm starting to get the strange feeling that we are incompatible but it's really difficult to explain that at the moment. Let's just say that I think that there is a deeper reason with why we don't interact with each other that we are both probably unaware of and why I'm not on your priorities or on your radar when it comes to interacting with people on the forum. When contemplating, it's easy to generate nothing or for me just to get too distracted by thoughts that is probably just mental masturbation without even recording anything but it seems like I'm now in the ideal state of mind to be posting on the forum. Now without further-a-do, let's begin.

First of all, I have some things to say about the UFO video you posted on your blog. First of all, the visions I had tell me that aliens probably exist and the most convincing vision I had while awake sober before even learning about aliens was an alien piece of technology that behaved supernaturally in which the switch or lever disappeared when I left my room. My intuition would tell me that it might have changed my social interactions although the superficial answer would be that my autism causes their current results which is what I say, do, and behave on my behalf. Glowing entities that appeared to me might have been angels since they can take different forms according to Teal Swan but you probably don't buy into that which is why I think that it is likely for demons to exist too but I'll discuss the problems with talking about whether or not demons exist (it's a general problem with understanding truth).

Now where is what I think of alien footage as "evidence": Although I'm confident that aliens exist, I wouldn't call alien footage of a UFO as actual "evidence". Afterall, there is still the possibility of it being photoshoped or it being AI generated. You also have to take into that is footage of stuff you consider to be false like footage of glitches in the matrix. You would consider that to be fake footage. I think that it easy for you to call the alien footage real without a shadow of a doubt because the YouTube algorithm knows the footage you would want to watch. Anyways, you get my point. 

You have claimed in one of your videos that you are detached from the idea of "alien fucking spacecraft" but I think the difference between you and me is how we perceive technology since we both claim that we are detached from the belief in aliens which is relevant to contemplating how much the UFO footage is evidence for anything. From my observations, it seems like you are ignorant from technology generally speaking. First of all, I can't tell what is being discussed on the right side of the forum index/homepage. It looks even worse on Android TV with the scaling to the point where I can't even read the forum but most websites don't work properly there anyways and it could just be the browser I'm using on that device. You also scatter your notes into different notebooks around your house instead of keeping it into a consistent place like Google Docs on your phone. You might actually be aware of this option and chose the option that is less likely to distract you since the app managers are not very nuanced, at least not to me and whatever works for you. You also tend to emphasize on computers when you speak of simulations. These are all examples that I want you to be aware of the more I observe you. 

Now I have questions for your video on why reality cannot be a simulation that has more to do with the topic on the sub-forum: Why can't God imagine that the universe is a simulation? You say that I am God but you say that I have free will if I were to identify as the entire Universe and that God imagines what is possible and impossible and I think speaking dualistically would clear up confusion in this context. And can God really imagine anything outside of consciousness if everything is Mind? You say that Love is the only absolute limition for the higher good because God is Love. My next question is why does simulation theory have to work with aliens all the way up just like with turtles all the way down and that simulations have to be simulated all the way up infinitely? Why is there a negative stereotype when it comes to new-agers believing this and when it comes to New Age in general whenever you refer to "New Age bullshit"? It's been awhile since I watched that video and a lot seems irrelevant to this question in the video. 

Now I have questions about what you think about demons: First of all, I'm skeptical what Teal Swan says about demons. There tends to 3 ideas about demons from demons that I noticed from spiritual teachers:

1. That demons don't exist. 

2. That there can only be demonic contracts with demons. 

3. That demons cause possession. 

I got the 3rd idea from the book called Kundalini Awakening in chapter 12 about phychic powers but I'm only going to focus on what is most likely to be true from that book and if there isn't backed up by someone else's personal experience, it would seem to suggest that we live in a subjective collective reality. It really does seem like my mind is the source of all demons from this standpoint even if my personal experience MIGHT have involved angels which is important to take into account since we live in dualistic reality. But what about that person who said that there was dark energy within you who didn't want you to keep coming back to him for money when you had a serious health problem? Would you also say now that this is because the mind is the source of all demons? I can show a video of the healthy and unhealthy benefits of fish even though you probably know but you do sure put a lot of emphasize on the health consequences from your experience which would be heavy metals and I don't blame you. But the stuff I was taught is good for me you say is bad for me like omega 3 in fish and yeast for example even though consuming those things would make me more susceptible to heavy metals. This is just one example and won't be getting into that here. I messaged a moderator about this who is an expert in health who said that this varies from person to person and said he doesn't see a reason for why I can't eat fish even though I would like to become vegan but you give personal advice in the video about heavy metal toxicity. 

Hopefully, we can come to a conclusion about all of this so that these questions and concerns can be resolved. Keep in mind that I find you to be one of the most valuable teachers out there. I know that you would want give your feedback on science because of how much you want to improve it which is what I want to do here but it could be me is mistaken, please be honest. I hope that you find value in this. 

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Simulation means a model of something else. But consciousness is not a model of anything else, it is directly itself. So not a simulation. You can dream of simulations but if you're Awake you see consciousness directly as consciousness, not any kind of simulation.

You asked a bunch of other questions but I don't have time to answer them all.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Yimpa Very dismissive, I asked metaphysical questions about imagination too. My next question is that how can child prodigies explained if there seems to be evidence for such people if talent is just a myth like Leo says it is? I notice talent within certain videogames I play which means that I have personal evidence too. 

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1 minute ago, AndylizedAAY said:

My next question is that how can child prodigies explained if there seems to be evidence for such people if talent is just a myth like Leo says it is? 

When did he say that?

I AM reborn

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Talent does exist. I have changed my position on that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Was the one you answered the easiest one to answer? Will you answer more in the future? It's okay that you're busy, I'm just curious about the other things that are worth more of your time. It's probably the usual list like contemplation, self-inquiry, etc. I actually forgot the difference between the two. Would you mind being more specific this time about the list? Even if I won't understand, it's not like you have to make a video about it and you can still share it with me on the forum if it isn't too personal. I'm glad that I get to talk to you. 

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2 minutes ago, AndylizedAAY said:

@Leo Gura I actually forgot the difference between the two. 

Me too.

I AM reborn

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@Leo Gura Also, what I said in the beginning of my post about each other was to not make you feel guilty, I just use to contemplate about the different role that I play based on my life's circumstances. Now that I think about it, I should have never deleted that Instagram message I sent you because it looked depressing that you never responded. But I'm not that needy and it doesn't really matter who responds on the forum, the questions just had to do with you. You said that you use Instagram to get to know people more but can't I privately message you on the forum anyways? You do however create posts on Instagram that should probably be separate from your blog. 

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Simulation means a model of something else. But consciousness is not a model of anything else, it is directly itself. So not a simulation. You can dream of simulations but if you're Awake you see consciousness directly as consciousness, not any kind of simulation.

You could say The Universe is simulating Itself. There is cosmological evidence for this observed in Black Holes. Leonard Suskind talks about the holographic principle, which says that ALL of the information within a 3D spherical region of space is found on it's 2D boundary. For example, ALL the information in the observable Universe can be found at it's very edge.

Similarly, the event horizon of a black hole is like a mirror, which contains a perfect reflection of all the Light that has ever fallen into the black hole, and it is Being funneled into the Infinite Singularity, where it achieves Perfection and becomes Intelligent Infinity.

When an Entity enters the event horizon of a black hole, and begins heading towards the Singularity, it experiences extreme time dialation and witnesses the heat death of the Universe while simultaneously seeing everything outside the black hole being blue shifted into the infinite future, until eventually it reaches the Infinite Singularity and experiences every moment that has ever happened and ever will happen simultaneously as ONE Perfect Moment and becomes The Creator, INFINITY unmanifested.

Then, this Infinite Intelligent Singularity in it's Infinite Intelligence decides that the LOVE of experience and Self-knowledge that comes with duality is worth all the pain, sorrow, and fear, and then willingly chooses to split itself again into Infinite pieces, and a new Universe is born, and it goes out with a Big Bang. (a white hole)

The boundry of our observable Universe is the event horizon of a black hole. The Universe is An Infinite Singularity. You Are An Infinite Singularity that is simulating It-Self ad infinitum. Infinite Recursion.

It is in this sense, the Universe is also simulating itself on the event horizon of every black hole, which is the Singularity to a new iteration of the Universe fractal which incorporates all the knowledge and wisdom from every experience of every Being in the Universe it is contained within and distills it into the Singularity, then returns the finished product or recelation to us now as Hawking Radiation.

It is in this way that INFINITY, or the Higher Self from our Infinite Future, communicates with us through revelations and insights gained in meditation and general conscious experience that is Life.

The Universe simulates, or reflects and refracts itself at every point, and it does so thoroughly and perfectly so that nothing is ever lost, goes to waste, or happens for no reason. Every event and experience happens for the greatest good: Pure Unconditional Love, aka "Gravity"

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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5 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Every event and experience happens for the greatest good: Pure Unconditional Love.

Damn straight.

I AM reborn

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Damn straight.

Fun fact, Gravity is another name for LOVE.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Consciousness is not a simulation.

Just stop using that word and you will be closer to truth.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness is not a simulation.

Just stop using that word and you will be closer to truth.

Holographically, it is "simulating" itself via internal reflection. It's Infinite Recursion. A single thread of Intelligence that has passed through it's center ad infinitum. Like a threading a needle through the eye of a camel, a beautiful tapestry of Consciousness.

Ultimately, it is Only Itself. 

*insert hand here*

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, AndylizedAAY said:

Now where is what I think of alien footage as "evidence": Although I'm confident that aliens exist, I wouldn't call alien footage of a UFO as actual "evidence". Afterall, there is still the possibility of it being photoshoped or it being AI generated. You also have to take into that is footage of stuff you consider to be false like footage of glitches in the matrix. You would consider that to be fake footage. I think that it easy for you to call the alien footage real without a shadow of a doubt because the YouTube algorithm knows the footage you would want to watch. Anyways, you get my point. 

It is possible to communicate with aliens beyond the videos and photos you see online.

That will be your real evidence right there.

I AM reborn

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Ultimately reality could be a simulation but conciousness isn't simulated its something else. So you could be in a simulation but thats not what you are. If you are in one it dosent matter cause you are not even in it its just pretending to be in one. Like you would be pretending to not be in a simulation if you weren't in one. You very well could be pretending to be in a simulation and that could be true and you could be pretending to be in base reality. From my mushroom trip they def felt like I was in some sort of alien simulation inside a computer but I'm not any of that I am something else. If you were in a sim what could be out of the simulation at the same time?

Pretend you wear a vr headset inside the game you a character you move around in the game if you in it long enough you might start to think you are the character but there is something outside the sim that cannot be in the simulation. That is your awareness outside the simulation that let's the whole simulation exists

Edited by Hojo

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How do you know what to say the most about simulations from my post? I suspect that you would give me the same answer if I were to simplify it because some information was ignorned not that I demand that you need to comprehend all of that information.

Edited by AndylizedAAY

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