Warning To Actualized Followers

By BlessedLion in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I don't enjoy conflict, but I can't take it anymore. All the high value material Leo used to create is gone, I don't even know what he is doing now, sitting around and preaching about alien hell and how no-one is awake. Do you really think HE has figured it all out? It's fucking absurd. There are people with much higher wisdom and consciousness, who have embodied this stuff. 
I can rant on and on about him, but it's pointless, but i just want to fire off a warning to you guys with his course coming up and all, be careful. It's dangerous shit. Many people are going to go insane from this and he won't bat a single eye about it. He doesn't give a fuck, truly. It never fucking ends with him, it's always something new, you're going to be 75 years old reading about how he reached STARLIGHT Consciousness and no one is AAWWAAKKEEE, can't you see that, this is never going to end. This is abusive and insane. I have found great teachers in my life who i will stick with, they never act immature and have opened me to levels of self love bliss and purpose i never imagined. And it's a REALITY, I walk around with these insights, it's not just a trip that comes and goes, it's embodied. I can apply it to all areas of life. My daily human life has become the beautiful trip into infinity. It's not all about awakening! Maybe the biggest awakening is being compleetely blissed out in the ordinary and seeing God in all.

This channel has been foundational in my spiritual journey, for that i am thankful, and i will still watch the old videos because they are gold, but it's done. I can't do this anymore, I really tried to give Leo benefit of the doubt and a chance, but its just too much. Have you noticed that all the legit practicioners are gone? Who is left here, really?

What have you guys actually accomplished? Do you have financial freedom? Fun friends? Loving family? How is your emotions day to day, NOT when you're fucking high? How are your habits? How authentic are you? Confidence? How connected are you to people, or do you sit back and judge them for being monkeys and rats? Be honest with yourself and see how far you have really come. Are you still a loser? Be honest. Are you a loser? 

My goal is to embody God in the everyday, the mundane, and this is no longer the place for that. That's the problem with psychedelics and shit, you're never satisfied with the simple, there is a reason you as God came into THIS experience. 

Anyway, for those of you this resonates with, my advice to you is to find a LEGIT spiritual school and community, it will change everything. Even if online, go do some retreats, feel the energy of these places, it's amazing. 

Escape this place while you can, escape Leos grip.

Best of luck,   Im out of here, 
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