
Identifying & Overcoming Avoidant Behaviors

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Whoever can help in understanding this in myself, Thank You.

Context: I'm an introvert, and I have a tendency to avoid contact with some people. I don't text a lot. When I do text, I often don't reply or open chats read them and leave without replying. It's not because I don't like them, but it's just something I do. This behavior is strongest with my family (except my sister). The reason is because I don't feel that connected to my family. They don't know about my beliefs, values, life purpose, reason for living, and the things that make me ME. It's not because I am closed to communicating this with them, but because they are too close-minded and shallow to listen or care truly (my family is middle eastern, not open-minded). I am close to my sister because she isn't like that. This is mainly why I have a tendency to avoid contact with them for weeks or a month, even though we live together and I know that they still care about me. Even with women I like, I always have a tendency to limit contact, not reply to texts, etc. But eventually, I do. If someone calls and I'm not in the mood I often don't answer and never follow up. Sometimes I feel very inconsiderate of others, even though it truly feels that this is just my nature. I have many times avoidant contact with whole groups of old friends who "loved me" but I feel like I moved on. Even with those individuals I genuinely like and form connections with, this behavior persists, its presence is limited but never wholly eradicated.


Question 1: Is this avoidant behavior or some kind of problematic behavior?

Question2: If yes, then how can I overcome it?


All insights are welcomed, I'm sure this is useful subject to discuss for myself and others.

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16 hours ago, Raze said:

Get ifs therapy 

whats that

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You could try to explore and test your boundaries on your own term by texting back something just to see how it feels for you. Text back out of curiosity for yourself, and not out of obligations or expectations. That could put a positive spin on expanding your sens of self or what you are capable of. No need to identify with it either no matter the outcome.

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