
Ego Death

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Just an interesting video I wanted to share. I think he explains well. 



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I still don't get this stuff. Isn't enlightenment about transcending the ego and letting it dissolve? According to this, is that not possible?

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1 hour ago, Saitama said:

I still don't get this stuff. Isn't enlightenment about transcending the ego and letting it dissolve? According to this, is that not possible?

It's more about a realization and seeing through the illusion of the self/ego, the more you see through this illusion the easier it becomes to transcend the ego.

Memento Mori

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1 hour ago, Saitama said:

I still don't get this stuff. Isn't enlightenment about transcending the ego and letting it dissolve? According to this, is that not possible?

That is very much possible,and yogis have achieved this for centuries.The ego wants you to believe that it is not possible so as to protect its own existence.Part of what this guy said is really good,but at one point he made the mistake of thinking the ego to be the animation software.But we are infact not the hardware,the OS or the program but total nothingness.What is there is really the hardware which is not what we are.I am not my body.Infact I am just nothingness that came out of nothingness to interact with other nothingness.Pretty abstract and indescribable unless we experience it ourselves 

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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@Rito What is a yogi? I'd like to find some credible sources for studying this.

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4 minutes ago, Saitama said:

@Rito What is a yogi? I'd like to find some credible sources for studying this.

Going by the literal meaning, it means 'one who practices yoga in all its forms'.Yoga on sanskrit means to unite or join.It is the process of unification with your true self.Yoga is not limited by just a set of physical exercises infact it is much much more than that.Higher yoga aims at attaining Nirvana which means extinguishing of the self and nirbikalpa samadhi-trying googling.A credible sources is .The writer preached about liberation and enlightement in USA,and had many disciples including  James Jesse Lynn who is a great western Yogi.

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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I don’t agree that we should eliminate the ego. The goal should be to develop a strong and healthy ego.

The word “ego” is Latin and simply means “I” or “me.” So strictly speaking, we do not only have an ego – we are egos. The ego is our whole person, including our body. Ego is personal identity. The important question is what kind of ego we should have, not whether to have one or not.

To say “I have no ego” is to say “ego have no ego” and that is obviously a contradiction. The only way to kill the ego is to commit suicide.

Some people use the word ego to describe a false personality, as if ego by definition is something false or faked. You can have a false or faked ego, but you can also have a genuine ego. The ego can make us want to brag, or lie to protect us from embarrassment, or create the need to always be right, etc. But this is the result of a weak ego, not a strong and harmonious one. A weak ego feels inferior and need to compensate with bragging while a strong ego have no such need. A weak ego needs validation, thus the need to always be right. A weak ego need others agreement (support) while a strong and harmonious ego can easily accept disagreement. A strong ego is self-supportive and independent and is not easily affected by what other people do or say. A so-called “big” ego is inflated; it´s empty on the inside. A strong and harmonious ego have no need to be “big” or “loud” or “bragging,” etc.

The ego should be like a diamond; strong and beautiful.



Relevant article by Phillip J Watt:

The Ego is Not the Enemy

“Ultimately, the aim should be to have a healthy, functional, content and loving ego which explores the ‘spirit’ of life. Expand it. Empower it. Enlighten it. It should also have a balanced attachment to itself, which means it should be attached in ways that is practical for its existence but not attached in ways that reinforces the pain and suffering of itself and others.”

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On ‎14‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 5:17 PM, Rickard said:

I don’t agree that we should eliminate the ego. The goal should be to develop a strong and healthy ego.

The word “ego” is Latin and simply means “I” or “me.” So strictly speaking, we do not only have an ego – we are egos. The ego is our whole person, including our body. Ego is personal identity. The important question is what kind of ego we should have, not whether to have one or not.

To say “I have no ego” is to say “ego have no ego” and that is obviously a contradiction. The only way to kill the ego is to commit suicide.

Some people use the word ego to describe a false personality, as if ego by definition is something false or faked. You can have a false or faked ego, but you can also have a genuine ego. The ego can make us want to brag, or lie to protect us from embarrassment, or create the need to always be right, etc. But this is the result of a weak ego, not a strong and harmonious one. A weak ego feels inferior and need to compensate with bragging while a strong ego have no such need. A weak ego needs validation, thus the need to always be right. A weak ego need others agreement (support) while a strong and harmonious ego can easily accept disagreement. A strong ego is self-supportive and independent and is not easily affected by what other people do or say. A so-called “big” ego is inflated; it´s empty on the inside. A strong and harmonious ego have no need to be “big” or “loud” or “bragging,” etc.

The ego should be like a diamond; strong and beautiful.



Relevant article by Phillip J Watt:

The Ego is Not the Enemy

“Ultimately, the aim should be to have a healthy, functional, content and loving ego which explores the ‘spirit’ of life. Expand it. Empower it. Enlighten it. It should also have a balanced attachment to itself, which means it should be attached in ways that is practical for its existence but not attached in ways that reinforces the pain and suffering of itself and others.”

Is it possible to ever have a strong healthy ego?  This would mean you are totally reliant the external which ultimately you have no control over... 


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Getting back to ego death..  What the guy describes in the video I would say is actually awakening.  You are aware that you are not your ego, but the ego still has it's effect on you.

I would say what ego death really is, is when you have been living in an awakened state for a while and have noticed your ego so much to the point where you no longer properly identify with it.  At this point you may have an identity crisis and go through some hard times...  Is this correct?  Has anyone experienced this and if so how did you deal with it?

I had this realisation that there isn't really a 'me' (awakening) the other day.  It was very profound at the time and then I became scared, worried of the implications it would have on my family/love life etc.  Then I started to see more of the positives to it.  Since then I have been very calm and still for the last few days. At the same time, I feel like I've uncovered something that is non reversible.  It sounds awful but its a bit like opening pandoras box LOL.  I feel like I don't have a choice in being on this path now and that more is going to unfold without my will. 

The only thing I can compare this feeling to is from when I was younger.  I spent a few years experimenting with drugs and had a few experiences where I was high and actually believed that I had uncovered another reality, the way it really was..

This reality I thought I had uncovered is very similar to what I feel now.  The more I think about it the more I trip out.  LOL I just hope I don't end up in a mental ward..!

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Hi Friends.. Enlightenment is not about dissolving or rejecting the ego and nothing good will come from trying to do that. Our ego is an intrinsic part of who we are as humans.

In fact, an inevitable consequence of enlightenment is acceptance and a profound love for everything that is, including our ego.

The answer is not rejection. The answer is love and compassion. The answer is acceptance. Accept your ego as part of who you are. If it feels alone embrace it, if it feels forgotten remember it, and if it feels sad give it all your love.

Enlightenment is simply a word to describe an experience, a state of mind and a way of perceiving the world around us.

Enlightenment is about realizing that all the beauty, love and joy that we will ever need is already inside us and becoming aware of the absolute beauty and perfection of everything around us.

It is about discovering or to be more precise remembering and experiencing our true nature.

It's about putting aside everything everyone has ever told us about the truth and looking inside ourselves to discover the truth on our own.

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@Saitama It is definitely possible. I don't want to say Ego death. If I say that, in most people mind it will be appear as some other devious soul separate from the real soul. I'd like to say Understanding the real nature = Ego death. When one truly understand the real nature, one will understand there is no such thing as ego which many people think it is making their bad days (LOL), from the first place.

Edited by Khin

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