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Young women are also losing their social/flirting skills these days

22 posts in this topic


On 2023-07-16 at 2:20 AM, Hardkill said:

There's no doubt that the social/flirting skills of most guys, from about the latter half of the Millenial generation and Generation Z, these days have considerably atrophied in recent years. Girls from about the latter half of the millenial generation and Generation Z, have also had their social/flirting skills suffer significantly since about the early 2000s. This is due the rise of dating apps, video call technology, other online technology, and what have you.


   It's incredibly complicated due to other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in one's life and societal, plus ideological indoctrinations grooming and gaslight from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences in regards to sex, sexuality, dating and relationships.

   If we factor in technological advancement, the internet is like a multiplication factor that increases ADD/ADHD like symptoms, narcissism, self image and self esteem problems, decreasing attention spans, and filling the majority of the newer generation with shitty information intake, garbage in garbage out with over sensationalized social media content. Tik Tik is a prime example of everything wrong with the internet, the dark web, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, the influencer culture. The internet is like a bad mediator, going in between necessary life experiences like dating, intimacy, socializing, making and maintaining family and friend relationships, face to face not just within the internet. Just too much bad and misinformation out there that pollutes our current information ecology and ecosystem, making our systems sicker and retarded over time if we don't get this social media issues and the negative effects of overusing the internet under control.

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Women are not naturally that charming or socially skilled in the first place, there are differences in how men and women socialize but it is a myth that they are better. Women have such a huge in-group bias towards themselves and are so coveted by men that most of the work is done for them, people will initiate for them. Unless you have status and/or extremely good looks and wealth nobody is initiating conversation with you or inviting you into their circle, you have to really build your social skills brick by brick as a man and be intentional about cultivating a social circle. Women at the very least have opportunities to build social skills by default but they never really have to learn how to initiate a conversation, be charming etc I can't remember the last time I met a charming woman my age, I have met a few over the age of 50 but there is no incentive when they are young since everything comes to them.

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