
Multiverse Theory is Wrong

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It is way too obvious that this theory is completely wrong. There is one space, there is one time (one spacetime), there are Not Two, Not Three, Not Many verses, there is One Uni-verse, it's in the name. How do I know there are no other? Because space cannot divide itself into two. Its too simple, I can't believe anyone still thinks the Multiverse theory can be true.

Also, time-travel obviously can never happen - there is only one time and it is now - all the paradoxes following from time travel will never need to be thought about except for movie reasons, because they can never happen. 

Isn't it crazy, there is only One you? That's insane. I mean if there were more You's, you'd know it, because you would be them, right? And thats another obvious truth right there. 

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Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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The Multiverse is The One Universe.

Not actually "multi", but it gives you an idea of the infinite possibility space of God / Quantum Mechanics / Infinite Imagination.

Edited by tuku747

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Who knows. Let's say that reality is infinite. then, everything is infinite, so if you start dividing the atom into particles, you will continue to infinity, which means that within each elementary particle there is infinity, infinity means everything. Inside anything is everything.  So if you continue penetrating, you will find a universe, with millions of galaxies , and within them, if you penetrate their particles, again the infinite, with its infinite universes. so to infinity. infinity is like that...infinite.

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43 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Who knows. Let's say that reality is infinite. then, everything is infinite, so if you start dividing the atom into particles, you will continue to infinity, which means that within each elementary particle there is infinity, infinity means everything. Inside anything is everything.  So if you continue penetrating, you will find a universe, with millions of galaxies , and within them, if you penetrate their particles, again the infinite, with its infinite universes. so to infinity. infinity is like that...infinite.

Yet there is only one you. This kind of disproves this theory right away. For there to be infinite you's you need to be aware of all of them simultaneously, but you are only aware of one you. So the other "You's" that would "look like you" or have same genetic makeup as you are not really you so there are no infinite You's, not even 2. Some would argue there is not even 1 but hey!

If you are not aware of right now being here and inside the atom of your right finger, and that other atom and that atom on your bumcheek and a billion you's inside that dustbunny in the corner of your room, then there is not everything inside everything. Disproven it by naming one thing that is not there - you - that means not all things are there. 


People think they understand infinity when in fact you dont get it, no mere human can get it. A finite being cannot understand infinity, we only have a nice concept and some idea about it, just like 0, it is something we cannot observe and cannot fathom. 

Did you know that there are more numbers between 0 and 1 than there are countable numbers? And they are both sets of infinite numbers. Hey! That's crazy sh`t right there, tell me again you understand infinity

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Multiverse is correct. But they should change the name to infiniteverse or Infaverse - meaning infinite worlds. There is not just one state of consciousness. There are infinite states. The Universe is just a state of consciousness.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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3 hours ago, Dodo said:

Hey! That's crazy sh`t right there, tell me again you understand infinity

The only thing to understand about infinity is that if infinity is the case (and it cannot be otherwise), everything is infinite. nothing is finite, it only seems so. this, now, is infinity

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

 Did you know that there are more numbers between 0 and 1 than there are countable numbers? And they are both sets of infinite numbers. Hey! That's crazy sh`t right there, tell me again you understand infinity

This is why the "multiverse" is the number 1. There are an Infinite number of ways you could divide up ONE thing. The division, in any case, is only temporary and will be reconciled at some point.

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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