
Should I drop competition from my life

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Background: I was just rejected from all three of my top dream schools and now I have to settle on a lesser known college. I have been in a puddle of tears for a while and I am beating myself up for it.  

One of Osho's top teachings was this idea that jealousy was against human happiness and completely pointless. That it was a trick played by the society to exploit the individual.

But isn't competing something natural and required for any life form to survive. From competing with other organisms for food and mating, to competing for spots at a University, isn't competition indicative for the survival of a finite organism?

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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@Husseinisdoingfine why were you rejected?

What does your top dream school offer that the lesser one doesn't?

Edited by Understander

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I'm sorry to hear that. Just remember that getting into a highly prestigious is not the make-or-break for creating a successful, fulfilling career.

You're exactly correct, competition is indicative for the survival of a finite organism. Osho has transcended survival, therefore he does not feel the need to compete with others in order for his own self image to survive.

Osho's advice in the video is great, "drop jealousy," "drop comparison" - but we need to figure this out for ourselves. Steer into the competitive nature of life if it is calling you.. have fun with it. Then, once you have exhausted yourself of that desire, transcend it.. and move onto something else.

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@Husseinisdoingfine Competitiveness with your self is where growth happened and success, consistent daily goal to become better then you where yesterday. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@Husseinisdoingfine yeah it's tough , I also have been jealous from time to time but the truth is that the people who got into prestigious university which you are mentioning also have their downside which is not visible to you. So, if one is competing with other then it must be in many domains of life not single domain. As whole a person has his/her flaws and upsides. By the way competing with others unhealthily will lead you olin the race of never ending competition which will make you lose everytime and make you more miserable. As @integral said comparing yourself with with your previous self is healthy and it also keeps you honest on the track of your progress. From my life I can give you an example - most of my batchmates in college are in a relationship which makes me envy them since I am single but when I look at the fact that they are abusive , have cigerette smoking habit ,  some of the even have poor performances, are dating abusive girls etc  it lessens my envy and when I compare myself to who was I 5 years ago then envy is gone . Hold on , things will get better.

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jealousy != competing, they're mutually exclusive

You can compete out of inspiration, for example. Or just out of nothing, even.

Also, you're way too focused on the NAME of the education system you're being put in rather than the education itself and the result of the education. I know you're gonna rationalize: "But, it's not just the name, it's proven that people who graduate this are smarter and the curriculum is more rigorous yadda yadda."

But, be honest, if there was some university that absolutely no one heard of at all, but you knew that it offered a better education, you would hesitate, because it's a social game! All that matters in the end is what you can create from what you learned and what you want to create, that's all. Everything else is just marketing and social games. Why attribute self-worth to a fucking social game? Are you gonna feel bad about yourself because the monkeys at the zoo threw dirt at you and laughed at you?

If you were aware of the amount of bullshit and social games and hoops these institutes are being put through, and the types of people that ARE being accepted, and just the entire beauracratic system in general, you would laugh at how you're getting worried over something so stupid and silly. It's just complete absurdity.


Describe a thought.

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Competition can take place without the need for jealousy. Politics, business, sports are manipulation-based fields that require competition between the parties involved. Games of all kinds are in fact based on competition. In these fields, you compete with each other in order to meet your self-agenda.

Jealousy, on the other hand, is a waste of time, completely unnecessary and self-generated, not imposed upon you by an external factor.

A skillful person isn't afraid of competition.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Be competitive and prove to yourself that you will be the master, no matter what school you go into.

Passionate person with discipline will learn much more in the worst school in the country versus someone averagely motivated in best school.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Being competitive isn't necessary. It's harmful, especially if you are comparing your self-image with the image of somebody else.

Collaboration, not competition.

If you do participate in competition (e.g. a team sport), be unattached to winning or losing.

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Did you ever get checked for a learning disability? Sheesh. Didn't I say this shit like years ago?

Not my fault if you didn't listen.  You could have gotten extra time on the test.

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