
Warning To Actualized Followers

94 posts in this topic

I don't enjoy conflict, but I can't take it anymore. All the high value material Leo used to create is gone, I don't even know what he is doing now, sitting around and preaching about alien hell and how no-one is awake. Do you really think HE has figured it all out? It's fucking absurd. There are people with much higher wisdom and consciousness, who have embodied this stuff. 

I can rant on and on about him, but it's pointless, but i just want to fire off a warning to you guys with his course coming up and all, be careful. It's dangerous shit. Many people are going to go insane from this and he won't bat a single eye about it. He doesn't give a fuck, truly. It never fucking ends with him, it's always something new, you're going to be 75 years old reading about how he reached STARLIGHT Consciousness and no one is AAWWAAKKEEE, can't you see that, this is never going to end. This is abusive and insane. I have found great teachers in my life who i will stick with, they never act immature and have opened me to levels of self love bliss and purpose i never imagined. And it's a REALITY, I walk around with these insights, it's not just a trip that comes and goes, it's embodied. I can apply it to all areas of life. My daily human life has become the beautiful trip into infinity. It's not all about awakening! Maybe the biggest awakening is being compleetely blissed out in the ordinary and seeing God in all.

This channel has been foundational in my spiritual journey, for that i am thankful, and i will still watch the old videos because they are gold, but it's done. I can't do this anymore, I really tried to give Leo benefit of the doubt and a chance, but its just too much. Have you noticed that all the legit practicioners are gone? Who is left here, really?

What have you guys actually accomplished? Do you have financial freedom? Fun friends? Loving family? How is your emotions day to day, NOT when you're fucking high? How are your habits? How authentic are you? Confidence? How connected are you to people, or do you sit back and judge them for being monkeys and rats? Be honest with yourself and see how far you have really come. Are you still a loser? Be honest. Are you a loser? 

My goal is to embody God in the everyday, the mundane, and this is no longer the place for that. That's the problem with psychedelics and shit, you're never satisfied with the simple, there is a reason you as God came into THIS experience. 

Anyway, for those of you this resonates with, my advice to you is to find a LEGIT spiritual school and community, it will change everything. Even if online, go do some retreats, feel the energy of these places, it's amazing. 

Escape this place while you can, escape Leos grip.

Best of luck,


Im out of here, 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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If you embody God embody being a loser. Financial freedom is dogshit to God have you listened to Jesus. Be a slave live a slave die free.

But I agree I don't understand how alien consciousness will ever help me do anything as a human. Unless it somehow makes you able to levitate or telekinesis 

I just barely started learning how to control my own sanity.

But leo can do what he do hes finding out new things he's already ahead of most on human thinking I think.

Edited by Hojo

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It's dangerous to you because you're fighting and resisting god and thats exactly what psychedelics do. Bringing you closer to god and other stable consciousness realities. You're actually projecting your fear into us , and giving us bad vibes.


Also he is just playing his role on behalf of god just as everybody else, so yes it's not gonna end. He is literally just a character doing things he is supossed to do. 


Psychedelics are the fastest tool there is, and even the psychedelic experience is under the control of god


Also we dont have control, leo is just a path inbetween all paths that you go through

Edited by Jowblob

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Oh, somebody with a working spiritual compass, and a heart to actually listen to it. Bon voyage and all the best!

33 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

Many people are going to go insane from this and he won't bat a single eye about it. He doesn't give a fuck, truly.

That is now the most likely path.

Writing about ones own (Alien) insanity, and rolling out the path to that to an audience dragged by google & Co. to this place (many with psychological problems), and having a paywall as entry criteria. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Each suicide will haunt him in the afterlife & next lifes when the emotional suffering & energies caused by it are no longer shielded from him, like in this earth realm. Infinite Intelligent Reality? Oh yes, perfectly sufficient intelligent enough to handle back that Karma & suffering caused, as learning experience for the soul. Didn't see these mechanism on his trips? Many many others have, in minute detail. Sure, all imagined. But that won't help then. Hell is also only just imagined, but appears very very real while having the resulting hellish bad-Karma nightmare-dream.

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Matthew 7:15-20

So it seems that Spirit is not tired playing its game, and didn't choose this case here to be an example of "psychedelics-beneficically and wisely used in an integrated way", but instead a showcase-example of  "what can go wrong rolling out an extreme psychedelic protocoll to an unscreened, uncoached and unqualified audience".

Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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Meh, I have seen teachers do crazier things. Sometimes you learn later that they were crazy on purpose.

 If you can't learn from someone "dangerous" because their bad qualities will rub off on you then that means you don't have good boundaries or discernment 

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I agree with everything you've said here. A good amount of Leo's old videos are some of the best teachings I've ever found. My love for those videos are why I come back to this forum from time to time, hoping that Leo will continue his upwards journey of exploration of Self/God and share that knowledge for the betterment of humanity. But the past couple year has been a de-evolution of immaturity (Leo: 'I'm immature and a jerk to you, cause I'm more Awake than you and want to wake you up' bullshit), and not much of anything of substance to say. It's mostly about how to get women, and 'No one is AWAKE!' which is useless to say. I've given up hope long ago that Leo will pull it together and have something of substance to say in the future. He made his business to be financially independent, and he achieved his goal, so there's nothing much to do. Because of this immaturity, this forum attracts immature people. This is not a place for serious people on a dedicated path, this is a place of immaturity. I'm convinced that most people on this forum now are young incels, hence the immaturity of the majority of the posts and responses. I used to tell people that Leo was my favorite spirituality teacher, now I would never suggest his teachings, because if they saw this forum, they'd think I was an absolute fool. The time of is long over. My prediction is that these new courses are not going to save it, as the source, Leo, does not have the maturity, the spiritual direction, the Love, to have anything more useful to say. I have no interest in Alien consciousness. If that's the direction of, and Leo's teachings, I have zero interest. My condolences to all the younger people still caught in the cult of personality, that will spend most likely thousands for nothing of substance or purpose. 

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Why so obsessed with Leo? Nobody cares about Leo, he is good in extracting  informations and put it in a certain context, and I like that. Sometimes I resonate with the Informations and sometimes not.


take what resonates with you and leave the rest alone.

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@BlessedLion Wish you the best!

I’m here because of all members and to develop english skills, self-actualization skills.

You don’t need to take personally all that Leo is talking about.

As a personal example, I’m not into psychedelics and maybe I’ll never be AWAKE and that’s it.

We don’t need to be AWAKE to impact humanity and live a good life.

I resonate more with Ralston and Jed McKenna regarding enlightenment. (Sober Enlightenment)

But also I love the content that Leo creates that is not about psychedelics/substances.

Take what is good for yourself.

Love ❤️ 

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Mmmm, thanks for writing this so that I don't have to write it myself. You're the man. ?

It's undeniable that this place is turning more and more into a grotesque & toxic dumpster fire. How anyone can take Leo's self indulgent ramblings seriously at this point is beyond me... dude has truly morphed into his own parody over the last couple of years. (The fact that this has to be pointed out by someone with my particular user name and profile pic speaks volumes, lol.)

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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

Have you noticed that all the legit practicioners are gone? Who is left here, really?

Amen. Just what I pointed out one year ago.


The higher the monkey climbs, the more it shows it's tail.


Edited by supremeyingyang

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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

There are people with much higher wisdom and consciousness, who have embodied this stuff. 

Why don’t these people stop hiding away from the world then and start actually putting their wisdom out there for people to see? 

99% of the internet is basic shit we should be glad there’s at least some place with unique stuff like he does imo. It would be sad to see it limited because some people with zero autonomy themselves make bad decisions inspired by it


still good post tho you have a point some people would benefit to listening to you

Edited by Sugarcoat

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57 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:


What have you guys actually accomplished? Do you have financial freedom? Fun friends? Loving family? How is your emotions day to day, NOT when you're fucking high? How are your habits? How authentic are you? Confidence? How connected are you to people, or do you sit back and judge them for being monkeys and rats? Be honest with yourself and see how far you have really come. Are you still a loser? Be honest. Are you a loser? 

My goal is to embody God in the everyday, the mundane, and this is no longer the place for that. That's the problem with psychedelics and shit, you're never satisfied with the simple, there is a reason you as God came into THIS experience. 


You have a point in that, having said that, I think one can learn from Leo, he is a special individual, the mistake is to ideolize them. As with any teacher, that is a mistake .


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I am happy you’re doing well. Take care!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Bazooka Jesus I think not all people can handle that they are not full awake, even though they think so. Thats leos statement, you can live with it and move on, this forum is not about him so I ask me why people here are so dependend on his view.

In my experience this forum is now way more cleaner than back then. Less drama, less self claimed spiritual gurus who try to get new members for their cult (ok last days there was a case again, but he was quickly banned).



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22 minutes ago, OBEler said:

less self claimed spiritual gurus who try to get new members for their cult (ok last days there was a case again, but he was quickly banned).

Great, so the Joker has killed off all of his competitors and is ruling over Gotham City now... that's what I call progress. :P

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@BlessedLion afraid of a course that was not even released. For God sake, chill a bit. From my part, I am having good friends, enjoying good and bad times in life, not fully financial free yet but so what? I cant blame Leo for anything in my life, I just can thank for at least his example of speaking up what he want and thanks to that openness I got some good material to work on myself. You don't  need to become an Alien if you don't  want it kiddo!!

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The diversity in perspectives from everyone in this post is strikingly fresh. 


Just a reminder, if you bound yourself to victimhood, then you as God have essentially willed that onto Yourself. Ain’t nobody else to blame!

Edited by Yimpa


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I just know one thing for sure. That when your consciousness goes sufficiently high, then reality start getting very interesting. Some get scared of it others get curious. 

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27 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Great, so the Joker has killed off all of his competitors and is ruling over Gotham City now... that's what I call progress. :P

You do not understand the severity of the issue at hand until you go insane yourself. The issue is that people think that they’ll go insane forever. How would you even know that if you haven’t even gone insane to begin with? Until that happens, it’s all speculation and hearsay. 


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